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Mirage PVE


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I have a few questions on Mirage and hoping I could get them answered as well as general advice. I know mirage is not dps build, I just like having fun with it. Anyone have any good mirage builds they could share, I would appreciate it. I also wanted to ask about which healing trait to use. I have the signet since I get the passive heal as compared to the mirage heal. I also wanna know about using IH or Dune Cloak. I also was looking into Riddle of Sand or Renewing Oasis. I appreciate any assistance.


Thank you

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Hi there,


By dps do you mean power? yeah, mirage is not all about power builds (although you can get something out of it). But it does a decent job at condi dps.


I'm running this:



I'm not really into meta stuff. So I got Illusions and Mirage for the damage and Chaos for some sustain and a little bit more condi damage. I use the signet for healing because it is the best for me, its passive keeps me alive most of the time and its active recharges my phantasms and heals me a little bit more. Mirage's healing is great as well, but you need to stay inside the animation to get its full benefits, so its not that good when you are a jumping and poping around class.

Infinite Horizon is weaker than Dune Cloak in matters of damage, but its entirely up to you, if you like to have your clones ambushing or not, also be aware that Dune cloak triggers even when out of combat, so it may be a bit of a pain in the ass when trying to get by mobs.

Renewing oasis is all about that extra survivability and Riddle of Sand is for the extra damage when ambushing. I used to get some trouble with condis since HoT mobs came out, so I always tried to get some condi cleanse and sustain for it. But the chaos trait line and the condi cleanse from torch 4 and Jaunt are holding just fine, so I use Riddle of Sand.


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There are three mirage builds that are being used. First, the phantasm build:


Dueling: Duelists Discipline, Blinding Dissipation, Superiority Complex

Illusions: Compounding Power, Phantasmal Haste, Phantasmal Force

Mirage: Riddle of Sands, Mirrored Axes, Dune Cloak


The gear is full Vipers. Sigil of Malice and Sigil of Geomancy. The weapons are axe + torch/pistol, but you can use a scepter as well. Utilities are Signet of the Ether, Signet of Midnight, Signet of Domination, Crystal Sands, Jaunt.


The build works by summoning as many pistol phantasms as possible. Open with torch 5, then torch 4, weapon swap and use pistol 4, then Signet of the Ether, then pistol 4. Once you have three phantasms up, you use the other skills. Jaunt when it is off cooldown, crystal sands when it is off cooldown, axe 3 when it is off cooldown. Replace dead phantasms with more pistol phantasms whenever they die. You'll want to use ambushes whenever possible, but only when it is safe enough to use up your dodges without fear. There are a lot of cooldowns to keep track of, but you'll get used to it.


The advantage to this build is that it has good single target damage. The disadvantage is that the build has a long ramp-up time, and also it doesn't do AoE damage.



The second build is the clone spam build. It is eerily similar to the first build:


Dueling: Duelists Discipline, Blinding Dissipation, Superiority Complex

Chaos: Descent into Madness, Chaotic Transference, Bountiful Disillusionment

Mirage: Riddle of Sands, Mirrored Axes, Dune Cloak*


The gear is the same as above. The only different utility is False Oasis.


The build works by summoning as many axe clones as possible. Spam axe 2, whenever it is up, axe 3 when you have 3 clones, torch 4, and weapon swap whenever possible. Also spam Jaunt, Crystal Sands, and ambushes whenever possible. Note that using False Oasis will create a chaos storm, which you can use axe 2 in for whirl finishers. Also it makes a mirror.


*A note on Dune Cloak. When it comes to Infinite Horizons vs. Dune Cloak, generally Dune Cloak is better. However, as Dune Cloak is a melee attack, if you can't stay in melee range then Infinite Horizons will do more damage. Also, Infinite Horizons is better with the scepter.


The advantage to this build is that it has less ramp up time and also more AoE damage. The disadvantage to this build is that clones are frail, and in general it does less damage than the phantasm build.



The last build is also a clone spamming build, but it is more focused on shatters.


Dueling: Duelists Discipline, Blinding Dissipation, Superiority Complex

Illusions: Compounding Power, Maim the Disillusioned, Master of Fragmentation

Mirage: Self-Deception, Mirrored Axes, Dune Cloak.


The gear and utilities are the same as the clone build.


The build works similar to the clone build. However, whereas the previous builds wouldn't shatter, this build will shatter as much has possible. For long term damage you'll use cry of frustration when it and one of the deception skills are off cooldown. When Cry of Frustration is about to come off cooldown, reserve both axe 2 skills so you can go back to 3 clones as soon as possible. If you really want to do some AoE damage, you can use Mind Wrack with as much clone generation as possible to unload as much AoE damage as possible.


The advantage of this build is that it can unload a lot of AoE damage in a very short amount of time. It does about the same amount of damage as the clone build The disadvantage is that it is much harder to use over the clone build.





To answer your other questions:


The signet is the best heal to use for most things. However, False Oasis has a few advantages. First, it gives vigor, which gives additional condition damage. Second, it counts as a deception skill for Self-Deception. Third, it does generate a mirror, which acts as an impromptu dodge and ambush attack. As an 8k heal on a 25 second cooldown, it is a decent heal overall.


IH and Dune cloak I explained above. The ambush attack from clones doesn't do as much damage as you'd expect. Dune cloak works without clones, hits in an AoE, and the additional condition damage is useful. The only time you want to use Infinite Horizons is if you are on the clone build, and are in a fight where you can't stay in melee range.


As for Renewing Oasis vs. Riddle of Sand, just use the one you need where you need it. Both of them are distinctly average, and they are taken mostly because there are no good traits in the adept tier.

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For open world and story, use this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAn/dnELD1LjVoBOoBMMjlXDDNAkTaC+/vC4CscC0bCOA-jRhAhAB7PAoXAS9HQlf2KBBA-e

For open world and story boss-killing, use this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAn/ansIC1LjVoBOoBMMjlVDrcDUcCAobhzQVw/A2AngA-jRhAhA2KBBV+Bp+Dgehg9HAA-e


For fractals, use this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAs+dncfClfi9fCGoBUrhFVj6MIWipjMAGhirOZn2qF-jxBXABgqXAAlHArErZlgwq+DvPAgS3fgUAetSD-e


Open world and story builds are mirage condition damage focused. The boss-killer build is a variation of that that focuses on phantasms. Both of those will do more than enough damage to sail through all the content. The fractals build is a standard chronomancer buffing support build. Don't try to bring a damage build into fractals as a mesmer, it's not really a good choice.

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If you want a simple PvE build, this is what i use. If you don't want viper's gear or can't get it, substitute it with Dire, and Chaotic transferrence trait will make sure your condi damage isn't as affected. You'll lose on condi duration though, but it's way cheaper than viper.




Your go to combo:


1. Axe ambush

2. Lingering thoughts (axe 2) x2

3. Jaunt (which will blind foes due to nightmare runes)

4. Axes of Symetry (axe 3)

5. Cry of Frustration (shatter 2)

6. Weapon swap

7. Confusing images (scepter 3)

8. Scepter ambush

9. Phantasmal duelist

10. Crystal sands

11. Jaunt

12. Mind Wrack (shatter 1)


About 20 stacks of confusion (if your condi duration is long enough), and some torment and bleed. Then you can just prettty much spam Axe 1 and wait for them to die if you don't feel like comboing further, but you can go from there too. :tongue:


You'll have to farm Twilight arbor for the nightmare runes though, you can't buy them on TP. Or use other runes, i use Krait runes for now cause all the other ones (the confusion one and tormenting one) are expensive. Runes of Perplexity would be ideal for this if you can afford them but they're like 8 gold each so... Nightmare runes are free and they give you a nice bonus for using an elite skill (which we can now use more frequently). So yeah...


You can pretty much plow through PvE with this and it works wonders in Fractals too, although you have to be a bit more careful there and use signets and distortion.

Swap Mirrored Axes for Desert distortion in Mirage trait line if you want some more mirage cloak survivability.

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While this may not be the "best" or most effective build (ie I wouldn't take it in high end instanced content if you prefer to min/max...), this is by far the most fun I am having with Mirage right now:




I have wvw infusions simply because I'm preparing/trialling a similar build for wvw - though I really want to take the +25% speed utility consumable if it didn't cost such a ridiculous amount of gold.


Sure you can swap out the cele for more viper or griever, but I tend to share armour between pve and wvw and the might stacking does provide significant boost (together with vigour +150 condi damage) to power and condi damage.


Essentially it is all about dodge and IH clone ambush spam.


With traited mirror heal, energy sigils, rune of the adventurer, perma vigour and endurance regen food you can chain together so many clone ambushes for pretty insane output (yes... as said above if you're a hardcore min/maxer then go do your 3 duelist + dune cloak thing...) - as well as high evade uptime - you can easily interplay axe 3 and IA around normal dodges for frequent evade.


With mirror you can dodge while casting it to clear some endurance (and 3 clones ambush) which is immediately refilled thanks to rune of the adventurer at the end of the cast, not only covering the heal from being interrupted


And thanks to maximising endurance regain, DE has enormous synergy such that you don't need Self Deception (regen on dodge is preferable to ensure some sustained healing).


Arcane Thievery can be swapped out for whatever you like, although I prefer the offensive condi/boon removal. In pvp I might prefer mantra cleanse, although boon removal is still valuable there. Hopefully arcane thievery gets buffed to work with the ammunition mechanic and two charges or something to make it a more useful skill.

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> @LiesAndErr.2085 said:

> > perma vigour


> This is probably a kitten question but you gain what's essentially perma vigour from crits and shatters, right?


F2 from bountiful disillusionment, critical infusion and yes on shatters - because even in clone ambush spam it is good to use shatters for spike damage. F2 generates 11s of vigour on its own with BD and NE.


Ok maybe there might be the odd few seconds here and there with no vigour depending on skill combos but you'll have it most of the time.

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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> Sure you can swap out the cele for more viper or griever, but I tend to share armour between pve and wvw and the might stacking does provide significant boost (together with vigour +150 condi damage) to power and condi damage.


Sorry but what exactly is your might generator? BD is only 5 stacks and the food adds one more which isn't much, and the way you describe the build you don't intend to camp staff.

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> @Photoloss.4817 said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > Sure you can swap out the cele for more viper or griever, but I tend to share armour between pve and wvw and the might stacking does provide significant boost (together with vigour +150 condi damage) to power and condi damage.


> Sorry but what exactly is your might generator? BD is only 5 stacks and the food adds one more which isn't much, and the way you describe the build you don't intend to camp staff.


Staff ambush, BD and food provide sufficient might - don't need 25 stacks here. In staff it's easy to get anywhere between 10 and 20 stacks (providing taking care with evasive mirror negating application of staff ambush), or even over 20 stacks on some occasions. Swap to axe and go in for melee ambush bursts into shatter then back into staff. The might generated in staff continues over into axe/torch ambush burst The latter has more damage application in melee range such that you're fine with the >1900 power and >1200 condi damage (assuming high vigour uptime) if necessary, though can easily maintain even a few stacks over weapon swap to beef up the damage


But even if camping axe/torch after might generated from staff runs out, as long as mind wrack is up - that plus a couple of dodges is 7 stacks, plus vigour gives 210+150=360 condi damage pushing me over 1400 condi damage and over 2100 power. This is more than enough tbh - far more than my previous hybrid chrono build.


So it doesn't matter about camping either weapon. Staff benefits more from the higher might stacks to make up for it's otherwise mediocre output, and axe/torch has enough damage output that it's fine with at least 7 stacks which should be the case most of the time.


Anyway - try it out for yourself. The positives are extremely fluid and adaptable gameplay given how easy it is to kitten out clones, even without SD. Don't need to worry about retargeting on mobs - just keep dodging and popping out the clones on new targets.

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> @FallenSentinel.9065 said:

> How is Mirage supposed to play exactly? What role do the clones have? Just to be shattered?


Good Question. If you figure that out, let me know. But, the short version of the long post I made above is this:


If you want to do high damage against a single boss, you spawn three phantasms and just keep those up.

If you want to do more AoE damage against smaller enemies, run clones. Shatter or not is your choice.

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> @FallenSentinel.9065 said:

> But how are you supposed to get the gun phantasms out in a remotely timely manner? And aren't the axe clones pretty strong as noted above?


The common combo is to use Signet of the Ether to reset Phantasmal Duelist's cooldown, then summon the third when it is available. Afterwards, weapon swap to proc Sigil of Geomancy, and use Axes of Symmetry and The Prestige on cooldown.

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VS Veterans and higher tier mobs I pop Phantasmal mage (torch 5) swap to pistol and use Duelist > Ether > Duelist and let them do their thing while continuing to piece together some kind of rotation involving Crystal sands, Jaunt, Axes of Symmetry, Weapon Swap, dodge to activated Imaginary Axes while trying not to interrupt the auto-chain, and The Prestige. Don't even think about touching Axe 2 (lingering thoughts). Against normal mobs or groups, I spam the crap out of Axe 2 on recharge and AOE some more with shattering the clones generated from Axe 2 as well as Crystal Sands, Jaunt and Pistol 5.


Illusion: Top, Middle, Top

Dueling: Bottom, Top, Top

Mirage: Bottom, Bottom, Bottom


Full Viper's with Berserker x6, Malice in axe, and Geomancy in Torch and Pistol for Bleeds on Weapon Swap.

Skills: Signet of the Ether, Crystal Sands, Signet of Domination, Signet of Midnight, and Jaunt

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> @FallenSentinel.9065 said:

> But how are you supposed to get the gun phantasms out in a remotely timely manner? And aren't the axe clones pretty strong as noted above?


Axe clones are...ok. They're not particularly strong.


Start with the torch phantasm, swap weapons, pistol phantasm, heal signet, pistol phantasm, and then a third pistol phantasm once it's off cooldown.

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If you use the trait that makes more clones when you use a deception skill, and shatter traits, then clones are great agains veterans and elites. You need something to prolong confusion, and second weapon perferably scepter to stack even more confusion. Then you can pretty much constantly keep up clones with deception skills, axe 2, stack confusion with axe 3, scepter and shatters. Duelist serves as a last resort in those builds then, you keep them up if you can't get near the enemy.


Bleed builds aren't the only mirage builds around. Mirage can do wonders with confusion.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> If you use the trait that makes more clones when you use a deception skill, and shatter traits, then clones are great agains veterans and elites. You need something to prolong confusion, and second weapon perferably scepter to stack even more confusion. Then you can pretty much constantly keep up clones with deception skills, axe 2, stack confusion with axe 3, scepter and shatters. Duelist serves as a last resort in those builds then, you keep them up if you can't get near the enemy.


> Bleed builds aren't the only mirage builds around. Mirage can do wonders with confusion.


You'll do easily more damage if you just trait for confusion on blind and then rotate shatters rapidly while spawning clones and phantasms with weaponskills. Deceptive evasion is just garbage in PvE, no matter what build you're playing.

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> @Pyroatheist.9031 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > If you use the trait that makes more clones when you use a deception skill, and shatter traits, then clones are great agains veterans and elites. You need something to prolong confusion, and second weapon perferably scepter to stack even more confusion. Then you can pretty much constantly keep up clones with deception skills, axe 2, stack confusion with axe 3, scepter and shatters. Duelist serves as a last resort in those builds then, you keep them up if you can't get near the enemy.

> >

> > Bleed builds aren't the only mirage builds around. Mirage can do wonders with confusion.


> You'll do easily more damage if you just trait for confusion on blind and then rotate shatters rapidly while spawning clones and phantasms with weaponskills. Deceptive evasion is just garbage in PvE, no matter what build you're playing.


I didn't say i use deceptive evasion, that's garbage, and a core mesmer skill. I use the mirage trait that creates a clone when you use a deception skill. Deception skills like crystal sands, jaunt and well, others are not that good for PvE.


Axe 2, jaunt, axe 2, axe 3 and you have 3 clones out that with you all swarm the enemy and after axe 3 you shatter them with f2. By that time axe 2 is ready again, and you can jaunt and crystal sands for more clones.


Mirage clone generation works wonders with shatter skills and a shatter build. Stacks confusion like crazy.

Would be great with runes of perplexity, but 10g a piece is too rich for my blood.

It's kinda sad seeing people use mirage like the core mesmer, but now with pistol phantasms instead of sword phantasms when the shatterer mirage is close if not just as good, and more fun to use in various situations. I do fractals with this and i never had any problem doing damage...


This is what i use.




You can experiment with different builds, chaos also has some shatter traits, but this generally stacks most confusion.


My go-to combo for most stuff is


1. axe 2

2. jaunt

3. axe ambush

4. axe 2

5. axe ambush

6. axe 3

7. F2

8. weapon swap

9. scepter 3


Or you can start with scepter 3 then go from there. Phantasmal duelist is out just so he can fire that one volley of bullets while i swap or wait for cooldown.


It works pretty neat.


EDIT: Scepter ambush also applies confusion, and scepter block creates either a clone or an interrupt so yeah, you can figure out the most optimal combo you want, but that's the gist of it. Just use scepter and axe and it works great.

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I'm asking this because I saw the discussion about picking IH and DC here, but is the +20% condition duration on bleeding enemies really that good? I personally like IH because:


-Your clones dodge with you, which means y'all live against non continuous AoE


-Using Axe Ambush, Riddle of Sand, and the Axe Master Trait, that's 12 stacks of confusion when all the clones ambush with you (the newly generated clone with Deceptive Evasion does not gain Cloak here because it seems that the activation of Cloak resolves first before the clone is created; would be 15 stacks otherwise. Confirmation would be helpful)


-As... suboptimal as staff is, I personally like the utility of all the skills, except maybe the phantasm. Don't use that guy too much. Adding on to this, a staff ambush with three clones can grant up to 12 might, every time you evade. I guess since it doesn't always hit your target, that would be a bonus here (it really should).


IH is honestly a lot of fun to me and I haven't really tested out DC. The added utility is super nice, though if the 20% duration IS a big difference then I might reconsider.


PS: can someone confirm if the clone generated by DE gains cloak as well when you "dodge"? I really feel like it should and maybe it does but I'm not certain.

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> @LiesAndErr.2085 said:

> I'm asking this because I saw the discussion about picking IH and DC here, but is the +20% condition duration on bleeding enemies really that good? I personally like IH because:


> -Your clones dodge with you, which means y'all live against non continuous AoE


> -Using Axe Ambush, Riddle of Sand, and the Axe Master Trait, that's 12 stacks of confusion when all the clones ambush with you (the newly generated clone with Deceptive Evasion does not gain Cloak here because it seems that the activation of Cloak resolves first before the clone is created; would be 15 stacks otherwise. Confirmation would be helpful)


> -As... suboptimal as staff is, I personally like the utility of all the skills, except maybe the phantasm. Don't use that guy too much. Adding on to this, a staff ambush with three clones can grant up to 12 might, every time you evade. I guess since it doesn't always hit your target, that would be a bonus here (it really should).


> IH is honestly a lot of fun to me and I haven't really tested out DC. The added utility is super nice, though if the 20% duration IS a big difference then I might reconsider.


> PS: can someone confirm if the clone generated by DE gains cloak as well when you "dodge"? I really feel like it should and maybe it does but I'm not certain.


The DE clone does ambush on being created, although with axe it is only 2 imaginary axes per clone.


This is why with staff ambush you can proc DE clone, walk forward and gain 6 stacks of might with your ambush (7 with food, and also providing evasive mirror doesn't kitten up the staff projectile if you have that traited).


One of my favourite combos is precast axe2 from midrange into jaunt, dodge during axe 2 animation, follow up ambush straight into axe 3 then F1 or F2. Can easily mix around that combo to get more clones out before melee ambush shatter burst.


IH + DE is amazing - sure not the highest dps numbers, but it's such smooth and flowing gameplay, especially with Axe and Staff, has fantastic survivability with all the dodges, fun gameplay and decent damage output. And if you take Duelling+Chaos for perma vigour, food, adventurer runes, energy sigils and even sigils of stamina it's just ludicrous how many dodges, clones and ambushes you can pump out.


Utterly effortless in open world, perfectly fine for t4 fractals, fun in casual pvp (I haven't taken this into ranked because not happy with keybinds yet), and I'm just trying to figure out a solution for movement speed in wvw I'm happy with before taking it in there.


Of course, I don't play raids so wouldn't know how it works there, but for every other aspect of gw2 IH + DE ambush spam (and the odd F1/F2 for burst damage in melee range following axe combos, and boon application through BD) has great sustain through evades, solid damage and overall a really fun and unique playstyle totally different from chrono and core mesmer.


I absolutely love it! :D




Can take whatever utilities you like, swap out cele for more viper/griever and whatever. Very flexible. Sigil of stamina better than cleansing for pve, but I like to reuse weapons for wvw so prefer cleansing there - and it's not as if you need sigil of stamina in pve given how many dodges you can do without it. In a situation with loads of trash mobs it's crazy.


Seriously to anyone reading - at least try this out before hating on IH, at least in pvp lobby if you don't have the gear (use deadshot amulet). The synergy is solid.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> If you want a simple PvE build, this is what i use. If you don't want viper's gear or can't get it, substitute it with Dire, and Chaotic transferrence trait will make sure your condi damage isn't as affected. You'll lose on condi duration though, but it's way cheaper than viper.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAna7anELD1LjNoBWoBMMjFYDz8EEcmJ+5vB4BkMAcByNA-jByCQBUZ/hA8AAuoyvDq+TLVCCgjAwxOBA3TfAA-e


> Your go to combo:


> 1. Axe ambush

> 2. Lingering thoughts (axe 2) x2

> 3. Jaunt (which will blind foes due to nightmare runes)

> 4. Axes of Symetry (axe 3)

> 5. Cry of Frustration (shatter 2)

> 6. Weapon swap

> 7. Confusing images (scepter 3)

> 8. Scepter ambush

> 9. Phantasmal duelist

> 10. Crystal sands

> 11. Jaunt

> 12. Mind Wrack (shatter 1)


> About 20 stacks of confusion (if your condi duration is long enough), and some torment and bleed. Then you can just prettty much spam Axe 1 and wait for them to die if you don't feel like comboing further, but you can go from there too. :tongue:


> You'll have to farm Twilight arbor for the nightmare runes though, you can't buy them on TP. Or use other runes, i use Krait runes for now cause all the other ones (the confusion one and tormenting one) are expensive. Runes of Perplexity would be ideal for this if you can afford them but they're like 8 gold each so... Nightmare runes are free and they give you a nice bonus for using an elite skill (which we can now use more frequently). So yeah...


> You can pretty much plow through PvE with this and it works wonders in Fractals too, although you have to be a bit more careful there and use signets and distortion.

> Swap Mirrored Axes for Desert distortion in Mirage trait line if you want some more mirage cloak survivability.


Well, if you don't mind doing ~~some~~ a lot of PvP, the Crystal Desert reward track can at least get you exotic armor with viper stats, if only one piece at a time. So far, I have three or four pieces on my mesmer from that, and I'm currently working on another.

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