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Siphon question


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What stat's modify siphon?

Direct damage is modified by power, precision, and ferocity.

Heals are modified by healing.



Siphon damage seems like it should work the same as direct damage or, maybe, be modified by condition damage and condition duration.


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Siphoning has a damage and a healing component. You can chose whether you want to improve damage (=power), healing (=healing power) or both.


The reason for that mechanic is that if you would bind both healing and damage to one stat it would be too difficult to balance. Take Soul Eater which binds healing to damage. That's problematic if you do not limit it to very few traits or skills as you may create snowball effects: more damage = more healing = broken ratio of damage and sustian.


Soul Eater is already extremely strong in PvE. Maybe stronger than the sum of all siphon traits and skills necro has. There its existence can only be justified by the fact that a necro can not be healed in shroud. In PvP it's balanced as your targets simply don't eat but avoid most of your potential damage.

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Soul Eater is one trait on an elite specialization so it may be rebalanced easier than all the siphon sources.


Necro seems to be gaining more siphons with the changes to war horn and focus. With siphon damage unable to crit, it does not seem to scale with stat's well.


Siphon feels like a core mechanic for Necro with it being spread from traits to weapons to utilities. Not scaling well with equipment choice feels bad but maybe I am not looking at it right.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Siphoning has a damage and a healing component. You can chose whether you want to improve damage (=power), healing (=healing power) or both.


> The reason for that mechanic is that if you would bind both healing and damage to one stat it would be too difficult to balance. Take Soul Eater which binds healing to damage. That's problematic if you do not limit it to very few traits or skills as you may create snowball effects: more damage = more healing = broken ratio of damage and sustian.


> Soul Eater is already extremely strong in PvE. Maybe stronger than the sum of all siphon traits and skills necro has. There its existence can only be justified by the fact that a necro can not be healed in shroud. In PvP it's balanced as your targets simply don't eat but avoid most of your potential damage.


Keep in mind before you start praising soul eater so high and mighty while it is a strong trait it a also has key limits to properly balance it. They actually thought of a way to balance this out pretty well without just using a lazy internal cooldown. To be honest necro should have always had a trait similar to this and its something i always felt was missing among the profession.

Getting back on topic


For soul eater to apply you must be within melee range meaning healing is not only controlled damage dealt but also by range limit. Being close enough to hit something (especially on a profession with some of the most limited mobility and soft defenses) is a big risk. Soul eaters existence is in line with many aspects of necro you find in other mmos


The old version was 200hp + 0.5% LF per second + 20% cd on gs skills, regardless of if you were attacking or not (out of shroud) at any range. over 5 seconds thats 1k hp and 2.5% LF

In the current version if you damage is not ramped up fully or you are not hitting a cluster of mobs you don't get a great amount of healing. Once you are at max might or being supported by other professions with boons yes, but generally no solo stuff your slow attacks before high might ramp (even with quickness reaper) even more so on a single target will not net you impressive chunks of health until high might and damage is really kicking even at that point it seems its appropriate at best.


Then there is the range limited if there is a mechanic or something which prevents you from rubbing your face on the target soul eater becomes inactive I would say its justified by its rage limit and the fact that it requires you to attack more so than (not healing in shroud.)


Soul eater is strong enough to be competitive with decimate defenses depending on the situation and a players build but not overly strong that it needs hard eyes on it for balancing. Anet actually did this trait pretty solid on both fronts pvp and pve its good but its not god level good.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> For soul eater to apply you must be within melee range meaning healing is not only controlled damage dealt but also by range limit. Being close enough to hit something (especially on a profession with some of the most limited mobility and soft defenses) is a big risk. Soul eaters existence is in line with many aspects of necro you find in other mmos

The trait finally made marauder reaper viable again. Marauder gear is basically the standard power gear for any class exept necro, because the rework of speed of shadows (7s shroud cooldown) killed so much power damage sustain, that all we could pick was demolisher (= SR is a must pick) and paladin (= not so much damage). This alone is a reason to praise the trait. **I really like it and there no reason to nerf it at all** . Reaper feels pretty balanced currently. So much about PvP...


In PvE it's problematic. It scales better than the whole blood magic traitline. The sustain is crazy.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > For soul eater to apply you must be within melee range meaning healing is not only controlled damage dealt but also by range limit. Being close enough to hit something (especially on a profession with some of the most limited mobility and soft defenses) is a big risk. Soul eaters existence is in line with many aspects of necro you find in other mmos

> The trait finally made marauder reaper viable again. Marauder gear is basically the standard power gear for any class exept necro, because the rework of speed of shadows (7s shroud cooldown) killed so much power damage sustain, that all we could pick was demolisher (= SR is a must pick) and paladin (= not so much damage). This alone is a reason to praise the trait. **I really like it and there no reason to nerf it at all** . Reaper feels pretty balanced currently. So much about PvP...


> In PvE it's problematic. It scales better than the whole blood magic traitline. The sustain is crazy.


The trait is fine yes reaper is in a ok spot i would still personally like some things to be ironed out of it though but those are just picks here and there. Any other problem reaper has devolves form core necro itself.

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Siphons have nothing to to with Soul Eater. That trait works on its own.


- If you play a low crit chance build **Decimate Defenses** boosts your damage more than Soul Eater could with its 10% damage increase.

- **Chilling Victory** is your mandatory choice for condi reaper builds.

- For everyting else: use **Soul Eater**!

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