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Windswept haven suggestion


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As many others, this guild hall is significantly smaller and less elaborate than the former. A few things I would love to see and was hoping to see with the further exploration was a little less rubble and a few more buildings.


But my main two suggestions would be the following:


1. The invisible walls are REALLY snug on the hall. You can see some interesting areas just outside of the map boundaries like a nice little area directly right of the entrance waypoint with a rocky ravine area and a stream. It would be great if the barrier would be extended to include this area as well as be pushed further out to the higher temple area in the bottom of the map where the jumping puzzle collapsed bridge starts. It pretty much fits so tight that if you can barely even get into one of the temples without hitting the invisible wall.


2. The one thing I was hoping for with the further exploration that I feel was really missed out on was the potential for hidden areas, such as a medium sized underground grotto area similar to the area in the highlands that connects the coast to the salt flats or the area in Elon river lands with the corsairs. It had a lot of potential for neat hidden areas or caves but the hall itself seems significantly less complex. If it's intended to be less complex, that's fine, but shouldn't the cost of upgrading it reflect this?


3. One thing that would be cool although a major lore breaker would be to have a portal leading to kesho or the library in the story mission.


I know it's highly unlikely that any changes will be made to the hall now that it's been released, but these are a few things I would have loved to see in the hall. At the very least it would be nice to have the map boundaries a little less confined in certain areas. I know a lot of people complain about it already having too many decorations, but I don't think that would be as much of an issue if the space itself was so simplistic. Having a nice little grotto and perhaps with some old forgotten ruins underneath would be pretty sweet!



Side note- I'm highly surprised with all of the new dwarven architecture that there wasn't a dwarven themed guild hall!


All this being said it is pretty, but it definitely isn't as interesting as the previous two guild halls from an exploration perspective. I'm still finding some probably unintentional hidden cave areas in the gilded hollow and for an expansion that introduces mounts and new movement mechanics the windswept haven doesn't really give a lot of incentive for any of these new mounts.

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