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Skyscale dismount

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there is already a way to descend straight down... its not Anets fault that 90% of players dont know it exists... it defaults to the C key (unless you changed that in your bindings) it is mount skill 2.


youd know this if you ever got the griffon as its diving and rising uses this mechanic..

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> @"Adrianna.3092" said:

> there is already a way to descend straight down... its not Anets fault that 90% of players dont know it exists... it defaults to the C key (unless you changed that in your bindings) it is mount skill 2.


> youd know this if you ever got the griffon as its diving and rising uses this mechanic..


Actually, yes it is their fault. By choice, in fact.


And, perhaps the reason people don't know about it is because they don't have it. Like me, for example. For that matter, ANYBODY who doesn't have the skyscale masteries. Probably 90% of the people, in fact. (Since you pulled 90% out of thin air, I'll use it too. But, my use of it is probably far closer to accurate.)

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I did not know about that. It seems an odd place to put it. I would have preferred it on the dodge binding. I really think they have messed up how they do the mount action keys from the start. The jump is right but actions should have replaced the weapon skill bar when mounted to avoid separate keybinds and give a visual reference . In the case of down on this mount it should be on the dodge because that's a more natural location considering that most players are used to having their fingers on jump and dodge most of the time.


I think it's likely at some early point in the mount development they were thinking about adding mounted weapon like actions but decided against it resulting in the mount actions not being on the weapon skill bar as so many other things do in the game.

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The descent described here, by using c, is still agonizingly slow. That doesn't really help.


Is only useful for perching and then letting off again until you find another landing spot. It isn't ideal for engaging enemies.


I've been knocked off my Skyscale more times than I can count, unlike the Griffon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I would appreciate a ground target reticule for the breath attack. I know it only tickles, but at the very least it can spawn a fire combo field, so being able to better control where it hits would be nice.


I agree! Most of the time when I use the dismount attack ability it miss, even if I have a target.

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> @"Newteck.6403" said:


> I agree! Most of the time when I use the dismount attack ability it miss, even if I have a target.


I never understood where the ugly mount aims, because it's definitely not where I'm aiming at ;) It seems it will attack purely random spot from a big circle area around the landing point.


I also agree with the confusion around C&V skills.. those are terribly implemented and on top are swapped with those on Beetle (the only other mount that needs them set)). Why Earth do we need a skill key for barrel roll, when shift key could do that? And in settings there is no possibility to assign key combination to those so I have to find unique keys at most utilized area of the keyboard...

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> @"Derdzvero.7051" said:

> > @"Newteck.6403" said:


> > I agree! Most of the time when I use the dismount attack ability it miss, even if I have a target.


> I never understood where the ugly mount aims, because it's definitely not where I'm aiming at ;) It seems it will attack purely random spot from a big circle area around the landing point.


> I also agree with the confusion around C&V skills.. those are terribly implemented and on top are swapped with those on Beetle (the only other mount that needs them set)). Why Earth do we need a skill key for barrel roll, when shift key could do that? And in settings there is no possibility to assign key combination to those so I have to find unique keys at most utilized area of the keyboard...


The default keybinds are set up based on *other* default keybinds.

**Mount Ability 1** is every mounts "boost" ability and set to V - *by default the dodge key* as MA1 is also a dodge for all mounts except the Griffon once you max out the Jackal Mastery.

**Mount Ability 2** (for the 3 mounts that have any) is the catch-all "miscellaneous" movement that is neither a boost nor covered by the (default) WASD-keys. Placing this keybind on the one key that's between Default Mount/Dismount and Default Boost seems pretty natural, to keep mount controls together.


Yes, I feel they're "switched", primarily from Griffon, as MA2 (default C) is a ascent on Griffon but descent on Skyscale, but the logic is solid and I'm getting used to it.

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The problem for beetle and skyscale is that spacebar and LMB don't cover any of those. On griffon, raptor, manta and rabbit you can ignore C&V completely - spacebar & LMB are doing the same. Provided you have it set in options (don't remember the setting, was a simple checkbox "ignore conditional mount input"? that has to be UNCHECKED).

On beetle you need only the drift key, on skyscale - only evasion key. The rest is already bound to space and lmb.

And those mount abilities are 2 separate keys, you can't bind them to a single key, because abilities as such are twisted for different mounts. If you are using action cam, as I do, you would understand the annoyance from the need of C,V, space, LMB and 3d camera rotation at the same time. I know in settings you can disable that QOL and be forced to use C&V, but I don't see logic in making my life harder..


Example from everyday life: get on beetle for a race: V key is your drift, let's say. Try to drift, pressing W,A and V. Then next turn W,D,V. Don't forget to use mouse for steering too, only buttons won't do it ;) Ok, not good, but kind of works, when the RNG decides so ;)

Then race is over, get on skyscale to get away from that bad area, full with mobs. Evasion is on C , not V. V is just spacebar.. until you realize you're using wrong action, you're sniped and down in combat mode. Nice experience , starting to calculate if you have to fight and run or simply wait for teleport..

If you'd take the griffon, spacebar is evasion too.. you've anyway mashed that during race with beetle so no problem here.

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> @"Derdzvero.7051" said:

> The problem for beetle and skyscale is that spacebar and LMB don't cover any of those. On griffon, raptor, manta and rabbit you can ignore C&V completely - spacebar & LMB are doing the same. Provided you have it set in options (don't remember the setting, was a simple checkbox "ignore conditional mount input"? that has to be UNCHECKED).

> On beetle you need only the drift key, on skyscale - only evasion key. And those are swapped so you can't bind them to a single key. The rest is already bound to space and lmb. If you are using action cam, as I do, you would understand the annoyance from the need of C,V, space, LMB and 3d camera rotation at the same time.

> I know in settings you can disable that QOL and be forced to use C&V, but I don't see logic in making my life harder..


> Example from everyday life: get on beetle for a race: V key is your drift, let's say. Try to drift, pressing W,A and V. Then next turn W,D,V. Ok, not good, but might work somehow..

> Then race is over, get on skyscale to get away from that bad area, full with mobs. Evasion is on C , not V. V is just spacebar.. until you realize you're using wrong action, you're sniped and down in combat mode. Nice experience , starting to calculate if you have to fight and run or simply wait for teleport..

> If you'd take the griffon, spacebar is evasion too.. you've anyway mashed that during race with beetle so no problem here.


Funny perspective calling that "disable QoL" - personally I find more control = more qol. I unchecked right away as otherwise Raptor and Springer couldn't jump over a rock without using endurance.


Honestly, I think that checkbox option should never have been there, as it's clear from later mounts that they design based on having those functions separated. If they'd have it set up for default V and C without the option of Space, everyone would learn that you "boost your mount with dodge" instead of "boost with space".


However, I can't talk for how it works with action cam, as I don't use that mode.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Funny perspective calling that "disable QoL" - personally I find more control = more qol. I unchecked right away as otherwise Raptor and Springer couldn't jump over a rock without using endurance.


Absolutely - I also have it unchecked. That is what I was saying - it is kind of weird option that doesn't provide enough QOL and doesn't help me if I turn it on or off. Wasn't clear perhaps.



> Honestly, I think that checkbox option should never have been there, as it's clear from later mounts that they design based on having those functions separated. If they'd have it set up for default V and C without the option of Space, everyone would learn that you "boost your mount with dodge" instead of "boost with space".


To be fair if it's spacebar or V, it won't make too much difference, as long as the function is kind of logical and consistent, I guess.. In settings there is alternative section for those 2 keys so one can set others in parallel - I have F1 and F2 since those are bound on my mouse wheel left and mouse wheel right "buttons".


> However, I can't talk for how it works with action cam, as I don't use that mode.


With regards to action cam I think the only difference is that my LMB is skill 1, while yours is camera lock... So you have to keep it pressed all the time, I can press it instead of "1".. I think so at least, not 100% sure since I've always refused to play a game with glue tape on mouse buttons :))))



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