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Was the Supply Drop Successful? Will another be forthcoming?

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Basically the above. My entire family each got this, and it made logging in on tuesdays a looked-forward-to-thing. We were discussing amongst ourselves about making our own, but of course, that wouldn't have any 'sale' to it, plus we couldn't agree on details, but we did all agree we'd like another one.


Since it was a pretty hefty savings, I wonder if it generated enough extra sales to warrant putting out another one?

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I think it was, though if what you are asking about is the staggered delivery...meh, that wasn't a positive or a negative for me. Given the choice, I'd rather get what I paid for all at once, but that's just me.


But for the gems asked, the package value made it well worth it, as you have access to 2 Mount Select Licenses, which alone are worth 2400gems total. So the outfit and glider voucher, dyes, gems, etc, are all freebies. This is the first Gem Store item I purchased that was over 800 gems, and while I normally balk at spending so much, this one was imo worth it.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I think it was, though if what you are asking about is the staggered delivery...meh, that wasn't a positive or a negative for me. Given the choice, I'd rather get what I paid for all at once, but that's just me.


> But for the gems asked, the package value made it well worth it, as you have access to 2 Mount Select Licenses, which alone are worth 2400gems total. So the outfit and glider voucher, dyes, gems, etc, are all freebies. This is the first Gem Store item I purchased that was over 800 gems, and while I normally balk at spending so much, this one was imo worth it.



I sorta of agree on the staggered delivery, but then I decided to just consider patience to be part of the price. Since it really was an incredible deal for how much each thing would cost on it's own, I just was like "so I pay a small amount of gems, and the rest of the cost is just some waiting, not bad". Made me feel a little better about waiting a bit.


I hope they do something like this again.

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