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Can the Skimmer's water-land speed transition be adjusted?

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100% agree, recently I went exploring Sandswept Isle and was shocked really how it slowed down after just a tiny bump of earth in the water.

So jumped off and Griffon / Raptor the rest of the map.. shame really I think skimmers are awesome.

The speed was good the way it was, I would love to used the FAST skimmer also on land.. I mean why slow it down ?.


So in that North-West area of Sandswept Isle for example would you also slow down a Raptor when it jumps over water? No offcourse not.. so change it back A-net, thanks.

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It should gradually slow down once the skimmer hits land. Considering how nice the other mounts feel to use I am wondering why anets testers thought skimmers movement is okay the way it is now. Just using it in the elon river lands, the map it is introduced, makes it clear that the instant speed loss because of tiny land parts isn't fun.

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It's been that way since release, and it works just fine in Elon Riverlands, try using it along the Bone Wall and tell me how often you notice the slow down when travelling down the river. As for why it slows down over land, it's an amphibious water creature, most amphibious creatures don't move as fast on land as they do when in the water.

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I can agree the speed buff could use a longer duration or some kind of degradation, to smooth transitions over sandbar terrain in Orr, and give Skimmer a sense of momentum. The biggest challenge I can foresee is adapting a real-time momentum mechanic to replace the digital on/off buff it has now. But since they have the Rollerbeetle's speed variance already in place, there is at least precedent for a similar system.

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