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"Shining aspects", "hardening persistence" and "forceful persistence"


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I brought some ideas about changing some traits in the herald line, to make them more fitting or make them at all viable for anything.


Shining Aspects:

-Remove an condition every time it triggers, herald as enormous problems with condis


Hardening persistence:

-double the dmg reduction per point. (one % isnt that big of a deal)


Forceful persistence:

since it got moved to the herald traitline, it is kinda not fitting. So how about an dmg buff of 2% for every Upkept energy bar (like "rising momentum" and "hardening persistence"



I would like to hear some thoughts about those ideas^^.

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The biggest problem with Shining Aspects is it has a 3 second CD on a very weak heal. Hardening Persistence is already the trait in the master line that helps Herald's deal with condis, so another trait might be redundant. If the CD was removed on Shining Aspects and the healing was tweaked, it could be a better alternative.


I agree that Hardening Persistence should have its defensive boost increased. Either 2% or 1.5% per point of upkeep is good.


I think Forceful Persistence is fine with its current functionality. An efficacy boost might be worth looking into, however.

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