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Mounts unbearable on Firebrand (also impracticle on Soulbeast and others)

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So, I just started out PoF for the fourth time, this time with my Guardian, testing the Firebrand elite spec.


Okay, I already found it majorly annoying that as a Soulbeast Ranger, mounting and dismounting would make you lose your pet-merging status (also, often it would bug out and your pet wouldn't spawn when you dismount, but that's a different topic).


**But on Firebrand, mounts are USELESS.** Do you have any idea how long it takes to cast your mantras? No? Well, almost 3 seconds. And you use approximately three (3!) of them. So that makes about **9 seconds of cast time everytime you dismount**, which makes the use of mounts extremely painful.


**Could you please change mounts so that you keep your character's status quo after dismounting?** Meaning, if you had mantras active, let them still be active. If you were in Soulbeast merge mode, still be once you dismounted. And so on.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> So, I just started out PoF for the fourth time, this time with my Guardian, testing the Firebrand elite spec.


> Okay, I already found it majorly annoying that as a Soulbeast Ranger, mounting and dismounting would make you lose your pet-merging status (also, often it would bug out and your pet wouldn't spawn when you dismount, but that's a different topic).


> **But on Firebrand, mounts are USELESS.** Do you have any idea how long it takes to cast your mantras? No? Well, almost 3 seconds. And you use approximately three (3!) of them. So that makes about **9 seconds of cast time everytime you dismount**, which makes the use of mounts extremely painful.


> **Could you please change mounts so that you keep your character's status quo after dismounting?** Meaning, if you had mantras active, let them still be active. If you were in Soulbeast merge mode, still be once you dismounted. And so on.



This could be a bug. My mantras have never reset upon mounting or dismounting. Tomes have though. That's mildly annoying but since time on your mount counts towards CD time, it hasn't been a huge issue.


EDIT: whoops should have read further down

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> @Celldrax.2849 said:

> Another one this is annoying for is herald rev.


> I know the facet activation is instant, but still a bit of a nuisance.


Agreed - like you said it's quick to re-cast them, but gets annoying quickly especially when you're dismounting quickly into a battle. I don't mind having the facet benefits off while mounted, but when we dismount the character should be left in the same status they were in when they mounted.

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I'm playing as soulbeast, and have to concur. Losing the merge every time I hop on a mount is getting bothersome, especially in Desert Highlands which requires constant switching of mounts to traverse. Doesn't happen when gliding, so I dunno why it's necessary for mounts.

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> @Bhaya.7916 said:

> Arenanet, please fix Beastmode turning off on mounting/dismounting. This is VERY annoying, to the point that I don't want to use Soulbeast specialization at all because it stops to be fun after having to press F5 hundreds of times!


It would indeed be nice if they changed it. :+1:


In addition, I would kindly ask everyone to place their bug issues regarding mounts in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/8202/dismounting-bugs-a-list "this thread"), thank you. :)

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Okay, guess it bugged out on me then. Just tested it in a story mission, and as you said, they remained. Hmmm... interesting. Maybe I should post this issue in the Bugs subforum then, along with the missing pet after many dismounts? :#


> Thanks, Kheldorn.


I've noticed that if i quick mount twice in a row my minions will dismiss and go on cooldown as a necro. But if I wait a second or two between mountings they'll be fine. You might be experiencing something similar?

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> @Incarne.4927 said:

> This same thing happens for me on FB, pretty annoying after a while because it says I have 3 charges left then when I use it once after dismounting it goes on CD instantly.


This is because Mantras have a really annoying bug with them. If they are on their last charge and they recharge to 2 charges while you are either mounted or downed, they will keep their state of being on the last charge. If they proceed to charge for 2 to 3 charges while mounted or downed they will bug out completely and be stuck on the final use no matter what and you have to blow the cool down. Though if they charge from 2 to 3 not mounted or downed, they will fix themselves. This is probably the bug that was happening to the OP and is super annoying and why you should almost never use the 2nd charge of the mantra so it never gets the chance to bug out.


Edit: This is a 100% duplicatible bug.

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