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Boonshare WvW


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So.. i already mentioned this in the wvw sub catagory.. But given we have more mesmer players in this section. I might as well try / get people's opinion here too. With PoF we have more boon corruption/removal/denial. Look at scourge or spellbreaker for example. These have a big impact for wvw, which makes me wonder: how does that effect the mesmer? Or rather.. the (frontline support) boonshare build for the chrono?


I did not really get to experience it myself after launch of pof, cause well.. i played pve ofc. (obviously). Now that i am more or less done with that. I'd like to get back into wvw. But im not so sure if this would be great with more "boonhate" going on now. So i'd like to hear and know other people's experience with it. Or perhaps adjustments you made. w/e really. Just your way of playing mesmer in wvw :P

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Currently most large group fights consist of spellbreakers, scourges and firebrands with a few others dotted around but those 3 are the majority. The firebrands are there to reapply boons like stab, resistance, protection and generally cleanse. The spellbreakers will usually create areas of no boons by jumping into the enemy group and putting down winds of disenchantment while the scourges summon the massive shades and use the corrupts all in the hopes of getting rid of that stab and making the enemy susceptible to CC and getting trained over.


A boonshare mesmer so long as they are good at not getting hit by shades or WoD can still follow its function and has null field to help with rips however if it gets hit by a corrupt or WoD it can completely destroy the build for a considerable period. It all depends on the players ability to not get hit by all the rips as to its strength but the build isn’t needed to be effective especially with the amount of barrier scourge can load up and healing firebrands dish out. Put simply there isn’t really a need for more than the 3 classes I mentioned, possibly rev for fury.

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The meta is already strongly pirateship, there's no point in frontline boonshare because there's no frontline anymore.


Everyone that played WvW for a while could tell it just after the elite specs were showcased that the combination of Scourge and Spellbreaker would do that to WvW. But apparently it's fine for ANet.


So, what will mesmers do? What we always did, be a niche class that makes sense in small scale and can bring some utility in large scale, and then get out of the picture so the "big boys" (Guardians, Elementalists, Necromancers - and partly revenants and warriors) can play.



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So this meta contains some aspects of pirate ship, but it's very different from the old meta. Breaker bubbles require close range engagements to use, but make getting close dangerous. There's a lot of manoeuvering and poking before any hard engage, but hard engages still happen all the time, whereas the pirate ship meta avoided actual engages at all cost.


The frontline is composed mostly of classes that can both ranged harass and provide bruiser damage. Firebrand and DH are the big two here, but they're supposed by scourge, boonshare mesmer, tempest, and breaker. High mobility is really important, so static aoes are much less usable both for offense and defense.


So that's sorta how the meta is going. Boonshare mesmer is really powerful still because of what it provides. You probably won't run null field because it's essentially replaced by breaker bubbles, but you may want to run the cleanse mantra for bursting cleanse on the move as you engage or disengage. The stab mantra is really important obviously, and helps massively to keep your party from getting yanked into the other group before you're ready to go.


Lastly, signet of inspiration is incredibly strong right now. What happens is groups will engage, drop, bubbles manoeuver close range, then either retreat or do a second push. The signet allows you to instantly negate the effect of a breaker bubble on your group. Once everyone has dodged back out, you roll a couple shatters and then pop the signet to rapidly reapply almost every important boon. This allows your group to take the offensive route instead of needing to back off for safety.


Overall the boon hate makes boonshare mesmer even more powerful than before because of how it's implemented. It's primarily coming from bursty strips and corruptions during an engage as opposed to long range harassment, so the boonshare mesmer can keep everyone booned before an engage and rapidly reapply afterwards.

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