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New expac maps Will be dead fast

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I think The new maps Will be dead fast after initial play through


Main reason not mich incentive to come back after you have The 4 mounts and all Kasterlee cause of bad loot system. People Will go back to AB etc... No one is doing events for fun with not much loot. Guild war is loot wars and fashion wars. Time for The devs to consider this..


What you Guys think?

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I disagree. Besides masteries and story, the maps have so much to do and see, collections and achievements to hunt for, and are generally a very enjoyable environment to just hang around in. Also, I don't think people have quite grasped the metaevents yet, but as they slowly do, there will surely be 50-man squads running around constantly just like there was in HoT.

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> @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> I disagree. Besides masteries and story, the maps have so much to do and see, collections and achievements to hunt for, and are generally a very enjoyable environment to just hang around in. Also, I don't think people have quite grasped the metaevents yet, but as they slowly do, there will surely be 50-man squads running around constantly just like there was in HoT.


I doubt it. The big problem is that the maps are so big, but the cap for population is so small. I love being thrown in empty or almost empty instances over and over again, i guess i can at least farm most of the events over and over by myself because no one does any of the events besides the bounties.

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I think that people rushing through the PoF content and expecting "epic loots lol XD" rather than taking their time and having fun are going to think and claim the latest content as "dead".


From the posts I read it seems what the people complaining want are more Silverwastes-like maps where the end goal is all about loot. Maybe it's because I'm an older gamer (35) but when I started playing video games it was to _have fun._ I still live by that philosophy. I don't need a carrot dangling from a stick to play a game like Guild Wars 2. I can also make my own goals if I want something to do. If what I'm playing isn't fun, I'll go play something else, whether it be temporary or a permanent withdraw from the game I'm not having fun with.


I still play classic Doom to this day and it's my favorite game franchise of all time (yes, even beating out Guild Wars/2). There's no loot to chase after. I play it because _it's fun._ It's engaging. It holds my interest. I do get burned out though and I do take breaks from it but I always come back to it. I don't know why people can't just...take a break instead of declaring that something is "dead" like they think they became some kind of expert curator on content overnight.


If Guild Wars 2 - any part of it - isn't engaging or fun for you, then by all means take a break from the game. The great thing about it is that there's no sub fee so you can hop back in whenever you want. However, don't say that the content provided is "dead" and expect to be taken seriously, especially when there's evidence to the contrary.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> I think that people rushing through the PoF content and expecting "epic loots lol XD" rather than taking their time and having fun are going to think and claim the latest content as "dead".


> From the posts I read it seems what the people complaining want are more Silverwastes-like maps where the end goal is all about loot. Maybe it's because I'm an older gamer (35) but when I started playing video games it was to _have fun._ I still live by that philosophy. I don't need a carrot dangling from a stick to play a game like Guild Wars 2. I can also make my own goals if I want something to do. If what I'm playing isn't fun, I'll go play something else, whether it be temporary or a permanent withdraw from the game I'm not having fun with.


> I still play classic Doom to this day and it's my favorite game franchise of all time (yes, even beating out Guild Wars/2). There's no loot to chase after. I play it because _it's fun._ It's engaging. It holds my interest. I do get burned out though and I do take breaks from it but I always come back to it. I don't know why people can't just...take a break instead of declaring that something is "dead" like they think they became some kind of expert curator on content overnight.


> If Guild Wars 2 - any part of it - isn't engaging or fun for you, then by all means take a break from the game. The great thing about it is that there's no sub fee so you can hop back in whenever you want. However, don't say that the content provided is "dead" and expect to be taken seriously, especially when there's evidence to the contrary.


When you started gaming it was to earn points to beat the scoreboard and to receive a new life at 50k, until Elite dared to challenge that. Pretty much all games have a carrot on the end of the stick to keep the player interested, the only difference nowadays is that the exact required length of the stick and size and colour of the carrot is known to a much higher degree of accuracy. I rarely see other players on the PoF maps, and I'm getting map completion on them fairly methodically. Perhaps they are all farming elsewhere but by comparisson, the HoT maps have always been lively. Contrary to popular opinion you can have engaging content AND good rewards that keeps people coming back, PoF sadly tends to have neither. There are a couple of nice vistas though, so... Yay?

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> I think that people rushing through the PoF content and expecting "epic loots lol XD" rather than taking their time and **having fun** are going to think and claim the latest content as "dead".


The problem with what you said is the lack of **fun** in PoF. Meanwhile, HoT's map-wide meta events are also fun and profitable. PoF feels like a single-player game to me, there is no real reason to team up because everything can be soloed. I really wanted to like Bounties but they are too simple and boring. I've met most of my GW2 friends in random squads during HoT HP trains, metas and SW. That's a lot more **fun** than this antisocial solo paradise in PoF.

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Loot in PoF is abysmal. I constantly find myself in need of gold for some next thing, and while I don't usually farm for it, I still expect some colalteral income from my activities. It was that way in HoT. It's that way in fractals. Hell, even in dungeons and in core, to some degree. PoF? I swear I spend more money on teleporting around than I make selling mats from those useless drops.


So far, PoF manages to be boring, utterly unrewarding, and stupidly impossible in that only interesting meta it has. I thought by now devs realized how prone to failure OW breakbar checks are.

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > I think that people rushing through the PoF content and expecting "epic loots lol XD" rather than taking their time and **having fun** are going to think and claim the latest content as "dead".


> The problem with what you said is the lack of **fun** in PoF. Meanwhile, HoT's map-wide meta events are also fun and profitable.


No, HoT - maps aren't fun (the juvenile whinig, as soon as something doesn't goes as it should, oh boy), but you are right about the profitable part.

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Wow --- just because you find no reason to go and play in an area does not mean that everyone else feels the same way. I find lots of things to do in every map of the game whether it's core, HoT, or PoF. I will continue to play the game the way I want to and my way is not trying to find the chain or map or whatever that makes X amount of gold an hour. It does not matter to me how much I am making in a certain amount of time as I just seem to make gold anyway without forcing myself to farm. To me that is not fun.

So I will continue to go into the core, HoT, or PoF maps because I want to not because of loot or gold or whatever.

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Based on some of the arguments in this thread, core Tyria maps should have died years ago. And yet, wherever I go, I see plenty of other players. I'm still a young gamer (53) but I play to have fun. And all the GW2 maps lend themselves to having fun as far as I'm concerned. The only possible exception is TD, but I'm sure there are other players who enjoy its unique challenges!

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People said the HoT maps would be dead fast when HoT came out too... hell people said the level 80 maps from the base game would be empty the instant an expansion launched...


Guess what... people still play on them all even today. PoF maps will be no different.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> >PoF sadly tends to have neither.


> Just because you state an opinion as fact doesn't automatically make it true. Nice try though.




Refute my claim, then. What does PoF do better with respect to HoT? It's a step backward in most ways.


Mounts? Gliding accomplished this in a much more concise and intelligent way. Requiring updrafts to maintain altitude allowed designers to better control which areas were reachable without resorting to solid transparent walls.


Exploration? Gliding allowed the designers to take the almost unprecented route of making areas expansive both horizontally and vertically. PoF is a literal step backward in this regard.


What about story? They are both nonsensical, badly voice acted and offer little choice for the player. PoF *does* bring back choice in dialogue, but HoT has by *far* the better introduction. A point to PoF I suppose.


Replayability? This is the big one. Map wide co-operative multi-stage events, with a definite success/fail scenario awarding rare armour and materials v.s. ... Bounty trains? Are there actually any map wide meta event chains in PoF? Maybe I have missed them. The doppelganger event is fun.


It's absolutely possible to have engaging content with worthwhile rewards. Maybe you like endlessly blowing away shotgun zombie marines in Brutal DooM, and that's as engaging as things need to be for you, but PoF is remarkably reserved compared to HoT in almost every way other than omgmounts. The funny thing is the maps aren't even that "big". They are physically larger, but that's a moot point because traversal is quicker too, and almost trivially easy.

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> @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> I disagree. Besides masteries and story, the maps have so much to do and see, collections and achievements to hunt for, and are generally a very enjoyable environment to just hang around in. Also, I don't think people have quite grasped the metaevents yet, but as they slowly do, there will surely be 50-man squads running around constantly just like there was in HoT.


It doesn't take much to complete all of the achievements and collections. I've just about completed everything and it feels like half the effort that it took for HoT.

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Even the LS3 maps have more replay ability because of the map currency and the ascended items you can get. Idk who thought repeatable hearts would be the right thing to do. I don't know many people who enjoy doing such boring tasks over and over again, without any group needed, just solo running around, killing everything and pressing F on anything in that area, for basically no reward at all 4-8 times on every map.


If we don't get world bosses and huge metas in the new PoF maps with LS4, the new PoF maps will soon have around the same population like core Tyria maps. This means that they won't be "dead" but because they're so much larger, with still the same population and because they will then be filled with people that are exploring, playing the story and people that are not there for events, not actively looking in the LFG for group content, many people that need specific achievements and need groups to do those will have a very hard time and for them these maps will truly feel "dead".

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Your opinion. Not a fact. I like the explorer/adventure friendly Pof maps, casual friendly events and dispised the Endless Loot grind Metas which filled up the chaotic Hot maps. And look how well that went with the population after Hot. What is the fun in endless grinding in circles for loot i may ask?

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All I know is that I'll be playing the PoF maps for a while, to get all the armor and weapon recipes and kill lots of legendary bounties to complete my funerary armor and weapon set. I'll be taking all my alts through those maps for HP's, because they are generally easier to solo than the HoT HP's and it's much faster than getting all the HP's in core maps.


People thought Dry Top would be dead after a while too, but they made it so that the map currency is necessary to make gen2 legendaries, keeping the map relevant over a long period of time. I have no doubt that, if the PoF turn out to be less populated over time, ANet will implement things to keep them relevant. I mean, aside from the metas in HoT (which many people may like, but many also don't) those maps would still be relevant for their currencies and gen2 legendaries even without those metas.


Time will tell, but I'm not worried the PoF maps will be left behind.

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Beautiful maps but nothing to do on them after map completion/achievements done, terrible rewards, my bags getting filled with bags of karma consumables, like really? absolute step backwards , no reason to replay these maps without proper map wide metas, and considering I held out for this expac hoping for content to keep me playin, this expac is a huge let down and I am now on a break from the game once again. Played this game since launch and as soon as something comes along that has some promise I will be leaving this game for good, I have lost all faith in Anet, they never get it right or they take years to fix obvious problems, I have no patience left now.

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Guys iT is simple:

Pof maps are to big and you can Also complete by your own.

There is Not much loot to get and iT even cost you more to travel from time to time

Bounties are not hard as trains are doing iT.

Maps are to big So they feel empty already. Mega Servers need to bring in more people in one instamce.

Big parts of The map are just annoying to be there and play iT.

No one is doing events cause of bad loot gain

I never poster one terras About hot, not because iT was that great But acceptable except for TD (My god what an annoying map)

I am 32 So i am from The nintendo age So i can handle a challenge when presented as in The old days But this is just boring.

Beautiful maps you say; Yeah they are, But No incentive to really play iT


Gw2 is a grind game in pve. So The devs Should know this and make fun events to do over and over. Events that Maybe have Three outcomes Or Three different things that can happen during an event. Or come up with other smart things to make them fun in combination with good loot. And meta events with timer is not bad. If you Dont Makro t come back tomorrow. Make a mix of meta with timers and No timers.


I would like engaging fun events that are full of action and difficulty without getting annoying. I know that is The hardest to do But Dont tell me this is a great expac and i hate The hype around it. Which make me see in which age we live, The age of mediocricity. Like The Movies these days and other games who just get a sequel that is The same...

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