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Any current open world builds for reapers?


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Been wondering what people tend to use. Ive been looking at the pve power greatsword reaper build on metabattle, but it doesnt seem to be updated.

in particular its not using soul eater. And bitter chill seems redundant in openworld meta groups as you always can count on oodles of vulnerability, making room for spiteful talisman. for +20% damage.

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Check the build I quoted in this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78711/need-help-with-build-and-tips-to-survive-small-group-fights-in-wvw


I tweaked it a little for my own use but it's solid. Its main strength is building up life force very quickly to get back into shroud. I soloed a few different champs before trying it in WvW and most of the time I was back at 100% life force by the time shroud cooldown ended, and was almost always at 100% health by the time my shroud ran out. It was a joy to play.


You sacrifice Quickness for sustain but make it up by getting back in shroud faster.

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Honestly, any build will work in open world...If i ever do pve i just use my wvw build lol.


But ya, Zerk Reaper is just stacking every single modifier in existence on you, and maxing out your precision (67% out of shroud, 100% in shroud) and ferocity (I think 280% is the maximum) .


Now food/utility wise...you should use [skale Venom](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skale_Venom_(consumable) " Skale Venom"). Dude, this kitten is so useful your head will spin when all the mobs you fight have perma 25 vuln and perma weakness instantly. If you combine this with say, Dumpling food, you're gonna have 25 might perma as well...all without spite which is how i like to roll cause i hate the spite tree.


So ya, those for me just makes spite not even that necessary (and why i just run my wvw build)....but if you want the most possible deeps with the least amount of survivability, go for full kitten to the wall zerk reaper, and use those utility/foods. You'll do more than enough damage and have enough defense from Skale venom alone.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Regarding maxing out precision, what do you take for it, beside a +7 accuracy sigil with soul eater?




This is a link of just something i threw together real quick.


The crit chance is 63% without having to invest in sigils or food that have precision, which in my book is close enough. But if you want to reach crit cap (67%) without compromising what food you want to use, just switch your Berserker Greatsword, Berserker Chest Piece and Berserker Amulet for Marauders instead...


You could also throw on precision based food (Like Bowl of Butternut Squash Soup) which will put you at 68%.


If you want to use whatever food you want, Or you can just use a sigil and give yourself the +7% crit chance...or if you want to get real creative with your build, use a sigil of Perception instead, and then you could swap out your berserker greatsword for a diviner greatsword, and swap your precision infusions for power ones. You lose about 5% ferocity total in this exchange, but you get a nice 15% concentration boost, which is nice if you want your quickness to leak over when you exit shroud so you can land faster Axe2's or need to pop a heal faster (You can use any stat combo for your Greatsword, As long as it has a precision minor stat.)


These are all options if you really care about reaching 67% precision cap...which is perfectly fine. If you are in a group setting, you will PROBABLY have fury and most of this min maxing won't make a difference since you'll go over crit chance cap anyway...but since we are talking open world here, i'm just assuming that most of your endeavors will be solo...if that's the case than 5% more precision isn't really a big deal either.

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Oh also. I didn't mention this but there is also a concentration soft cap.


Most people don't really know or care about this cap, because most DPS tests are done with full quickness uptime, but essentially, there is a concentration/boon duration soft cap. Because of how onslaught stacks quickness in shroud, you want to be able to maximize DPS while out of shroud. With enough boon duration, you can cover quickness for 10 seconds while out of shroud. This cap is roughly around 50%, which will net you the extra 10 seconds of quickness to dish out faster weapon attacks. Aside from the no-icd might stacking, this is also another reason to use the dumpling food, which gives you 100 concentration.


This percentage (50%) can be lower, it just depends on how long you are in shroud for, and a couple things that i don't know of the top of my head while not in game, but i think the minimum is at most 33%. I think it's lower than that but again i'd have to see in-game how often quickness applies (I was under the impression that Life Reap also gave you quickness but i might be wrong about that)


Anyway, the longer you are in shroud, the more quickness will pulse, and for each pulse you want to gain at least an extra second or more of quickness, because once you hit 6 pulses, which is the potential maximum of pulses you'll have available to you in shroud in some-what perfect conditions without the use of other LF gaining skills, you'll have an extra 6 seconds of quickness out of shroud. In perfect conditions you can get 10 seconds extra at 33% or even lower (Using spectral armor or Locust swarm while in shroud).

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Been wondering what people tend to use. Ive been looking at the pve power greatsword reaper build on metabattle, but it doesnt seem to be updated.

> in particular its not using soul eater. And bitter chill seems redundant in openworld meta groups as you always can count on oodles of vulnerability, making room for spiteful talisman. for +20% damage.


Souleater is only really useful if u fighting bosses in open world

Else I'd play decimate defenses to have better chance at critting enemies even without shroud


But you can easily play the full zerker build from snowcrows.

No need for defenses from wvw builds

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Been wondering what people tend to use. Ive been looking at the pve power greatsword reaper build on metabattle, but it doesnt seem to be updated.

> > in particular its not using soul eater. And bitter chill seems redundant in openworld meta groups as you always can count on oodles of vulnerability, making room for spiteful talisman. for +20% damage.


> Souleater is only really useful if u fighting bosses in open world

> Else I'd play decimate defenses to have better chance at critting enemies even without shroud


> But you can easily play the full zerker build from snowcrows.

> No need for defenses from wvw builds


I noticed that unlike metabattle, snowcrows use 18x mighty infusions and 2x precision. Metabattle uses 20x, but otherwise is the same. Both using sigil of accuracy on gs.

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