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One Legend Rev (Core Revenant)


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that why i dont use alot of weapon skill, relying on Vengeful Hammer, basic attack and relenting assault, heal and use of ancient echo to regain Energy, ancient echo is 20 sec cooldown you have to temporize your vengeful hammers that allow you to sustain your damages reduction

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its a neat concept but ultimately suffers because rev has been balanced and built to require you to legend swap to perform decently.


Ideally you'd run jalis hammers and spam weapon abilities till you dried up on energy then swapped to malyx or Shiro to turn on malyx elite or shiro speed up and auto attack and repeat.

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ya because it need to last, need to switch legend or regain some Energy taking distance, it suffer from only have one heal if you dont swap legend and i dont see better legend than glint for heal has second or first choice, i rely on steadfast rejuvenation with the hammers to heal it works well too, take your ranges, the legends skills are useful

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