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Convince me to keep playing

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Seems like I've just been logging in for no reason, anymore. I don't have any friends in the game (the couple guilds I tried joining were all super cliquey). The meta events are burning me out. People are getting nastier in-game. Engineer is getting boring.


I don't want to stop playing because I fundamentally love the game. But there's a growing list of reasons in the "stop" column.

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If you need convincing to stay playing, then it's time to at least take a break from the game.


If you're still adamant about not stopping to play even after that, I would suggest playing a new/different class if you've only played engineer for a while.


Edit to add: And you won't be too hugely penalized for taking a break. Just log in every couple of weeks or so to make sure you unlock any living story episodes that come out.

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I would disagree with "People getting nastier". People are basically the same as they have always been, but if you're on edge yourself or unhappy already the little things that you've always brushed off are now getting to you. But that's another reason you need to step away from the game.


I stopped playing World of Warcraft because of everything you just said and came back to GW2. I miss a bunch of stuff about WoW but the list of things that turn me off is longer.


Personally looking forward to the release of Torchlight Frontiers.

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> @"Trollocks.5084" said:

> Seems like I've just been logging in for no reason, anymore. I don't have any friends in the game (the couple guilds I tried joining were all super cliquey). The meta events are burning me out. People are getting nastier in-game. Engineer is getting boring.


> I don't want to stop playing because I fundamentally love the game. But there's a growing list of reasons in the "stop" column.


dont play. =)

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It's not like you have to quit forever. Just go do something else that's fun for a while. Come back when you feel like it.


Guild Wars is probably one of the easiest games to just drop and then come back to it later. Other MMOs will punish you for leaving by having you miss out on level grind or other things. Not this game. As long as you log back on every couple weeks (like the other guy said) to unlock Living World episodes, you won't miss out on too much.


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> @"Trollocks.5084" said:

> Convince me to keep playing

When I have felt like that, I do something else. Read a book. See a movie. Stream all of the the John Steed/Emma Peel _Avengers_ online (campy Brit spy/thriller TV show from the 60s). Ride a bike. Climb a mountain. Jump in a lake.

Do anything other than keep playing just because.


> I don't have any friends in the game (the couple guilds I tried joining were all super cliquey).

It's definitely hard to meet people in RL and in game.


> The meta events are burning me out.

I'm still working on 100 Tarir saves, because I did multi-loot twice and now I'm just about burned out of that forever, and a day.


> People are getting nastier in-game.

They are? I think people are about the same as they've always been.


> Engineer is getting boring.

Try weaver! That's never dull (can't afford to be).



> I don't want to stop playing because I fundamentally love the game.

I dunno. It sounds like you fundamentally love the game that you experienced some time ago. The game you are playing now is different, perhaps because it is different and perhaps because you are. (Maybe because you've been there/done that; maybe because you're older & wiser... or more jaded.)


> But there's a growing list of reasons in the "stop" column.

Only needs to be one reason: you aren't excited any more by playing.



I recommend going "cold turkey." Quit the game entirely for at least 6 weeks. If you miss it, you'll be back. If not, well, you dodged a bullet of getting so burnt out that you /ragequit over something minor (and later, find it hard to get over).

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While I also agree with the "take a break" sentiment, I'd also encourage you to try a different profession. Personally I hate the Engineer and mine is only an alt that I park at gathering nodes. I much prefer playing and exploring with my Necro or Ranger. Try some others and see how you feel.


Also, think of what you really enjoy in the game and concentrate on that. Just because someone else (including me) likes ________ doesn't mean you have to. Some live to craft legendaries; I find that a grind. There are many sets of exotic and ascended armor and weapons to acquire, maps to complete, crafting profs to max, and achievements to get. Good luck!

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Are you playing base engi? Maybe you might get a kick out of scrapper or holosmith, or another class. Or pick a goal to work towards, like filling in some map completion, getting achievements from old LS story chapters or whatever. Hell, I've spent time chasing particular weapon or armour skins, just to have a small, achievable, non-earth-shattering goal for a few days.

Or, yeah, no harm in taking a break for a week or two, or longer.


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> @"Trollocks.5084" said:

> I don't want to stop playing because I fundamentally love the game. But there's a growing list of reasons in the "stop" column.


It's not our job to convince you of anything. If you want to take a break, then do so. If you think that your lack of in-game friends or a guild is the reason, then go find some.

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Many have suggested taking a break, which is a fine suggestion. Unlike typical treadmill MMOs you won't fall behind by not playing for a week or two.


But my suggestion would be to try and find players in game that you want to group with. It shouldn't come as a shock that playing with other people is one of the major aspects of an MMO, but I find more and more that is what drives my game play.


For instance, I had a partial T4 static group going for a while. Me and a Druid would party up every night, and there was 1 Necro and 1 Soulbeast who would often join our group, and we ran T4s every night for almost 7 months straight. But then the SB wasn't logging in as often, and the Druid stopped logging in completely. Suddenly I saw T4s as more of a chore than as something fun to do, and I started doing them less and less, to the point now where I might do them a few times a month.


Instead I'm spending my time playing through story missions with my wife. We just did S3 and are almost through PoF. While the story missions are hit and miss, and some of them I wouldn't have bothered doing again solo, playing them with my wife has made all the difference.


TLDR: Find a guild and make some connections to people so you can group up and play with them - it makes a big difference.

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