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Condi Scourge vs Resistance Warrior? How to beat?


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So... I've been having trouble recently in PvP where a lot of the enemy teams I'm fighting have Deadeye's and Resistance Warriors (I can only assume to counter the uprising Condi Vomit builds). While I've had trouble with Deadeye, I can normally outplay them by dodge rolling their tell attacks and CCing them before vomiting conditions on them... The Resistance Warrior is another story - It feels like they have 100% Resistance Uptime with a thousand other boon applications. On top of that, their resistance keeps ticking for some reason, meaning even if I get lucky and corrupt their resistance, they'll just have it again in a second or two. I asked one of them what was givign them their resistance, and they gave me the advice "Just don't attack them while they're glowing" - but that advice didn't work.


Is there any counter-counter play that I can apply to give myself a better change to fight Resistance Warrior? Or is this a 100% counter that Condi Necro can't win, and I should focus on other characters and pray to god the rest of my team can DPS the Resistance Warrior before he kills me? (Reminder, Daze and CC also don't work on stopping their assault).

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When I fight vs resistance warriors (and their specialized classes), corruption is key. With my build I have a few different ways to corrupt them...some as quick as 4s CD.


TBH stripping the resistance is the only way to stand a fighting chance (as a pure condi build).


If I am lucky, I can so my "self destruct" combo on them mere milliseconds after stripping it (where they kill themselves...not where i kill myself.)

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-Try to have lifeforce, dont commit to fight till you have enough

-Dodge full counter, stunbreak the other abilities

-Always kite run. You need to avoid him during the stance, as it pulses resistance. Counterattack after last tick which is 9 seconds.

-Power dmg hurts them quite well

-Extra corrupts are very handy (corupt boon, corupt well, axe instead of scepter on carrion build, warhorn offhand too)


Keep in mind its a losing 1v1 matchup and a very annoying long 2v1, hence why spellbreaker is unbeatable braindead far pusher (wins all 1v1, doesnt die 1v2). Just like how scourge is unbeatable AOE dmg for teamfights

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Spellbreaker is an overtuned duelist. Only a half decent druid with fair access to unblockable stands a chance and even then it's a loss because the druid needs to kite and wear him down for a long time where the spellbreaker has already decapped.


Spellbreaker being so absurdly anti-melee makes sure he's the dominant decapper since nobody can engage him within the node and win.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> Spellbreaker is an overtuned duelist. Only a half decent druid with fair access to unblockable stands a chance and even then it's a loss because the druid needs to kite and wear him down for a long time where the spellbreaker has already decapped.


> Spellbreaker being so absurdly anti-melee makes sure he's the dominant decapper since nobody can engage him within the node and win.


Out of every different spellbreaker I fought (in WvW and PvP) while I was on Scourge, there were 2 that were able to win the majority of our fights (these were mostly 1v1's. There was a couple times where they beat us in a 2v1/3v1 fairly easily).


If I can get my Self Destruct combo off however once resistance is stripped, its *usually* game over for them. It does take a bit of skill and timing.


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Range them if you can with scepter for the boon corrupt and shades, don't spend lf until they get in melee and you have no escapes. Once they're in melee corrupt resist and dump condies on them, forcing them to play defensively. Once they hit berserker stance drop your elite and desert shroud, continue to corrupt resist. If they stay in the elite they die, if they run they waste zerker stance and open thenselves up to conditions later. You have more hp and damage, you just need to corrupt carefully to get them off your nuts.

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