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Dear Arena Net


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Dear Arena Net,


I am a dedicated Mesmer player since near launch and play GW2 and GW1 fairly regularly. ( I currently boast 27 Hall of Monuments titles )


I'm writing to ask your help. Specifically, the current builds of Mesmer are extremely frustrating to play.


My computer is up to date and features a razer Tartarus and Naga mouse. The internet connection is also well up to the task. I've invested the time and money to "git gud."

*Ideally, I'd like to see a non melee Mesmer build. One that does not rely on split second combo timing.*


Core Mesmer has had virtually everything that makes it unique either shared with other classes or nerfed into oblivion.


**Arena Net has seemed to focus on making builds harder and more technical to play. I believe the results vis -a - vis PvP speak for themselves.**


Please consider making a non melee Mesmer build viable.


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Uhh, what do you mean with "non melee"? You won't get the 1.5k range rapid fire on Mesmer, that'll never happen. But one of the two currently "viable" Mirage builds in PvP is the Clone/Ambush spam with Deceptive Evasion and IH, which feels kind of like a ranged spam build, a bit like playing Necro.

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There are and have always been like 3 variations of full ranged (both ranged weapon sets) condi mirage builds which require nearly 0 so called combo timings. All you have to do is spamming ambushes, running (aka kiting) around to keep out of melee range and spare couple of your defensive cd's to avoid hard hitting skills. That has been your "split-second combo" since the chaos sage mirage meta. The rest power burst builds have remained the same power burst builds with the same power burst combos they have always been except some changes which led to the spammability again.


What mesmer balance needs is actually opposite. Balance decisions need to stop revolving around mindless spam and really start promoting some skillful gameplay by means of proper trait choice/synergy, adequate weapon reworks (not complete trait annihilation or 50-30% straight dmg nerfs) and boon spam treatment, as well as subsequent balance of the rest of the classes.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Greatsword, Staff, Scepter, and Pistol are ranged weapons available to core mesmer that don't require split second timing beyond burst builds?


Greatsword isn't and can't be used beyond oneshot stuff. It's a very bad weapon, needs reworks. If you use it in an oneshot build, you need good timing.

Scepter is very clunky with LoS and easily interruptable. Though, it's one of the "better" weapons mesmer has. It needs timing for block, you can't just waste it on autoattacks.

Staff is easily the best weapon. However, it's very defensive and can't pressure well.

Pistol needs split-second timing for interrupt and the phantasm isn't much different than others phantasms (fire and forget).

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > Greatsword, Staff, Scepter, and Pistol are ranged weapons available to core mesmer that don't require split second timing beyond burst builds?


> Greatsword isn't and can't be used beyond oneshot stuff. It's a very bad weapon, needs reworks. If you use it in an oneshot build, you need good timing.

> Scepter is very clunky with LoS and easily interruptable. Though, it's one of the "better" weapons mesmer has.


I agree with these statements 100%. I've been playing Sword/x Scepter/x Power/Hybrid builds since shortly after launch for WvW roaming, and the overbuff and then subsequent overnerf to scepter infuriates me. Ideally the power damage would be buffed by 25% to where it was before the recent changes and the 20% attack speed would be made baseline. Scepter is one of the only weapons in the game that requires you to use the trait. Preferably something else would be added to Malicious Sorcery in place of said attack speed buff. If these changes are made, ill be content.



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A solid ranged build as an option would really be reliant on Shatter skills not making the clones have to run miles before exploding, which can also be destroyed before getting there or dodged through. What if the clones ran to the Mesmer and made it’s next attack do increased damage (Mind Wrack), or apply Confusion (CoF), to enemies around your target. Then the telegraphing of the attacks remain, reveals the location of the Mesmer for the bads that cry about the profession since the beginning of the game, and potentially makes a ranged build actually work. This could be a core change or just a change to one GM trait to allow for a fully new build (replacing a trait that is almost never chosen maybe).


The implications of such a change could be really interesting for how the Mesmer is played.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> ^ Interesting idea. But if the clones run to the Mesmer instead of the target, how are shatters now applied to the target?


On the Mesmer’s next attack, so it can be held for timing the shot. It should greatly increase the reliability of damage shatters. Diversion would remain functioning as it is currently, this gives enemy players a clear idea of what is coming in those clones and gives them the ability to plan their response (running to Mesmer means damage, coming at them means Daze). It would allow them to try and place AoE on where the real Mesmer is when shattering for Mind Wrack or CoF as well. Counterplay everywhere, and intuitive at that.


The idea is seeking a balanced approach that solves several build issues with burst and sequencing of attacks for counterplay. It also gives ranged builds a way to use those shatter reliably, which should make any ranged build more consistent damage wise against skilled opponents and AI both. Imagine being able to shoot the enemy with Greatsword from ranged and get those shatter damages without needing to blink into the enemy to do it. The only change to make it work for Scepter would be having the clones spawn near the Mesmer _instead_ of in melee range with the opponent (how it was in very early stages of the design as I understand it). The thing is, an observant opponent will see those clones going to the Mesmer and respond with a block or damage reduction ability, so there is just lots of potential for response on both sides.

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