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"Fight on point!"

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You have to be able to tell the difference between if you are defending a node while not being on the node, or if you are ignoring node defense while being off node. This is the difference between good off node play and bad off node play.


Example of correct off node play:


* I am in Forest of Niflhel

* I am defending home node.

* My team has 4 players at mid and team communication is strong. They are calling out where enemies are and where they are pushing. They are also quick to block enemy progression around the map. I can trust them to block a player progression to home from the mid node, or at least tell me that it is happening if they can't leave mid.

* I wipe an opponent at home and I see my team wipes an opponent at mid. 2 opponents are going to come off their respawn soon.

* I notice one of my team mates pushes to far.

* There is no reason for me to stand at the home node and wait on a gamble, not being sure if the opponents will come home or go mid or go far, because this slows down my team's rotational play.

* I push to the beach from home node, and watch the enemy respawn. This way I can call out where the enemies are headed immediately as they come off respawn. This allows my far push to know if he should stay or fall back to mid. It also lets me know if anyone is pushing home, or if it is safe for me to rotate to mid to assist a team fight. If an opponent tries to push through me to home, I can engage him before he gets to the node to slow his progress in attempts to deter him from even going to the node in the first place. If he continues to push the home node, I can follow.

* **All the while when I am doing this, I am still defending home, but I am about 6000 range from it.**

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> @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> > > > > I like the people who watch their teammates die 800-1000 range off point in a 1vs2 because the cap/decap is so much more important. And ofc they lose the point within 15sec because the enemies move onto them.

> > > >

> > > > Why was he off point in a 2v1?

> > > > surely 2 people could hold the node against 1 person..

> > > >

> > > > And I dont get how that is the fault of the person standing on the node? Wouldnt the butterfly who chases off point be at fault?

> > > >

> > > > and then how does that 1 guy suddenly become multiple people?

> > > >

> > > > Im sorry but your comment doesnt make sense.

> > >

> > > You're alone, fighting on a point, 2 enemies engage, you stall them (which at some point requires you moving off the node) while an ally closes in. He arrives and instead of helping you kill 2 enemies and then reclaim the node, ignores the fight to stand and recap said node, which leaves you to die vs the enemies and him shortly afterwards too. "Why are you off node?" is an easy question to ask when you weren't the one just fighting off 2 enemies for half a minute. 1-2 more node ticks isn't worth 2 deaths.

> >

> > well that's an entirely different story and situation to what you posted before.

> >

> > the first story was a 2v1 and the guy who was outnumbered managed to get a butterfly to chase him off point making it a 1v1 and easy kill for himself. Divide and conquer tactics.

> >

> > second story is more understandable as it involves a 4th player and a completely different situation.


> It was the situation I described in what you quoted. The other situation I commented on was a different situation unrelated to my comment on people ignoring teammates in trouble for the sake of nodes. I guess that caused the initial misunderstanding?


No misunderstanding on my behalf.


both stories were completely different and had different amounts of players.


but we dont need to argue this because if you said it was the same story then I believe you but I also believe you missed some key words from your first story if thats the case.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Yeah, we can talk about this:


> It's a basic, fundamental of rule of conquest spvp since the _beginning_. ( "Hold on to your points! Seize theirs!")


> --discussion over--


Ooof i came to post something else but when i a man is right a man is right

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