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So sad.

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As all of you know I am a clutz...but I try.


Right now, I am sitting in front of the computer screen with tears threatening to spill over.


I tried with all my might to get the Skyscale. I have all the map currencies, I have a grow light...I have thousands of volatile magic, I have enough piles of Bloodstone dust to make all the treats I need, and, most importantly, I watched youtube videos to see if the story was something that I could do.


It sure looked like it.


So, once I got all my ducks in a row, I started the story using my Reaper.


It went wonderfully.


I found the newborn Skyscales, hopped on one, fed her using the floating balls of Volatile magic, and then it was time to put my Skyscale to work ala venturing out to open the scab and collect the magic for the sword.


Here is the heartbreaking part. I could not get to the starting place. Once, I was close enough to see the green star, but I could not fly high enough to get there. She would glue her little paws to the cliff and not rise an inch higher.


I flew all over trying to find a way up...but I guess I am not smart enough to find "THE PATH."


I went back to the YouTube Videos.




The ones I watched all acted like getting there was no big deal. My go to when I have problems, AyinMaiden, just drew a line on a map...when I am back in a fighting mood I will go back and take a closer look at that line, but right now, I am spent.


So, does anyone reading this, know of some video I may have overlooked that gives good directions for getting to the place where you blast the scar?


I would hate to have done all this prep work only to be foiled by something like this.


As someone wise once said..."Winners are losers who try one more time."


I am going to try again.


Lisa-Hoping someone knows of a Youtube video out there that I can follow.

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A little bit of information might help : The skyscale only leaps from Walls after you unlock their third mastery, which means you'd have to unlock the skyscale mount first before you can do it in the first place


My advice would be as follow : Sometime the best way to get the skyscale is to not use the skyscale. Use the closest equivalent, the springer to move around the map.


There are more than 1 magic rifts on all maps, and you are not forced to get a specific one, you're also not forced to complete the volatile magic trail in order for the collection to register the map's rift. Find a rift that is close to the ground or easily reachable, and get that one, before Moving to the next map : I Believe this could help you : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale_Flight

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Is it the part of the story to collect the blood of Kral? So you have to get to the top of the wing? I am terrible in pathing, but what works is go to the left of the map, under the wing and fly a little further until you see a mushroom you can jump on, that takes you right besides the wing and you can use the griphon(if you have it, or glider perhaps) to get to the top.

If I totally misunderstood your problem sorry :)

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I remember having tons of trouble trying to get back there too. I finally did it by not trying to come to it from below, but going around and up till I came to it from above. I used a combination of the mushrooms and springer (did not have the griffon yet) to get to the right place. I think I saw a video that helped me see the right way to go but the bookmark for it was on my old dead laptop so I don't have it handy or I'd link it.


I know the exact frustration you're having. Keep looking, you'll find the way up. But it's not from underneath, it's different from what you're trying to do now.



Here, look at this one, starting at around 8:26. He tries to go from underneath but then finds the other way to it:

[https://youtube.com/watch?v=i7OB4AeXNWA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7OB4AeXNWA "https://youtube.com/watch?v=i7OB4AeXNWA")

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All you need to do is stay north where the several ledges underneath the plateau are, fly down to a ledge to let the Skyscale refill its endurance, then head back up, bit by bit. You can even switch to the springer to get up, no need to use the Skyscale. In order to get that high, you choose a high point west in Melandru's domain, get on a Skyscale or Griffon there (with the Griffon, you simply dive and speed boost, then skyrocket up to get to one of those ledges) and do as described before. It really doesn't take a genius to get up there ;) , just patience and the right technique. :)

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If after following the info above you still can't do it, please ping me. I have mesmers galore, if you haven't got a tele to friend, and can shuttle you right on up. (I am pretty sure you are on NA, if not, hopefully an EU person will aid). Also, I don't know if this will work, but it could be that the circling airship goes close enough to that point to griffon over? Might be a chicken/egg issue, if the only way to get aboard is to go from that high spot, or the ship might circle too low. Just a wild thought I had.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> A little bit of information might help : The skyscale only leaps from Walls after you unlock their third mastery, which means you'd have to unlock the skyscale mount first before you can do it in the first place


> My advice would be as follow : Sometime the best way to get the skyscale is to not use the skyscale. Use the closest equivalent, the springer to move around the map.


> There are more than 1 magic rifts on all maps, and you are not forced to get a specific one, you're also not forced to complete the volatile magic trail in order for the collection to register the map's rift. Find a rift that is close to the ground or easily reachable, and get that one, before Moving to the next map : I Believe this could help you : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale_Flight


The flying lessons sound quite fun as well as helpful, but, do I have to finish the story before being able to start them?


Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention :)


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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Is it the part of the story to collect the blood of Kral? So you have to get to the top of the wing? I am terrible in pathing, but what works is go to the left of the map, under the wing and fly a little further until you see a mushroom you can jump on, that takes you right besides the wing and you can use the griphon(if you have it, or glider perhaps) to get to the top.

> If I totally misunderstood your problem sorry :)


No, you understood my problem. I do not have the griffon, which is why I want this one so much, but I do have all my mounts and all their masteries unlocked. As well as a fully mastered Glider. I will look for this mushroom.


Thank you for the directions :)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think the OP is referring to this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glory_of_Dragons


> You can't get to the top of the wing from the outside; once you get to the top of the lower part, there are some holes/opening kind of behind you that you travel up to get to the topside of the wing above you.


I can't picture it in my mind. But I will look for the openings.

Thank you :)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> All you need to do is stay north where the several ledges underneath the plateau are, fly down to a ledge to let the Skyscale refill its endurance, then head back up, bit by bit. You can even switch to the springer to get up, no need to use the Skyscale. In order to get that high, you choose a high point west in Melandru's domain, get on a Skyscale or Griffon there (with the Griffon, you simply dive and speed boost, then skyrocket up to get to one of those ledges) and do as described before. It really doesn't take a genius to get up there ;) , just patience and the right technique. :)


See, I was under the impression a Springer could not get up there so I did not try.


Patience is hard to do when your inner voice is sneering at you for not being able to do such a simple thing as climb a hill, mountain, whatever it is.


I swear I am going to slap that inner voice silly if it whispers that rubbage to me today.

Thanks for telling me there is a way to get there without the skyscale :)


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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> > Shameless self-promotion incoming!

> >

> > Here's video where I made my way up and around the wing using a mix of rent-a-Skyscale, Springer, and the Oakheart's Essence grapple. Relevant bit is about 10:05 to 16:50. Hopefully it helps!

> >

> >


> Watching.



First, I loved your video. I love how you were calm and vocalized your thoughts. I do not have Oakheart Essence though...hmm .


Thank you for this video..I truly enjoyed it and hopefully it will help.


Lisa-Do you have more? I will watch them.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> If after following the info above you still can't do it, please ping me. I have mesmers galore, if you haven't got a tele to friend, and can shuttle you right on up. (I am pretty sure you are on NA, if not, hopefully, an EU person will aid). Also, I don't know if this will work, but it could be that the circling airship goes close enough to that point to griffon over? Might be a chicken/egg issue, if the only way to get aboard is to go from that high spot, or the ship might circle too low. Just a wild thought I had.


I am on NA and I have a "glory" of Teleport to Friend. Do not have Griffon, do have Glider. Have not been on Airship...on my to do list.


Thank you so very much for the offer, but I want to see if I can figure this out first.


Thank you, thank you, thank you....


And if I can't, I will send you an SOS :)

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You can actually get there by running up kralks wing its like run then fly up then run. Kinda a run hop, its how i did it. Then once you let the skyscale burn the scab run over and grab another skyscale behind you you just need to hover under the blood to get it. The first time i did it it was frustrating till i found my path up and around, now its a cakewalk.

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Donari! You were right!! I was on the airship, just chilling, and enjoying the smooth ride, when I noticed how close I was to where I wanted to be. I took a deep breath, jumped off , and glided to the land.


Couple of Springer hops, and I was there !!!!!!


I completed Glory Of Dragons!




Edit-Some kind soul announced they were on the Airship, and hauled me up there using a Teleport to Friend...which is how I got up there.


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You can easily get to the top of the wing with a rented Skyscale - when you look on this map -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b8/Dragonfall_map.jpg <- it's the one at the bottom of the area marked "The Skein" right next to "Crystal Wing". Mount that one and then fly over to the wing. There's a path outside the wing (west side when you look on the map) that you can go up with your rented mount.


(It's the same path @NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 eventually ends up on when he mines the Mithril at around 12:45min. When the camera pans around at 13:03 you can even see the ledge with the rentable Skyscale.)

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Lisa comes rushing into thread with a big wide grin on her face!!!!! I did it!!!!! I completed the story!!!!!!!!


YAY Me!!!!!!!


Ok, I know the story was a piece of cake to you all...but for me, finishing it, is a thing to celebrate and be happy about!!!!!!


Now on to the Skyscale collections....


Please oh great Anet spirits..hear my plea for me to have the ability to get a Skyscale :)


Wish me luck.


Lisa-going into the kitchen and whomping up a delicious celebratory breakfast.

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> @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> You can easily get to the top of the wing with a rented Skyscale - when you look on this map -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b8/Dragonfall_map.jpg <- it's the one at the bottom of the area marked "The Skein" right next to "Crystal Wing". Mount that one and then fly over to the wing. There's a path outside the wing (west side when you look on the map) that you can go up with your rented mount.


> (It's the same path @NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 eventually ends up on when he mines the Mithril at around 12:45min. When the camera pans around at 13:03 you can even see the ledge with the rentable Skyscale.)


Going to look for it. Pretty sure I am going to repeat this story on an alt. Thank you Thalimae.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > You can easily get to the top of the wing with a rented Skyscale - when you look on this map -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b8/Dragonfall_map.jpg <- it's the one at the bottom of the area marked "The Skein" right next to "Crystal Wing". Mount that one and then fly over to the wing. There's a path outside the wing (west side when you look on the map) that you can go up with your rented mount.

> >

> > (It's the same path @NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 eventually ends up on when he mines the Mithril at around 12:45min. When the camera pans around at 13:03 you can even see the ledge with the rentable Skyscale.)


> Going to look for it. Pretty sure I am going to repeat this story on an alt. Thank you Thalimae.


You're welcome. You'll have to climb that darn wing a few more times for the collections anyway so good luck!

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Hey, if you get stuck somewhere else and can't figure it out, ask inworld or here. I guarantee there are going to be a few other places along the way that will give you some troube. Also, don't forget to reserve some gold, you'll need at least 36g if you don't end up buying any pungent treats to skip some of Lost Skyscale.

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