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A little help with FPS

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  • 3 weeks later...

Might check to be sure that the game is accessing the laptop GTX, and not the integrated graphics on the cpu. You should be able to achieve 60 fps and higher just about anywhere but Lion's Arch. My Alienware 17" laptop has an i7 - 7820hk with a 1070 vid card, and it manages around 50 in LA, and well over 90 in unpopulated areas. And that was with everything maxxed. But I did eventually turn down character stuff to medium so wvw blobs would stay smooth.


Also be sure that your vid card drivers are up to date.

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Resolution makes a big difference in this game. I play at 1440P and noticed that turning off shadows completely, boosts FPS by a ton (Nearly 20 FPS in some cases).

If I were you, instead of maxing out your graphical fidelity, I say play it smart, get Reshade and turn off a bunch of shit in the game, such as Postprocessing, Shadows, etc. But keep things that maintain sharp textures maxed for optimal performance and quality.

I'll link you my game below and here's my settings. Do note, my monitor caps at 60 FPS, so I cap my game at that, too. If I were to uncap it, my FPS would shoot up to nearly 160 FPS. Be advised, no matter what you do, there WILL be situations where your FPS will still dip to 40 FPS and sometimes even to 30 FPS depending on how much is happening around you.

Good luck.


You will need to copy & paste these links, these forums don't like secured links for some reason.

In game settings: https://i.ibb.co/P6Zph9f/image.png

Reshade filters: https://i.ibb.co/NKrBFdR/image.png


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