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PETITION for Saved Build Loadouts like in GW1

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First of all Anet is already working towards implementing [build templates](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/")


> Over the past few months, astute players have been noticing a trend of updates and improvements to how our skill-slotting system works and have accurately speculated that the long-requested feature of build templates is in the works.


Secondly you already have the option to use build templates from arcdps. It works quite well atm although I'd suggest at least checking everything after swap.

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> @"Irbis.4932" said:

> If build templates are in the works the same way wvw alliances are, that is going to be a long wait. It is shameful that this long requested feature is still not in the game and people need to use a third party addon instead.


It's not shameful at all. Only a tiny fraction of the total playerbase will even benefit from this at all.

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I doubt it would be such a small amount of players. (I mean they even make stuff like raids that also is only important to a tiny amount of hardcore gamers.) Especially with 2 elite specs per profession I guess a lot of people would use at least 2 or 3 templates/loadouts. But it is good that ArenaNet is working on this. Weird that years after the release such a feature has not already made it into the game.


I'd say this could even be something that could cost money. Like: Saving all the used gear in a seperate "loadout" inventory slot - that gets unlocked by buying it with diamonds. (Should be 1 slot/x diamonds - per account-wide then.)

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Sure, *many* people will benefit from this in one way or another. I definitely will, on multiple characters. I must say I was rather short sighted in making that comment because I had only considered builds as in gear, not traits, thinking not many people even have secondary sets. Switching traits will definitely be great.

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