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[Reaper Suggestion]


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Delete the agility from reapers onslaught and give it to relentless pursuit for 5 seconds when entering shroud. Make reapers shroud faster like normal weapon skills so that other grandmaster traits can be used. Since nobody plays condi reaper anymore in wvw/pvp can we get cold shoulder back to 30% chill duration? Now for soul eater please make it benefit the greatsword again it was fine the way it was.

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The change of quickness to relentless pursuit is a good idea and would vastly improve build diversity. Problem is I don’t think anet will ever do it because their such pansies.


I do like the current reduction in soft CCs on relentless pursuit, so I would wish they would keep that in addition to moving the quickness over...but we can dream right.

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ive been saying remove quickness from RO for a while now and just make the base shroud faster by about 33% down from the 50% that quickness gives.


You do this by reducing all the cast times on reaper shroud skills by 33%


You don't need to add quickness on to Relentless pursuit that trait is already pretty strong as it for an adept to be honest.

Simply put reaper should not need quickness to not feel clunky

Simply making the base shroud faster would be a massive QoL change and open build diversity back up. People would likely be a mix between running blighters boon and RO again


If the base shroud was faster in its attacks in general when combined with blighters boon people wouldn't even give 2 dolyaks about the nerf to soul eater possibly :unamused: . If you wanted a bit more sustain just take blighters That said RO would possibly need a new mechanical buff

My suggestion would be making it keep everything but the pulsing quickness.

Make it so that it modifies one of the reaper shroud skills instead.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> ive been saying remove quickness from RO for a while now and just make the base shroud faster by about 33% down from the 50% that quickness gives.


> You do this by reducing all the cast times on reaper shroud skills by 33%


> You don't need to add quickness on to Relentless pursuit that trait is already pretty strong as it for an adept to be honest.

> Simply put reaper should not need quickness to not feel clunky

> Simply making the base shroud faster would be a massive QoL change and open build diversity back up. People would likely be a mix between running blighters boon and RO again


> If the base shroud was faster in its attacks in general when combined with blighters boon people wouldn't even give 2 dolyaks about the nerf to soul eater possibly :unamused: . If you wanted a bit more sustain just take blighters That said RO would possibly need a new mechanical buff

> My suggestion would be making it keep everything but the pulsing quickness.

> Make it so that it modifies one of the reaper shroud skills instead.


Give Greatsword a 10% speed increase whilst you're at it.

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Exactly but the reason I suggest a change to relentless pursuit is because the trait does not really help me chase anyone down lol it should be renamed to relentless kiteing or something haha. So super speed or extra movement speed in shroud like 50% or something like other classes would fit the trait better.

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So far they have killed everything I love about necro in this game especially life steal and spectral meanwhile other classes keep their identity and traits and skills intact. what would they do if all necros quit? I know all of scourge fanboys wont support this idea though.

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