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Thief Skill Bugs after new Patch

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I saw following bugs, please add more if you encounter them.


Dagger Storm: Trait shows "4s duration"

Shadow Portal: Stealth duration is not effected by Shadow Arts

Rending Shade: Triggers without beeing equipped

Preperations: Combo fields aren't listed

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I posted this earlier on the Thief forum:


I have just quickly tested the new thief skills in the aerodrome and found that I was not getting the promised might when traiting for "Even the Odds". I was using backstab which surely counts as a stealth skill? Is anyone else getting this? Or am I doing something wrong?

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Also oddly enough "Pitfall" seems to get 5 stacks of might when you have "Even the odds" even though it is not a stealth attack? But the might does not generate just like when using any stealth attack with "even the odds". Even the odds" is more like "the Odds" at this point

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Also I saw that Potent Poisen does not work with Deadly Ambition.

I don't know if it is intended or not but Leeching Venoms stacks for the first time after 3s. So you do not get a stack when entering stealth which is different to how Shadows embrace is working...

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The trait to reduce damage while revealed feels like its making you take 33% more damage. As well as rending shade if you select that trait it does not work but if you do not select it then it works. Seems the only thing that works for a thief now is playing a condi thief which I don't really like playing like that but that seems to be what anet wants thief to be now.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Putting down ~~thousand needles or pitfall trap~~ any preparation and mounting before it has a chance to arm will not let the trap set. Instead when you dismount, you will get activation icon in place but nothing happens and you need to click it and let it go on cooldown.


Nothing happens, because the trap detonates when you get off the mount. But yes the icon stays and it needs to be 'activated' (despite there being nothing to activate anymore) to reset the skill.

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What I mean is, it doesn't even arm - it cancels the arm portion. Set preparation -> get on mount immediately -> wait out 3s arm time-> dismount, no arming will happen and no auto activation from dismount and you will be left with activation icon . Tested both in pve/wvw. There is also a way to make it arm slightly faster but not something you would do in combat, but interesting.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> What I mean is, it doesn't even arm - it cancels the arm portion. Set preparation -> get on mount immediately -> wait out 3s arm time-> dismount, no arming will happen and no auto activation from dismount and you will be left with activation icon . Tested both in pve/wvw. There is also a way to make it arm slightly faster but not something you would do in combat, but interesting.


ah, true, so that's another issue :p

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