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Are people actually going to use build templates?

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

>And reading the theory above - that people don't change their builds often today because there is no simple way of doing so -, it looks like using the number of people who change their builds today wouldn't really be a good indicator of how many people would use this feature in the future.


So because one person offers a theory on the forums it looks like the number would be small?

That's really quite a jump with your logic there.


> I think the fact ArenaNet is taking their time to implement build templates (soon to be seven years) is a sign that it wasn't exactly their main priority, and so not exactly something they believe will be used by almost everyone in the game.

Or... they didn't think it was a big deal until the community started really asking for this (which if memory serves me correctly started becoming a big deal on the forums and reddit post HoT).

Then they started to design a solution that they realized involved several deep changes to other systems (runes and sigils, legendary weapons among just a few) and started designing and implementing those solutions first.

Arenanet knew this was a big ask from the community. They started pushing changes to the game almost two years ago to support it. The system changes have slowly been added to the game already.


I don't know @"Erasculio.2914" .... On one side we have this thread packed with people supporting the idea saying "yes I want this, yes I will use this, yes this will make my life better". Then we have one or two people saying "meh".

Then we have you making strange jumps of logic, quoting theories as if they were fact, and using anecdotal evidence about people who don't actually exist.

I'm confident that there's enough people ready for this feature to make it worth the developer bandwidth.

So is Anet and where you have theories and anecdotes, they have data,

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> In the original Guild Wars, we had build templates: they allowed us to save a build (skills on the skill bar, attribute point distribution and secondary profession), and load it with just a few clicks. Notice how it didn't save the build's items.


I'm going to guess that you have more time logged on this thread than you do playing GW1. As such, there's little point in arguing with nothing.


![](https://i.imgur.com/xXCQOcy.png "")

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Why are we even arguing? If build templates weren't a thing, there wouldn't be such a huge, vocal group requesting them. If the nay-sayers on here don't need nor want them, then that's not the problem of those of us who do. Stop being thick-headed about it, accept that they are a feature many want and will use when it is finally released.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Because you would forever be changing them every time the community complains about a skill.


Meta builds don't change _that_ often, plus it is faster to adjust a build and save it then to have to memorize each build (or look it up each time) and manually adjust it every single time.


Again, I don't see a point in not wanting the feature. No one is forcing those who don't need it to use it.

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As I play various different types of weapons and like to play both specializations so I can't wait for templates.

I have like three guardians that I use and they are different, if I had templates I would be able to have one guardian and just switch whenever I want with one click of button, and then if I would have one, my inv wouldn't stand the whole zerk, viper, healing gear with all those various trinkets and all... Not talking about constant changing the traits.


I hope the build templates come sooner than later.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > Because you would forever be changing them every time the community complains about a skill.


> Meta builds don't change _that_ often, plus it is faster to adjust a build and save it then to have to memorize each build (or look it up each time) and manually adjust it every single time.


> Again, I don't see a point in not wanting the feature. No one is forcing those who don't need it to use it.


Unlike some here, I not saying they shouldn't do something. For me I don't think it would be overly useful presently.


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Why shouldn't people use them? I mean especially with more than 1 elite spec you could have at least 3 builds. 1 without elite - offering to take another 3rd normal one in that slot, 2 for each elite. People might just be fixed on one elite spec because the use the weapons that just gets available with it. Meaning switching to another elite spec would definitely force you to equip other stuff.


If templates included items as well it would be very convenient. Also switching traits and skills is a bit of work. I use mainly stuff that helps me in solo PvE. When doing big open world group event I just switch 1 or 2 heal/utility skills while this might help less as it could ... withouit changing traits (which is a lot more work and requires remembering stuff).


People that want to do dungeons/raids only every now and then might annoy the "pros" while joining a group with their open world solo play PvE build ... when switching everything is a bit of work without templates.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

I absolutely will. In WvW zerg builds vs solo builds vs small group builds, in PVE again solo builds vs meta event builds vs instanced content builds. Some people simply can't be bothered but I'm "obsessed" with it. Met a lot of similar people, too.


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