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Ray, what have you done?


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The issue here is that they've just killed all build diversity in Scrapper by forcing a specific playstyle. You *have* to be doing a lot of constant power damage now or you're actually at a disadvantage.


It takes away the ability to play Condi DPS, Condi support, and even forces a very aggressive playstyle on power builds.


That trait should really be optional, and there should be some traits available that let you pick Scrapper for access to gyros without demanding that you play a very specific build with it..

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> The issue here is that they've just killed all build diversity in Scrapper by forcing a specific playstyle. You *have* to be doing a lot of constant power damage now or you're actually at a disadvantage.


> It takes away the ability to play Condi DPS, Condi support, and even forces a very aggressive playstyle on power builds.


> That trait should really be optional, and there should be some traits available that let you pick Scrapper for access to gyros without demanding that you play a very specific build with it..

Which is egregious in WvW where there are so many ranged roamers and teleport builds that they will take a huge chunk of your hp before you engage in melee range.


I've still been running my condi scrapper since tuesday to get a feel for it but it's just... sigh. I'm just sad. Every day reinforce the point that yes, I can live with -300 vitality. Yes, I can live without reveal and with a kitten gyro that is so very broken because it's instakilled. But the trait removal just killed its viability.


I dont even like the hammer, I never liked it. Only leaves the rifle and the rifle is meh. Guess I'm forced to try it. I would try viper p/p but I already know how absolute crap power modifiers they have so it would still make pitiful barriers that in no way make up for the loss of toughness/vitality.


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> @"coro.3176" said:

> The issue here is that they've just killed all build diversity in Scrapper by forcing a specific playstyle. You *have* to be doing a lot of constant power damage now or you're actually at a disadvantage.


> It takes away the ability to play Condi DPS, Condi support, and even forces a very aggressive playstyle on power builds.


> That trait should really be optional, and there should be some traits available that let you pick Scrapper for access to gyros without demanding that you play a very specific build with it..


Though I am pretty sure the vitality penalty was chosen with the goal of preventing a full glass scrapper have exceptional survival, it's true that a flat -300 impacts everybody regardless of how much they can take advantage of the trait.


I would prefer it if the penalty value were tied to power or ferocity, that way low-damage dealing classes won't have such a handicap.


Eg: gain 15% of strike damage as barrier, vitality reduced by your ferocity/3.

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> @"AphoticEssance.7592" said:

> I pray that Anet takes the time to reconsider some of their decisions with the Scrapper in this patch. Speaking from a WvW perspective, these nerfs are way over the top.


> The worst nerfs are the removal of the F skill and the Vitality hit. I don’t like the trait changes but perhaps I can learn to live with them (kind of have to).


> I think most of us can admit that Scrapper was a bit too tanky. But I also think the sum of all these nerfs are way over the top. Changing a couple traits and adding a cooldown here and there would of went a long way to making the Scrapper less tanky.


> Unsure how the rest of the community feels about this overhaul. To me, these changes have the appearance of a group of people coming up with nerfs but could not decide on a couple, so they just went with them all.


> If you are out there Anet, please at the very least reconsider the vitality nerf and the removal of the F skill.



Disagree on the point about scrappers being too tanky. Yes they were extremely tanky but when focused it also required the same sort of piano playing hitherto only known to core condi to pull off. Even so, tanky was and still is all they have. If I had to choose a descriptor I'd say annoying was the better one.


People didn't enjoy having- or feeling they had to try and dislodge them from a cap in pvp. This because it was the one instance where the scrapper shined because the mountain had to come to Muhammed(it still needn't have done). In all other instances scrappers were either wisely ignored or kited because they were and are pathetic at keeping up with other professions in a foot race. Should they ever have opted for increased mobility they'd sacrifice too much sustain.


The obvious/elegant solution was to simply ignore scrappers and rotate to more viable fights that could be won in the near one-shot fashion the whingers were accustomed to. Instead we have the recent balance pass, our survivability gutted without a significant tradeoff (the latest addition of empty, useless, catch lingo) in the form of increased mobility and/or damage.


All that said I love them now for stomping over world trash mobs by the herd with flamethrower, but generally speaking, being a third party gold seller's wet dream isn't necessarily the sort of thing you go looking for when choosing a prof for anything beyond that arena. /shrug

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