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Remove Dye applies another color instead of removing the dye

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I tried to remove dyes from my character's equipment in order to preview the equipment in the Gem Store in their default colors. For some slots, it seems to apply a different dye rather than remove the dye as it is supposed to do. It's not random which dye it applies, since trying to remove the dye from a specific dye slot always applies the same dye. In the attached picture you can see the result of me trying to remove dye from all slots. The dyes it applied are Lipstick and Glory.


The equipment is the Soldier's Winged equipment from a level 80 boost, transmuted into Dryad light armor (the whole set).

Character's name: Limefield

Race: Sylvari

Sex: Female

Profession: Mesmer

Location: Straits of Devastation

Date: 7.10.2017

Time: 16:36 Server Time

Server: Gunnar's Hold

I was not in a group at the time.


That's all the information I can think of right now, but if you need more information, I'll do what I can to answer.

![](https://i.imgur.com/9FNe9by.jpg "")




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Doesn't 'Remove Dye' make the armor/item change to its default dye scheme? I'm not sure what the screenshot is supposed to show, my apologies.

Regardless, when I preview items, with some armor the color will change, and with others, it will not. Doesn't seem to matter if I remove dyes or not. Same with equipping different armors. /shrug


It may be a bug, or it may be intended...or it may not be intended, but just how it works, and can't be changed.

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I'm inclined to think this isn't a bug but is intended and as others have said it's the default dye that the armor has. The same thing happens with the Revenant collection items, one of the default colours is Midnight Blue or Midnight Ice or something to that effect and I had to check again because I was sure I didn't have the dye unlocked - and sure enough, I didn't.

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This is something that has been around since the game's release. This is not a bug.


Some armor sets have "default" dye sets that they defer to when you remove the dyes, instead of just going back to the grey that you would usually see.


I repeat, this is NOT a bug. This is as intended, and has been this way since release.




49 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|Singer

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