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Do you have Pre- POF goals?

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I'm unfortunately in a state where i cant accomplish any goal due to the limited Guild Wars 2 access I have until early october and probably even beyond that point too. I did however manage to finish the gliding mastery line (which thank GOD because seriously that was a HUGE pain). I'd also hoped to save up some gold but spent it on gems XD, hoping mounts don't cost too much. I also finally finished the HoT storyline with my mesmer (and season 3 as well, which i completed on my revenant previously that didn't finish HoT so it was my first complete) but you DID remind me that I want to play through the dungeon story paths and see that whole arch i never did before.


Now just holding out for necrotic glider, arctic explorer outfit and crystal nomad outfit which i know i don't have control over, but it helps with immersion. After I get proper gw2 access back, probably get the mounts first and then finish up the caladbolg sidestory, dungeon story paths and getting the gem store items.

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I have played through all campaigns and living world seasons with five of my twelve characters, am crafting another legendary weapon to sell, have just finished up all story achievements -- so no, I don't think I have any "goals" left for now, just doing minor things here and there.


So, I'll just lay back and hope for the best regarding PoF. :)

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I finished collecting 250 HP on all my 9 characters and built all elite spec weapons. Now I'm playing through the vanilla story with my new thief. I also finally managed to get the Shadow Abyss Dye so that things that I want in black ARE actually black and not light grey (looking at you Bandit Outfit :P).

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2 months ago I started my pre-PoF goals - Finish the personal story on my charr Revenant, finish the 4 HoT maps on 6 characters, finish the 6 Season 3 maps on 8 characters, finish getting 3 more full ascended jewelry sets from S3 maps, and finish the legendary I was working on (longbow). I've just finished all of them. If I had more time, I'd try to get the Season 2 story done on my 4 characters that still don't have it, but I don't think that's going to happen.

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first i tryed to get all masterypoints wich are ingame. But this goal i will never reache. Have not the stress restistance for most of the adventures, behind some points are gated. Too frustrating mechaniks and often to cluncky to play them.


My second goal i set to myself i've already done. Get one complete ascendet set of condi and on of power for my mainchar. Also craftet every weapon wich my main can use in ascendet and finished my first leggy.


I have collected the most of aviable HP's im around the 300 left points so i can unlock the new elite when the expansion hits.


I'm also trying out different classes for a second ''main'' alt, it's funny for thats the hardest part on my pre goals list ^^ Still have found no second class wich would suits me in my habbits and gameplaystyles.

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> I'm just doing little things. Farming, working on a Legendary weapon, and picking up a few old achievements.


Same. Tried starting one of the new ones (save the Queen) and absolutely hate the process.

I know it's a material sink, but I can't stand the repeating nature of it. It's literally the same three times in a row, just with more stuff.


The old ones had at least variety and got you into other areas of the game.

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> @Jaken.6801 said:

> > @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> > I'm just doing little things. Farming, working on a Legendary weapon, and picking up a few old achievements.


> Same. Tried starting one of the new ones (save the Queen) and absolutely hate the process.

> I know it's a material sink, but I can't stand the repeating nature of it. It's literally the same three times in a row, just with more stuff.


> The old ones had at least variety and got you into other areas of the game.


"little things" like working on a legendary weapon ***cry*** xD

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Actually I wanted to level an Engineer to have a solid excuse to build The Predator for my yet non-existant thief. But then I bought PoF, saw that Elonian Envoy title and simply had to create an Elonian-Styled Guardian which I have just finished leveling... still some days left to fully level my mid-20 engie, build the Predator, level a thief from scratch and make him/her/it a Deadeye... there is still so much to do!

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I only have smaller Pre-POF things to do, I would like to collect some money, and level up my Armorsmith craft, to drop my unwanted materials out for money. (Leather mostly, it's a really nice amount of money, but I don't have guts to sell them before max level, even if it writes that I only use it at lvl125 Armorsmith, I still keep them until the end.)

Oh, and I would like to roll out the back item from achievement on Draconis Mons, I will finish the second one tomorrow, or even today if I have a little spare time after work.

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I just came back from a year long break. I have finally settled with a class that I thoroughly enjoy and feel competent at (Elementalist), and I am going through completing living stories and achievements before PoF. I will probably continue to do this even after PoF, and then join the hustle and bustle of PoF later on into the release.

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