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Best class to play for a beginner in PVP?


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A while ago I started playing PVP and only got up to rank 22 before stopping (I never played a ranked match). During that time I played one game on Power Chrono (failed miserably), one on P/P Thief (went very bad), one on Longbow DH (also fail), and the rest of the games on Scourge (these builds were either found on Metabattle or youtube videos). I was okay at Scourge, but that's really because I would just hit all my skills in a panic during fights, and that would win me some. Sometimes I could remember the traits and what my skills did, but it's difficult for me.


I would like some suggestions for easy classes to play and survive with. I'm not good at playing the piano (aka pressing all my skills in an amazing order like the top players do), and sometimes I even skill click (I'm sorry!)


I'm not looking to be the best or even rank very high in PVP. Honestly, I want to play it for the rewards (reward tracks and ranked PVP rewards). Also, please tell me if the rewards are not as good as I think they are (reward track progression and for winning ranked matches transmutation charges and gold?).


I know this question has been asked before, but I know there was a recent balance patch, so I wanted to know if things changed any.


Thanks! o/

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Reaper all the way. Check out the quickness reaper build on meta battle. Why?


1. Simple role- seek out team fights and blow people up with your burst

2. Easy burst. Go practice on the golems. Build up life force and then go into shroud for the burst.

3. It can teach some great pvp skills if you find you love the game mode. You will learn not to die. You can swing so many team fights as a reaper, but only if you are alive to win them. You will learn rotation. You aren't too mobile, so you have to learn to anticipate how others will move. You will learn about matchups. Ranged snipers will beat you, unless you can kite them or account then. You don't need any of this at the start. Just go blow up team fights. But I found reaper to be very effective and instructive up to around gold 2. The skill floor is low, but there is plenty of room to grow if you want to.

4. You can run almost an identical build in open world pve, so it is easy to build up some muscle memory while farming dragonfall

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Warrior, Ranger or Guardian. If you take a Metabattle build I would give it more sustain. The longer you stay in game the more you can learn even if you lack damage. Necro is easy to play (mechanically) but gets focused often. I would not take thief or mesmer to start with.

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> @"Marxx.5021" said:

> Warrior, Ranger or Guardian. If you take a Metabattle build I would give it more sustain. The longer you stay in game the more you can learn even if you lack damage. Necro is easy to play (mechanically) but gets focused often. I would not take thief or mesmer to start with.


Plus one on this. However, if you go Guardian, I'd say that either Dragonhunter or a core guardian brawler build would be best since bunkers get focused a lot and if you're not really solid on knowing where and how to rotate with teams, you're likely to get farmed. You'll also find some big swings in how useful it is to run a bunker since the efficacy depends a lot on your team comp.

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> @"Temper.2190" said:

> Reaper all the way. Check out the quickness reaper build on meta battle. Why?


> 1. Simple role- seek out team fights and blow people up with your burst

> 2. Easy burst. Go practice on the golems. Build up life force and then go into shroud for the burst.

> 3. It can teach some great pvp skills if you find you love the game mode. You will learn not to die. You can swing so many team fights as a reaper, but only if you are alive to win them. You will learn rotation. You aren't too mobile, so you have to learn to anticipate how others will move. You will learn about matchups. Ranged snipers will beat you, unless you can kite them or account then. You don't need any of this at the start. Just go blow up team fights. But I found reaper to be very effective and instructive up to around gold 2. The skill floor is low, but there is plenty of room to grow if you want to.

> 4. You can run almost an identical build in open world pve, so it is easy to build up some muscle memory while farming


I agree reaper is a great class as it’s simple to understand but like easy to play classes more people understand how to kill one and where the weak spots are and that’s why reapers mainly stay in gold and low plat. Some leave low plat but that’s because they play the real necro meta as metabattles builds are not what u should be playing in plat. Gold u can play gs but plat ur main weapon is staff as it’s just that good! Unless your team has no cleave then I might take gs it also depends on the map.

Also fear cuticle is a must! It’s just that good if u ripping stab with ds, makes a great peal or burst combo also it’s great for rez

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