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Lets Talk About me and the Chronomancer

Hiraga Taichiru.1580

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Hi all

i am a 1-2 Years old player of this game. My mother Language is not English, so i ask your forgiveness if i made a mistake in this article. i am one of the players who loves **Chronomancer** way better than any class, the reason is that it"was" cool when you play as a support. but sadly **Chronomancer** went to changes that forced whoever is playing that class either to switch characters, specialization or build. Since i loved **Chronomancer** i decided to switch gear and build to move with Anet decision[1] which have made the support functionality of the **Chronomancer** weak. After switching to Damage **Chronomancer **i was able to see that **Mirage** is way better than chronomancer in both condition damage and power damage. after realizing this i went back to switch to support gear, however all what i could was support mostly myself, **Chronomancer** changed to not be able to support.

Since Anet staff were saying its balance, i did not care as much and switched characters.However i was still playing with the **Chronomancer** from time to time.



This word means a lot, specially with the last balance update. However what I've seen is that Anet Actually hate the **Chronomancer**. so to prove that , i went to WvW and fought almost each character in the game 1vs1 and these are my results:

ClassClass Win/LossReason
ChronoChrono 3/2both the same
ChronoMesmer 1/3he had more power, since i had to change my build to produce clones
ChronoMirage 0/3condi cancer, even when he swapped power i couldn't kill him
ChronoThief 0/3never stood a chance
ChronoDareDevil 0/3same as above
ChronoDeadEye 1/3he killed him self once because i had reflection in my build
ChronoNecromancer 0/3condi, i don't have enough cleansing also reveal
ChronoScourge 0/3Chrono doesn't have enough cleansing
ChronoReaper 0/3High dmg, even with shield is up
ChronoWarrior 0/3CC and dmg, chrono doesnt have much of stability
ChronoSpellbreaker 0/32 swipes and im dead , and CC
ChronoBerserker 0/3we both did burst on each other but he has defy pain and killed me
ChronoEngineer 0/3Condi cancer
ChronoHolosmith 0/3reveal ,CC and Damage
ChronoScrapper(Support) 0/3he gets alot of boons, and i was not able to reduce his hp to 50%
ChronoGaurdian 1/3he used his healing skill so early so i took it as a chance it against him
ChronoDragonhunter 0/3blocks my attacks blind me CC me and inflect a lot of dmg
ChronoFirebrand(Support) 0/3he gets alot of boons, and i was not able to reduce his hp to 30%
ChronoRevenent 0/3got killed so easily with condi
ChronoRenegade 0/0did not find any
ChronoHerald 0/3Lost to the dmg and reveal, **Chrono**can't break enemy targeting
ChronoRanger 0/0did not find any
ChronoDruid 0/3used burst on him but he cleansed **Slow** so my damage reduced and couldn't kill him
ChronoHerald 0/3he was able to stealth, inflect high dmg on me, CC me , cleanse **Slow** and has 2 signet of defy pain
ChronoElementalist 0/3the Norn i fought has high sustain and high dmg
Chronotempest 0/0Did not find any
ChronoWeaver 2/3almost won the fight but his burst comes so often
ChronoTotal 8/70This is the over all K/D to my chrono over the past 3 days

Now after seeing this, can you call this balance ? so you might be thinking that im just a noob, well that's fair enough, however let me tell you that before this update i can say that the K/D would be over 40/80 if i was able to use the original build and freely use shatter skills... lets ignore that for a bit shall we ?

Now since **Chronomancer** has turned out to be **Clone based character** i would like to talk about **clones** and **enemy target breaking**.


If you compare the Chronomancer traits and the Mirage traits you will notice they both have two traits in each specialization which involves clones.

[Time Catches Up][self-Deception]
[illusionary Reversion][infinite Horizon]

if u look up theses traits you will see that Mirage can produce more clones than Chronomancer also, Mirage can provide protection to his clones unlike Chronomancer

Breaking enemy targeting

in general, mesmer class has one skill that breaks the enemy targeting and instantiate clones. **Chronomancer** follow this behavior, however Mirage has up to four skills that can break-enemy targeting which is a good thing if you are "Clone based" character.

To wrap this up, if we are really going to balance Chronomancer. i think its better to change some of the traits to produce more clones than the mirage. as mentioned above Mirage can protect his clones when he evades, leading to easily get 3 clones fast, in the other hand Chronomancer can't do so in fact as i fought different classes they were able to kill my clones easily leading to me not be able to use my shatter skills.Finally, Chronomancer used to have alacrity all time which made it possible to ignore the fact that the Chronomancer skills has long Cool-down time, but they can't no more since to get alacrity Chronomancer needs to use shatter skills, and to use them he must have active clones, and to have an active clones Chronomancer has to be in combat mode.



Since we are talking about Skills. Lets talk about Wells (Chronomancer utility skills)

Chronomancer wells are really broken as for the good things comes when the well ends. lets talk about best case scenario and worst case scenario with wells

Best case

you will fight someone who doesn't apply CC to you and doesn't evade, then wells are good. as for support they fail when your allies keep moving

Worst case

Imagine you put well then Someone pulls or push you away from the well, then its like i just put my skill on CD for no reason , also the CD of the wells is long compared to other skills

to prevent such pulling and pushing , how about granting stability until the well ends? to ensure that i get the boon. also keep in mind that the wells cannot be used underwater.The only correct Well which is the Elite Well [Gravity Well] which makes it hard for the enemy to evade but still has a long Cool-down time since we are talking no more alacrity without entering combat mode.besides if you compare mirage and chronomancer, you will find that Chronomancer is the one who is able to control time and space but not a mirage, this should allow chronomancer to teleport and revert a lot. However it seems controlling time to Anet is just using evade-able and mostly worthless wells. This is just my opinion i think **wells** for chronomancer should be reworked to **Gates**


and Since we are talking about reverting and teleportation then im talking about [Continuum Split] (Chrono) F4 shatter skill

i tried to play with this broken Chronomancer and here is what i found:

using [Continuum Split], then getting downed will not revert you, when it should revert, since a soulbeast is able to stay alive if he dies when in soulbeast mode, so why not this skill too?

using [Continuum Split], well put a point called [Continuum shift] and if enemy destroys it, he basically killed you.

using [Continuum Split] with 3 clones, so you can play around for 6 seconds to get back the Continuum shift, then use [Mimic] and use any skill , then use the same skill again then you will be reverted back but [Mimic] will be in cool down

[signet of illusion] does not recharge [Continuum Split] shatter skill


here are some references of the major changes to the chronomancer






So let me ask you again.


after seeing all of this, can you call this balance ?

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I'd like to add to this saying you're absolutely right about how bad chrono is in pvp. I mained chrono in all pve content and I know it in and out very well. I do get some kills here and there but it's rare.

As mirage which I don't know at all: I can trample most other players without breaking a sweat.

Oh and this is all **before** the last update where mirage was buffed and chrono was destroyed.

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@"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

> so you might be thinking that im just a noob, well that's fair enough, however let me tell you that before this update i can say that the K/D would be over 40/80 if i was able to use the original build and freely use shatter skills... lets ignore that for a bit shall we

Well yes, because a 0.5 kdr would still be pretty horrid performance for any 1v1 built roamer worth his salt regardless of class. I cant even tell from the back and forth what build you used, it sounds like it was a support build. For 1v1? Lol. Not sure what you wanted to prove with that other than if you try to fit a square peg in a round hole it doesnt work.


But who knows, sometimes you just meet better players. And sometimes you meet mediocre enemies. I'm sure there are chronos out there tonight that won tons of fights.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

> > so you might be thinking that im just a noob, well that's fair enough, however let me tell you that before this update i can say that the K/D would be over 40/80 if i was able to use the original build and freely use shatter skills... lets ignore that for a bit shall we

> Well yes, because a 0.5 kdr would still be pretty horrid performance for any 1v1 built roamer worth his salt regardless of class. I cant even tell from the back and forth what build you used, it sounds like it was a support build. For 1v1? Lol. Not sure what you wanted to prove with that other than if you try to fit a square peg in a round hole it doesnt work.


> But who knows, sometimes you just meet better players. And sometimes you meet mediocre enemies. I'm sure there are chronos out there tonight that won tons of fights.


You see, im not playing 1vs1 as a support, before the main strategy, was to kill people with shatter skills, easly get 10k dmg with shatters only, now since shatters doesn't activate unless u have a clone, i had to use Dueling Trait line to be able to get as much clones as possible, however even with this trait line is active maintaining 3 clones would be hard as a chronomancer. And Yes 0.5 kdr is really low right ? but think about it. compared to the time i spent in chrono, i played damage chrono lless than support.

also you said "I'm sure there are chronos out there tonight that won tons of fights", if you play chrono prove it . since i know many chronos turned to be mesmers, its rare now that you see Chronomancer , whats more with this update, you will not see them eventually



--The point is my friend is you can get damage with builds, now builds must change to be able to summon clones, dmg has reduced, also can't provide protection to my clones to stack 3 of them... you try it, see how broken this class is then i believe you will write an article to show how broken this is.and keep in mind Chronomancer was able to get 1 stack of stability for each shatter skills in the build ,now he can't unless he has a clone and the right build

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Well yes, because a 0.5 kdr would still be pretty horrid performance for any 1v1 built roamer worth his salt regardless of class. I cant even tell from the back and forth what build you used, it sounds like it was a support build. For 1v1? Lol. Not sure what you wanted to prove with that other than if you try to fit a square peg in a round hole it doesnt work.


> But who knows, sometimes you just meet better players. And sometimes you meet mediocre enemies. I'm sure there are chronos out there tonight that won tons of fights.


Also mate, im talking about chronomancer if i switch to mirage this would have changed since i know mirage has alot of useful skills unlike Chronomancer, i have two other characters i play with Thief and holosmith

if i play with either of those the result would be very different, what im trying to show here that chronomancer needed some buffs, but instead they Nerfed it more .

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After putting up some changes (Costly) changes.. now Chronomancer can only stand good with either ignoring shatter skills and focus on burst attack without them, or make a clone spammer build and (Trailblazer) gear.

** However**

chronomancer trait line can only give 1 non-damaging condition which is [slow] and its pretty useless without dmg.

So here are my thoughts:

**Chronomancer** can deal damage if they go with burst chrono, dropping the core use of shatter skills resulting to low sustain.

**Chronomancer** can deal less damage if they change build and utility to spam clones to benefit from using shatter by dropping the powerful damage mentioned above.

**Chronomancer** cannot support.

**Chronomancer** could be used for condition damage with the spam of clones, however maintaining clones.

**Chronomancer** with spamming clones build cannot handle outnumbered fight; clones get killed easily. So in final conclusion this class cannot stand with Large scale fights

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

> Update:

> After putting up some changes (Costly) changes.. now Chronomancer can only stand good with either ignoring shatter skills and focus on burst attack without them, or make a clone spammer build and (Trailblazer) gear.

> ** However**

> chronomancer trait line can only give 1 non-damaging condition which is [slow] and its pretty useless without dmg.

> So here are my thoughts:

> **Chronomancer** can deal damage if they go with burst chrono, dropping the core use of shatter skills resulting to low sustain.

> **Chronomancer** can deal less damage if they change build and utility to spam clones to benefit from using shatter by dropping the powerful damage mentioned above.

> **Chronomancer** cannot support.

> **Chronomancer** could be used for condition damage with the spam of clones, however maintaining clones.

> **Chronomancer** with spamming clones build cannot handle outnumbered fight; clones get killed easily. So in final conclusion this class cannot stand with Large scale fights


Root of the issue: Clones running to melee range to explode, being destroyable, and SoI having been changed (double Mesmers bouncing boons indefinitely was admittedly quite silly). Slow being the only Chrono specific condition is actually fine, but they should have had access to some chills and burns in the trait line as well in my opinion. Chrono design has always seemed rather lackluster, Wells too, very limited in every way, but elites did not seem very well thought out in HoT and were just superior versions of the core professions.

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