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terrible at jumping skills (Catch all: for ideas in the game also)

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Put this where you think best, because I know nothing about forums. First time. Only searched through them. This has multiple areas for discussion. Some problem areas for me and ideas for the future of the game. Please excuse the typos, grammar, and auto corrections. My keyboard has some keys that want to quit on me from time to time.


I'm terrible at jumping puzzles especially ones that require me to jump in a virtual world where I can't judge this distance. I could probably do it in real life with a grapping hook and rope. You can't even climb a latter in this game. The best game that I finished using invulnerable or invincibility at the end was Drakan: Order of the Flame. I am using Rynn from that game in this game. With all these jumping puzzles forced upon me to get my Rynn a dragon (skyscale). I'm terrible at jumping puzzles. Now I will never have a dragon (skyscale) for any of my three accounts. I don't want the griffon. It only has one skin that makes it look like a real griffon. no to owl griffon. Now I have three characters in this account that are stuck in places for the Skyscale Lost shit. My 80 level characters can't use experience points that is gained by this achievements, because I have gotten as far as I can for the mastery points stuff. I can't get to the next one because I don't have the mastery points to pay for the current one I am on. So wasted experience point gains are not cool. The experience gained could have gone to the mastery of the skyscale.

Did I mention That I am terrible at jumping puzzles. With keys or mouse or joystick, I am terrible. I could probably do these jumping puzzles better if I had a grappling hook and rope, and was in there in real life. This game will not let you climb ladders, hang on with your finger tips on a ledge, or even hang from a ladder that is horizontal. I can't judge the distance when jumping unless I was really there. I am afraid of heights and yet I like to get very high up in the mountains or slowly walk on the sand path in the sky. I only adventured in the Heart of Thorns after I got the mounts unlocked from Path of Fire. I love adventuring and exploring this wonderful world you have created, just not good at fighting and jumping puzzles. jumping on to a small round object many, many times too much is very terrible for me. I can hardly get passed the first few jumps, maybe two or three. five or more is just pushing it for my skills, which will never improve because I can't be in the game 24/7 like the more experienced extreme players. I use to have three computers so I could have all three accounts play together. Now I have only one. I have four guilds that I have created for storing items, but only three can store items. The fourth one can't get anything done for it because there is no influence points to get. No guild hall as I don't have the computers to get one. I don't do LFG stuff, but if I see players that have gathered I would help. I try to help where I can with my limited skills in fighting. Only have exotic weapons with fire and earth type sigils. I'm not a hard gamer. Just the game is hard for me to play in some areas. If you must know, the guilds are (VKC), (KCF), (YRP), and (CCAK). The first three I use to store unbound items, some for collections. I believe in 'trust no one'. I am a PvE only gamer. PvP and WvW are not my style. I like story and exploring. I don't want to be a burden on other people in the game, so I play solo. I started playing Guild Wars 1 in 2008 and got Guild Wars 2 as a pre-purchase. So I played Guild Wars 2 since it started and then added the other accounts later on. Had two accounts for Guild Wars 1 to help get past the gate in pre-searing. The third account is not connected to GW1 as I am never going to have a third account in GW1. Hopefully I will get two more MacBook Pros to have the three accounts join forces. I would really like to have all of my characters from all accounts in the game at once. I know it's crazy to want that. Yes I had three computers in 2012. Lost 2 of them because of no work from my job and my girlfriend at the time pawned them in 2013. Now I have a good full time job, not great because of not $20 per hour.


There are other species I would like to play in this game, but they would be a problem to implement. Because of the mounts and gliders, how would a centaur be able to adventure in this game and do what the mounts can do or even use gliders. They don't swim, can't use sand portals, or even fly on a mount. I would still like to play a centaur, a skritt, or even a tengu. The tengu can be from the Dominion of Winds. The centaurs and the skritt can also be behind the walled up area. Peaceful Ventari centaur tribe. Adventurous skritt in their own scratch that have a few that are smart without the hive mind. For possible movement like the mounts, the centaur could use the magic carpet and ascender travel toys. The ascender travel toys can allow a centaur to jump in the air like the springer does. The magic carpet can act as a skimmer, a griffon, a skyscale, a raptor, or even a glider. Would have to have a special mastery for the centaurs only to unlock the abilities of an ascender and magic carpet. Could also give a centaur wings to be used for griffon and skyscale ability to fly. Maybe even give all characters wings to fly like a griffon or skyscale, but without the dismount attack ability. Would like for characters to be able to use ladders, or even scale a mountain (or spelunking down a hole) with a grappling hook and rope.

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The Wiki is my source of information from the beginning. Skyscale is not lost any more, just have the saddle to deal with. not enough resources to buy the items needed. Got the first item, working on the next item. Third item will take a long time, as well as the other ones. Only have 187 ore, 51 crystals, 35 shards (again), 24 mistonium, 13 branded mass, & 170 mistborn mote. Its going to be a long time before I can at 255 of each. Playing ball with the skyscale was hard enough. This is really not worth all these achievements to get a skyscale. Too much.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> No need to do Jumping Puzzles, there are often Mesmers to help, or barring that, this item: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat, which allows you to skip any and all of the requirements for 'Skyscale Lost'.


> Good luck.


That is good to know. I have not yet looked at the skyscale... at 7 gold each I hope we don't need to many treats ha ha. I abhor jumping puzzles.

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