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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > > > I disagree, trade offs are a great change. Its how the game was designed originally. Each profession had trade offs. With the introduction of elite specs, what happened was the elite specs filled in the gaps each profession had. Effectively removing the weaknesses they were designed with. Its no coincidence that the massive power creep happened when elite specs were introduced.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Trade-offs do not exist if:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1) core is not viable.

> > > > > 2) the entire elite line is not sPvP viable.

> > > > >

> > > > > Examples: Chrono, Druid, berserker, renegade, need I keep going?

> > > > >

> > > > > If Anet is serious about trade-offs (they are not), they had to buff core lines and nerf elites. What Anet currently doing can only be called throwing darts on to a board with blind on. It has nothing to do with balance, trade-offs, quality of life improvements or overall game improvement.

> > > >

> > > > How can you say any of this when you know they aren't done doing their trade off rework. We have 3 or so elite specs with trade offs now? Out of how many. Lets talk what is viable and whats not when they are done.

> > >

> > > You think this is 3 year project? This is a kitten 7 year old game and now the devs to are working figure out what works and what does not?! It’s done. **And whatever the devs are currently doing is not working and will only alienate the remaining players.**

> >

> > I think the bolded is the most important point out of anything mentioned in this thread.

> >

> > Anet needs to be really careful about this. The game is 7 years old and the reason why we still play the game is because certain things feel a certain way and it's comfortable, familiar, and appeasing to play. We aren't here still in the era of "Oh let me see how this new class feels." Most of us are waaaaay past that game experimentation phase. We are still here because we like how the game has felt up to this point. The game is in a new era, the almost decade old era, which means that the player base is mostly comprised of older hardcore diehard players who are still here because things have had a certain historical "feel" to them up to this point. But all of a sudden, Arenanet is pumping out some really weird mechanical game changers, most of which are not exactly favorable. If they are going to pump out complete class/specialization overhauls to how something feels mechanically, especially in competitive modes, they need to be 100% sure that the change is a quality upgrade and not something that is going to disappoint & dirty up the play experience of that hardcore player base, who has expectations.

> >

> > As the title of the thread says "Why are we de-evolving a 7 year old game?" And that is exactly what I mean. That is not what a veteran player base should be feeling, if the company wants to survive into the decade life span era. That's the kind of disappointing feeling that makes veteran player base look for a new game.


> Add to that, Anet already made it clear that the next expansion is at least two years away. For PvP (and most of the game) that means we are stuck with the current builds for the foreseeable future. If Anet is going to get into re-creating the wheel without putting out new content, the player base will be decimated. I honestly do not understand what is Anet's business strategy in the upcoming period. And personally, I am beginning to phase out from playing GW2.


This ^ I dont even log in unless to mess around in unranked pvp lol I used to love pve and wvw but now it feels boring.

I honestly get the feeling gw2 isn't anets main focus and hadn't been for some time. It feels like the company has accepted the games decline and instead of taking steps to reverse and make it thrive again they're just doing the minimum to keep what players they can and make as much off it as they can until the game falls into the same category as gw1. Maybe because the games age and or they're putting their resources into a project that they hope hope will be the future of their company and that definitely doesn't seem like its gw2. Could be totally off mark tho.

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I still believe there's hope for the game. There were still many active people in metas including later after reset.

I do agree these changes are pushing people away too. The changes are breaking the e-spec mechanics and reducing the quality of life (i.e. Chrono and its IP.. Holosmith and its PBM to name a couple).

The better trade-off would be either to reduce a base stat or give them a negative effect and NOT remove a baseline function or change it which breaks intended mechanics.

This is what will hurt the community more than help it.


A great start for them fixing the game is to undo the last balance patch that broke a few e-specs then think about the consequences and impact that they've caused. Reflect on that. Then tone down their power-creep instead of break their functionality making them useless in certain game modes.


And when toning down the power-creep. Please, do it on ALL specs at the **same** time!! Not slowly over the course of a couple years.

Like for PvP or something: just give all professions baseline damage reduction as a temporary bandaid until a REAL fix is implemented.

That will tone down the power creep AND bring back many of the veteran players who quit as well as not push away new players.


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> @"Flandre.2870" said:

> The whole "elite specs must have a drawback" thing is only alineating even more playres from the game. Those are not good changes. They streamline the game and take away the depth. I don't know a single person happy about the chrono change, you lose SO MUCH little flavor things you could do with shatters off target. heal/cleanse/alac/daze/blind. Those small things you could pull off that were worth to do at certain situations. Mesmer has become WORTHLESS in wvw because you can't get a clone out without it insta dying. Chronos literally dont have a profession mechanic in wvw. Might aswell just ban all wvw mesmer accounts because the class is unplayable there. Also Zerker used to be about timing your abilities but now you just have infinite zerkmode and you just spam off cooldown. Game's becoming a spam fiesta. Actually feel bad for zerker mains that their spec turned into press F2 off cooldown spec in pvp. Why are we taking away the mechanics that give depth in a game that keeps nerfing every spec over and over anyway? What kind of fun will it give? Less choices? Because sure it deosn't seem like you're developing new elite specs at this point. The game is actually regressing.


> @"Aza.2105" said:

> I disagree, trade offs are a great change. Its how the game was designed originally. Each profession had trade offs. With the introduction of elite specs, what happened was the elite specs filled in the gaps each profession had. Effectively removing the weaknesses they were designed with. Its no coincidence that the massive power creep happened when elite specs were introduced.




The Trade-offs are a good thing and those are not the issue we currently face; Those are the only positive coming out of the current design direction of the game. The majority of the classes are being pigeonholed into specific roles and we are getting a "Don't like, don't play " mentality from the player-base and the devs (They openly support it with said changes.) The trade offs should not be negative but should help offer the class/spec idenity and uniqueness while also functioning properly and being well built alongside the class. We shouldn't have a spec in game that can't or is less powerful in competitive game modes, which right now there are a few who just kind of don't work out. (Condi-rev, I believe Reaper now, Druid now, chrono from the sounds of it ect)


Guild wars 1 was all about player choice and deciding how you wanted to run your character and yes some builds sucked, but they were still there in case others found them fun and they were not THAT far behind the others. In this game its now an illusion of choice; Really there is not much to choose from depending on how you look at things which makes the game pretty dull. You either are power-burst, or a condi-spam and that is what you have to choose from and it basically segregates players into specific roles and specific niches. (Kinda kills the fun when you can't make a wacky build, that is super effective and now everyone is asking what you are running because not only do the skills look cool but work well together. Now its just "Run X" and if you deviate you have a likely chance of being punished exceedingly hard.) With no real progression for the majority of us anymore, the game has become "Too casual" it doesn't require skill anymore. Just spam until someone is dead, if its you? You didn't spam hard enough.

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