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Impossible to Climb


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I'm in New Zealand (OCX) and its just become impossible to climb, unless I play during NA prime time - which is very late for me.

I've got my top 25 title a while back, though its just becoming impossible to climb during my peak hours.

If i'm platinum 3, I end up in platinum 1 by the end of the night. Low population and low rated players = impossible, unless I play during NA prime.

Is there anything ArenaNet can do to fix this, or is it too late..?

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> @"Hex.8714" said:

> play mesmer then problem fixed, i see bronze level mesmer players in my 1600 rating games so yeah.


I have recently been playing Mesmer a lot, though it doesn't help much when the game feels like 1v5 and no logic from my team. I do get some decent games but yeah..

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> I'm in New Zealand (OCX) and its just become impossible to climb, unless I play during NA prime time - which is very late for me.

> I've got my top 25 title a while back, though its just becoming impossible to climb during my peak hours.

> If i'm platinum 3, I end up in platinum 1 by the end of the night. Low population and low rated players = impossible, unless I play during NA prime.

> Is there anything ArenaNet can do to fix this, or is it too late..?


Aussie player here, I feel your pain. Seems like match ups have been particularly bad this season, which I imagine is a result of the queuing issues. There is already a low player population and with the added frustration of queue issues, I've had more blowout matches than usual. This is an observation I can't prove.


Playing during NA peak times is only an option for me occasionally. Without attracting new players in droves, I can't see this situation for OCX is going to change any time soon.

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Dont bother with ranked or rating, it means nothing. If you cant play during prime time there is nothing you can do, I am currently playing at night and last game there was a bot in each team. You lose 3x more rating than you gain and you do not have enough impact on the outcome.


With the current population and low player skill in ranked you can not play the game anymore as a team game as it is supposed to be played.

It turned into who can farm the enemies noobs faster.


Anet should remove this system ASAP and replace it with something more team oriented, challenging, less frustrating.



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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> I'm in New Zealand (OCX) and its just become impossible to climb, unless I play during NA prime time - which is very late for me.

> I've got my top 25 title a while back, though its just becoming impossible to climb during my peak hours.

> If i'm platinum 3, I end up in platinum 1 by the end of the night. Low population and low rated players = impossible, unless I play during NA prime.

> Is there anything ArenaNet can do to fix this, or is it too late..?


What I'm noticing this season, is that there is just an awful lot of alting & throwing going on. People are reaching out to the alt throw meta to knock known good players out of top 100 slots. It's because everyone wants these new titles.


And I'm not talking about win trading here. I'm talking about people just playing on alt accounts, and throwing vs. players who threaten their main account's leaderboard position. This is really easy to do now with low population. You can have an alt account sitting around top gold 3 bottom plat 1, and if you play at off peak hours, it'll be easy to get into games with even plat 3 players. And then since population is low.. the guys doing this are always in the same que as you, if you play off peak.


The other day I was queueing very early morning eastern time zone and had a terrible experience. There was this group of players who kept landing in my ques, random accounts with 1000 or less APs, never seen these accounts before. These accounts must have been rated around top gold maybe bottom plat. There was a particular Spellbreaker who was really bad at hiding what he was doing. Whether he was on your team or against you, he would sometimes just play terribly to the point that you're asking yourself "Is this actually a bronze 3 player?" but then other times when he really wanted to win a match, he could immaculately transform into a platinum 3 final round AT material player, and start dominating 1v2s with flawless play. <- These kinds of mechanical skill changes during play are not "a player getting lucky" or "an act of god" it's people alting who have an agenda to make main accounts lose matches.


I should have stopped playing when I noticed the mysterious skill growths & declines that the Spellbreaker was demonstrating, but I was honestly curious as to how bad this problem was becoming in NA during the off peak hours so I kept playing. Long story short, these guys rode me down into gold 2 that morning. Later that night during peak hours, I was able to climb back to mid plat.


Pretty much what's going on nowadays in NA, is that off peak hours are used by top players on alts to create a rating loss trap so to say, for anyone on their main account who try to que up at those times.

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I just feel like I got put in way higher division in the initial sorting than I have skills for. It's my first tournament, I got put in gold 2 and I have basically lost every match in the actual season. I constantly feel I get outplayed by my enemies a lot. Is the only way to get in a division better suited for my skills just to lose a lot?


It doesn't feel good being a liability to your team but there's just no other way to play for the chests, collections or PvP tickets since the unranked doesn't give it.

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I get the random bot maybe 2/10 but my problem is I placed silver lol so I struggle keeping t2 plat as game just wants me back. I climb, then games like wait u was placed lower and boom whole team vs good players. Idk I enjoy it tho makes game more juicy

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I gain a quarter of a tier then I lose a quarter or more.


Most of the losses are due to:

- AFKs

- Being on teams with 2 or more core specs going up against full team of elites

- Usually two necros on other team that just wreck everyone, or two burn guards or two burn eles or two mirages or two Holos or two Rampage warrs.

- On teams with people who clearly haven't played their class/spec much

- people who don't understand the map mechanics (true story),

- On teams that just have no answer to team of condi or CC, usually both.

- Whole team that decides that fighting home cap when the other team have the other two is a good idea. Amount of matches lost on this alone is unbelievable.

- Teams that just can't win 1v1s.

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