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Sorry Anet employees.


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Well, granted that I was warned and banned because I put a " * " in a word that would have otherwise been changed to "kitten", I'm not even surprised to what happened to your thread. ANet increased it's forum mod.


> The language filter exists in order to help make the forums a welcoming place for all of our community members. Please do not alter inappropriate language in order to circumvent the language filter.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > At least we now know someone read it. Thanks for your sacrifice.


> Someone... Balance team needs to read and actually care.

> But it seems like they don't.


Not their job. That's a CM job to relay the tendency of the forums, and honestly, this subforum is 50% rant and complains so, I don't blame them for not wanting to go further in.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > At least we now know someone read it. Thanks for your sacrifice.


> Someone... Balance team needs to read and actually care.

> But it seems like they don't.


Caring doesn't mean obeying. I care about my kids, but I don't do everything they ask me to do. I'm sure there are plenty of Anet devs that do care, and probably a few that don't care so much. But they're also probably using a different criteria than you are, and in many cases, any change they make is going to piss someone off.

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this just shows that Anet hates necros, and they are trying to silence from asking why they do, it is not because you were rude to the Anet employees in your post it is because it was a valid question and they didn't want to answer it because it would look bad for them also if they didn't give any kind of answer it would be left to the communities interpretation which is also bad. so best thing is to just delete it and any and all thread remotely like it. Anet wants necro to just be a boon corrupt bot and not viable to be ANYTHING ELSE, any other builds you make with them be it condi, power, support, etc there is a better class that will be able to do it much better in nearly every way, because Anet hates necros and are to lazy to give them a rework/ properly balancing them

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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> Ah cmon what did I miss? D: I want the drama D:


* A-net got called out for the changes made to nerco's, similarly to how they got called out for destroying mallyx for rev's in the same patch.

* A-net got mad and banned anyone/removed anyones posts or responses even touching the subject.

* Its become a "Don't like it, Don't play" mentality.

* Im summarizing because Im pretty sure if I go into details Ill get banned or some such thing, again.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > Ah cmon what did I miss? D: I want the drama D:


> * A-net got called out for the changes made to nerco's, similarly to how they got called out for destroying mallyx for rev's in the same patch.

> * A-net got mad and banned anyone/removed anyones posts or responses even touching the subject.

> * Its become a "Don't like it, Don't play" mentality.

> * Im summarizing because Im pretty sure if I go into details Ill get banned or some such thing, again.


They should get called out! The change felt so random and their reasoning for the nerf made no sense. If they actually played the class, they’d know that. Who cares if Necro is bulky in PvE? Last time I checked, we didn’t do as much damage as most other meta classes, and we don’t have tons of damage mitigation. Yet by their own words we’re supposed to be a beefy frontliner? They nerfed if for PvE reasons not thinking about the effects it would have on PvP. Even if they did think about it, they opted not to do a split. This is more than enough reason to call them out and sure enough, instead of actually talking to the players and listening to feed back, they silence us and remove posts about it. They’d rather censor us and ignore our feedback than work with us which says a lot about them. You’re absolutely right about the “don’t like it, don’t play” mentality. It’s because they THINK they know what’s best for the game when they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing and it shows! We give feedback all the time and sometimes they listen, but more times than not they seem to just buff and nerf things they shouldn’t. Even at the end of dragon bash, a post was made here in the forums about how a player was sad to see it go. A DEV then hopped on and said that it was going to still be going on for another week. Only to then be corrected by a player. The dev THEN went for confirmation and returned to apologize for misinformation.(https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82164/farewell-dragon-bash-well-miss-you) If even the community devs don’t know what’s going on, how can we believe that any of them do?


I say OP has absolutely NOTHING to apologize for (though I never did see the original post so if there was a bunch of name calling and stuff, I would be wrong). The devs need to know of their mistakes, realize that they are infact wrong and capable of making mistakes, then they need to admit to their mistakes and fix them ASAP instead of forcing their players to deal with their screw up while we wait for the next balance patch.


But let’s face it, this won’t happen and they will continue to silence and/or ignore us because what could we possibly know about the game we play?

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> @"Xykris.6758" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > > Ah cmon what did I miss? D: I want the drama D:

> >

> > * A-net got called out for the changes made to nerco's, similarly to how they got called out for destroying mallyx for rev's in the same patch.

> > * A-net got mad and banned anyone/removed anyones posts or responses even touching the subject.

> > * Its become a "Don't like it, Don't play" mentality.

> > * Im summarizing because Im pretty sure if I go into details Ill get banned or some such thing, again.


> They should get called out! The change felt so random and their reasoning for the nerf made no sense. If they actually played the class, they’d know that. Who cares if Necro is bulky in PvE? Last time I checked, we didn’t do as much damage as most other meta classes, and we don’t have tons of damage mitigation. Yet by their own words we’re supposed to be a beefy frontliner? They nerfed if for PvE reasons not thinking about the effects it would have on PvP. Even if they did think about it, they opted not to do a split. This is more than enough reason to call them out and sure enough, instead of actually talking to the players and listening to feed back, they silence us and remove posts about it. They’d rather censor us and ignore our feedback than work with us which says a lot about them. You’re absolutely right about the “don’t like it, don’t play” mentality. It’s because they THINK they know what’s best for the game when they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing and it shows! We give feedback all the time and sometimes they listen, but more times than not they seem to just buff and nerf things they shouldn’t. Even at the end of dragon bash, a post was made here in the forums about how a player was sad to see it go. A DEV then hopped on and said that it was going to still be going on for another week. Only to then be corrected by a player. The dev THEN went for confirmation and returned to apologize for misinformation.(https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82164/farewell-dragon-bash-well-miss-you) If even the community devs don’t know what’s going on, how can we believe that any of them do?


> I say OP has absolutely NOTHING to apologize for (though I never did see the original post so if there was a bunch of name calling and stuff, I would be wrong). The devs need to know of their mistakes, realize that they are infact wrong and capable of making mistakes, then they need to admit to their mistakes and fix them ASAP instead of forcing their players to deal with their screw up while we wait for the next balance patch.


> But let’s face it, this won’t happen and they will continue to silence and/or ignore us because what could we possibly know about the game we play?


them silencing necro feedback is not something unheard of, Anet hates necros, simple as that. they want necro to be NOTHING MORE than a boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE, if you build for anything else then there is another class that will do the job better be it, power, condi, support, etc, etc ,etc there will always be a better class for it, Anets view on necro is boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE

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Cheers Xykris. I didnt namecall at all, just asked what was probably too much from them. I addressed it as 'any Anet employee' so thts overly personal and considered rude. In RL I'm the character type to read a nametag on a shop employee and use it, politely mind you. I never thought it as being rude but giving an identity to that there individual. Each to their own though aye.. different cultures/belief systems who knows what comes into play.

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> @""Xxnecroxx.4039"

Sad but true.


> @"dceptaconroy.7928"


Cheers! Sounds fine to me. You were looking for answers so you asked for an Anet employee to reply. Sounds to me like they were just looking for excuses not to answer. Sadly, I can’t say I’m surprised.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> them silencing necro feedback is not something unheard of, Anet hates necros, simple as that. they want necro to be NOTHING MORE than a boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE, if you build for anything else then there is another class that will do the job better be it, power, condi, support, etc, etc ,etc there will always be a better class for it, Anets view on necro is boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE

Is there a better healer than firebrand?

Is there a better tank than spellbreaker?

Is there a better dps backline than ele/rev?

Is there a better debuffer than scourge?


You can't give a spec mobility, corruptions (esp. tons of movement impairing stuff) and damage. That's broken.


A reaper that can not corrupt is basically a warrior. A scourge that can not corrupt is basically an elementalist. Both classes have more "unlimited" sustain and mobility. So maybe these are the right classes for some of the necro players.


**@ deleted thread**

Did not see that comming, but well... I posted a pretty solid smallscale roaming build there. Maybe it's better it got removed to not draw any attention for nerfs.

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> @"Xykris.6758" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > > Ah cmon what did I miss? D: I want the drama D:

> >

> > * A-net got called out for the changes made to nerco's, similarly to how they got called out for destroying mallyx for rev's in the same patch.

> > * A-net got mad and banned anyone/removed anyones posts or responses even touching the subject.

> > * Its become a "Don't like it, Don't play" mentality.

> > * Im summarizing because Im pretty sure if I go into details Ill get banned or some such thing, again.


> They should get called out! The change felt so random and their reasoning for the nerf made no sense. If they actually played the class, they’d know that. Who cares if Necro is bulky in PvE? Last time I checked, we didn’t do as much damage as most other meta classes, and we don’t have tons of damage mitigation. Yet by their own words we’re supposed to be a beefy frontliner? They nerfed if for PvE reasons not thinking about the effects it would have on PvP. Even if they did think about it, they opted not to do a split. This is more than enough reason to call them out and sure enough, instead of actually talking to the players and listening to feed back, they silence us and remove posts about it. They’d rather censor us and ignore our feedback than work with us which says a lot about them. You’re absolutely right about the “don’t like it, don’t play” mentality. It’s because they THINK they know what’s best for the game when they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing and it shows! We give feedback all the time and sometimes they listen, but more times than not they seem to just buff and nerf things they shouldn’t. Even at the end of dragon bash, a post was made here in the forums about how a player was sad to see it go. A DEV then hopped on and said that it was going to still be going on for another week. Only to then be corrected by a player. The dev THEN went for confirmation and returned to apologize for misinformation.(https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82164/farewell-dragon-bash-well-miss-you) If even the community devs don’t know what’s going on, how can we believe that any of them do?


> I say OP has absolutely NOTHING to apologize for (though I never did see the original post so if there was a bunch of name calling and stuff, I would be wrong). The devs need to know of their mistakes, realize that they are infact wrong and capable of making mistakes, then they need to admit to their mistakes and fix them ASAP instead of forcing their players to deal with their screw up while we wait for the next balance patch.


> But let’s face it, this won’t happen and they will continue to silence and/or ignore us because what could we possibly know about the game we play?


> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Xykris.6758" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > > > Ah cmon what did I miss? D: I want the drama D:

> > >

> > > * A-net got called out for the changes made to nerco's, similarly to how they got called out for destroying mallyx for rev's in the same patch.

> > > * A-net got mad and banned anyone/removed anyones posts or responses even touching the subject.

> > > * Its become a "Don't like it, Don't play" mentality.

> > > * Im summarizing because Im pretty sure if I go into details Ill get banned or some such thing, again.

> >

> > They should get called out! The change felt so random and their reasoning for the nerf made no sense. If they actually played the class, they’d know that. Who cares if Necro is bulky in PvE? Last time I checked, we didn’t do as much damage as most other meta classes, and we don’t have tons of damage mitigation. Yet by their own words we’re supposed to be a beefy frontliner? They nerfed if for PvE reasons not thinking about the effects it would have on PvP. Even if they did think about it, they opted not to do a split. This is more than enough reason to call them out and sure enough, instead of actually talking to the players and listening to feed back, they silence us and remove posts about it. They’d rather censor us and ignore our feedback than work with us which says a lot about them. You’re absolutely right about the “don’t like it, don’t play” mentality. It’s because they THINK they know what’s best for the game when they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing and it shows! We give feedback all the time and sometimes they listen, but more times than not they seem to just buff and nerf things they shouldn’t. Even at the end of dragon bash, a post was made here in the forums about how a player was sad to see it go. A DEV then hopped on and said that it was going to still be going on for another week. Only to then be corrected by a player. The dev THEN went for confirmation and returned to apologize for misinformation.(https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82164/farewell-dragon-bash-well-miss-you) If even the community devs don’t know what’s going on, how can we believe that any of them do?

> >

> > I say OP has absolutely NOTHING to apologize for (though I never did see the original post so if there was a bunch of name calling and stuff, I would be wrong). The devs need to know of their mistakes, realize that they are infact wrong and capable of making mistakes, then they need to admit to their mistakes and fix them ASAP instead of forcing their players to deal with their screw up while we wait for the next balance patch.

> >

> > But let’s face it, this won’t happen and they will continue to silence and/or ignore us because what could we possibly know about the game we play?


> them silencing necro feedback is not something unheard of, Anet hates necros, simple as that. they want necro to be NOTHING MORE than a boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE, if you build for anything else then there is another class that will do the job better be it, power, condi, support, etc, etc ,etc there will always be a better class for it, Anets view on necro is boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > them silencing necro feedback is not something unheard of, Anet hates necros, simple as that. they want necro to be NOTHING MORE than a boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE, if you build for anything else then there is another class that will do the job better be it, power, condi, support, etc, etc ,etc there will always be a better class for it, Anets view on necro is boon corrupt bot and NOTHING ELSE

> Is there a better healer than firebrand?

> Is there a better tank than spellbreaker?

> Is there a better dps backline than ele/rev?

> Is there a better debuffer than scourge?


> You can't give a spec mobility, corruptions (esp. tons of movement impairing stuff) and damage. That's broken.


> A reaper that can not corrupt is basically a warrior. A scourge that can not corrupt is basically an elementalist. Both classes have more "unlimited" sustain and mobility. So maybe these are the right classes for some of the necro players.


> **@ deleted thread**

> Did not see that comming, but well... I posted a pretty solid smallscale roaming build there. Maybe it's better it got removed to not draw any attention for nerfs.


Necro's have always gotten the shaft and have never been fully compensated; I mean its kinda the same with rev. You either play power-herald with shiro and glint or you don't play. These new mallyx changes destroyed him and he is now going to be something we talk about as running gag; I love nercomancer but I hate how they have been designed in this game which is why I don't have one anymore. I don't believe they fit the role they should and I don't feel there is enough occult/dark magic in the game, but this game is not designed for that. Its designed to be pretty and have all the effects all of the time, and frankly It kind of nettles me that they keep destroying things outside the meta. "Play how we want you to, don't play how you want! We know whats best." So the premise of playing how you want is gone outside of open world and now we have strict meta's that tons of the community try to enforce; And now A-net goes out of their way to basically crush anything that isn't that.


I haven't played in months and its sad because I LOVE tyria and alot of the stuff the lore has to offer, but right now it feels so bad to play because anything I haven't done is requiring me to play a way I don't desire to or a class I don't enjoy. Which is a turn off and regardless of the "QQ, get over it scrub" responses from the white knights who do come to put people who are unhappy down I keep trying to offer feedback.


TL'DR : I want the game to succeed and will continue to give feedback regardless of the white knights, But right now the game is in "Don't like it, don't play ." Mode which is not healthy for the game especially when its sold and supposedly based around player "Choice." Or the illusion of said choice...

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I'm going to paraphrase The Orville here:


"I make a habit of not apologizing. The right kind of people don't need an apology, and the wrong kind of people will take advantage of it."


Aydin Paladin has a pretty good video about this[ here,](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bxk10_GIFvA") but the short version is that you should never apologize when you've done nothing wrong.
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