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< Buff Mainhand Dagger > Thank You ( WvW sight of view )


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Hi there,


Playing Ele since Beta .. and the last balance patch was very good for ele.

Its the right direction! Thank You for that devs!


But you still forgot Mainhand Dagger !


Give Main hand dagger Air 1 its 300 Range back !! its a shame with 240 range... you NEVER hit anything!!!!

Buff main hand dagger air 2 to 300 range too - because we have to fight against Holos and holo have 300 range ++


Buff damage of main hand daggers skills by a little - Not much 10-15 % so it can compete with Sword !

Thank You

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It is nice for sure its still super hard to deal with ranged combat as a dagger ele. I wish they would at least buff the ranged attk skill on dagger MH to be true ranged attk and not traveler on the ground only. Or at least let these ranged attks travel up walls.


Water 1 at least needs to go up walls as well as Earth 1 needs to be on a 900 ranged if its going to stay a single target.


The big thing is dagger ele needs less being one shot by ranged attk. Maybe adding in a real block on earth 2 and water 3.

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Scepter needs a block more than dagger. Ele has two blinds on the same weapon, and they're both slotted as skill 3.


It's like the devs ran out of ideas and said, just give em another blind. Earth 3 would be more appropriate for defense. Something similar to mesmer's Scepter block, but Ele instead gains barrier upon activation.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> We already have schocking aura, anti-proj, soft cc, leaps/evades ... in one hand; it's fine. It's more a balance of damage / condition, than effects.


When you getting changed cc by a zerg aura tranmuation gets in the way and no amount of leaps of evasion will help you. Lowest hp / def in the game still lowest hp / def in the game.

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I think the only thing I'd change is aa speed for air and earth. Should be 1/2s like fire and water aa. Maybe increase range of earth aa too since it's single target and doesn't do too much damage. Also ring of earth feels unintuitive for blocking missiles. No tooltip or visual cue. Other than that I think the weapon is fine. AA damage should not be on par with sword since it has longer range.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > We already have schocking aura, anti-proj, soft cc, leaps/evades ... in one hand; it's fine. It's more a balance of damage / condition, than effects.


> When you getting changed cc by a zerg aura tranmuation gets in the way and no amount of leaps of evasion will help you. Lowest hp / def in the game still lowest hp / def in the game.


You have focus earth #4 or #5, You have arcane shield. I mean what the point ? I find dagger mh already very versatile, may be even more with weaver with the mud slide, grinding stones ... I see an use for all skills, and if you want to survive a zerg : focus, arcane shield, mistform, lightning flash, twist of fate, or just don't go frontline with elem.

The only QoL/buff/rework I would like would be Earthen rush, increase the spike radius or leave a line of spikes; earth #2, a reflect, shorter animation, air #1; unnerf the range.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > We already have schocking aura, anti-proj, soft cc, leaps/evades ... in one hand; it's fine. It's more a balance of damage / condition, than effects.

> >

> > When you getting changed cc by a zerg aura tranmuation gets in the way and no amount of leaps of evasion will help you. Lowest hp / def in the game still lowest hp / def in the game.


> You have focus earth #4 or #5, You have arcane shield. I mean what the point ? I find dagger mh already very versatile, may be even more with weaver with the mud slide, grinding stones ... I see an use for all skills, and if you want to survive a zerg : focus, arcane shield, mistform, lightning flash, twist of fate, or just don't go frontline with elem.

> The only QoL/buff/rework I would like would be Earthen rush, increase the spike radius or leave a line of spikes; earth #2, a reflect, shorter animation, air #1; unnerf the range.


But you have to run foces to get that and well because of just how locked in placse ele is in combat its not that helpfully. Arcain shield sadly is not enofe and mist form is more harm then good as a stun brake. Lighting flash is not a stun brake and is effected by line effects and twist of fate is weaver only.


Tempest and core ele need something more then what they have to stay in melee on main hand dagger.


At the very least the dash attks on main hand dagger should brake roots / soft cc like other classes leap and leap like effects.

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