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Not the Pirate Ship Meta again..


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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > @Sagramor.7395 said:

> > Too lazy to find the anet post from the AMA right now, but reading between the lines (maybe not so much) they really screwed up regarding the shade mechanic and what it's capable of at large scale.

> >

> > Edit:

> >

> > _Sorry – it is NOT intended that stacking multiple shades compounds their effects. We’re going to make changes while keeping a close eye on the power of the Scourge across game modes and adjust it over time accordingly. Frankly, the Sand Shades were one of the most controversial (and dangerous!) mechanics we added with the Path of Fire Elite Specs_.


> What does that means? Do they meant multiple shades from the same person? Or mutiple shades from different person?


There been back and forth about it, but the jist is that multiple shades aren't supposed to overlap damage per tick (aka, they are supposed to share a single damage tick). This is a fundamental problem in the Engine's design that apparently takes a bespoke solution for every skill thats supposed to have a single threaded damage tick, but comes off multi-threaded hit detection. So in theory, each shade belonging to a player is supposed to be part of the same hit detection thread- and should only damage tick once if a target is standing in the overlap of all 5 shades at the same time. But due to the bug/error, each is coming off as their own damage thread.


The closest example that most people remember is the Guardian symbol bug from the Specialization update, where Symbolic Avenger was stacking multiple times, resulting in +10% damage for EVERY SYMBOL on the enemy. By design, its only supposed to apply +10% ONCE, if it detects the enemy standing in a symbol the guardian owns. But there was a break in the ownership check, and apparently no check for exclusion purposes.... allowing the trait to be triggered multiple times per damage thread.

Before they fixed it; I bared witness to a Tequatl fight where the first phase was done in less then 20 seconds by a swarm of Hammer Guardians. Single damage ticks were in the 6 digits on the later phases due to the damage multiplier in the burn phase.


Its extremely important to note this mechanical order, because of a similar fringe case with Explosive turrets from Engie, where detonation of Supply Drop's 3 Turrets all have knock back, but fire in the exact same tick. The problem is the engine has to determine which direction to knock the player back, but has 3 conflicting directions with no inherent order to prioritize an outcome. To resolve it, they either have to prioritize which turret to set the vector for the blowback, use a different algorithm if a conflict is found (like amalgamate/average vector), or ignore the conflict and use an easier to determine vector in its place (detect front or back vector facing of the player, and blow back the target toward the opposite side aligned to their current Y rotational angle. Incidentally, this is the same method they use to detect flanking for certain traits and effects.).


A similar cap was applied to Slick Shoes, to ensure that the multiple fields it dropped would only trigger knock down once per target across the whole group of fields. Without that, it was theoretically possible to stun lock/stab strip every enemy in a small area, by moving back and forth so an enemy gets caught in multiple fields. Because the field lingers, it makes hit checks every tick and applies knockdown..... so with multiple fields under a target, they'd be instantly knocked down after standing up or stun breaking until those fields expired. With the new check in place, an enemy knocked down by the skill is flagged with immunity from future hits until the skill's effect/thread expires. Applied to Shades: it means if a player is struck by a shade's damage or effect, they are immune to other hits from that (player owned) group of shades if they occur in the same tick and/or effect thread. Hence why the tool tip says "Targets affected by this ability can only be affected once per cast/pulse". But because that limiting rule is broken, each target can be hit by all 3 shades + the necro for a total of 4 hits (thus 4 stacks of the effect) when those skills are used.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> I don't know about you guys. But me personally, I like pirate ship META. It's soo fun and fast. :trollface:

> https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/879750336747363276/17FA97A4EDF231D24F9F3A72F1D644DFFF07A8A6/


> Pirate ship META is love, Pirate ship META is life! :trollface:


If anyone bothers to push.. otherwise it's 30 mins of bombing empty space between zergs.

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > Speaking of 1v2, what about the warrior? I saw one swag-jumping in our faces across the tower and nobody managed to kill him (smaller scale fight) just a few days ago

> Well duh... spellbreaker is on the same level as scourge, if not worse. I have no idea what Anet was thinking putting full counter on 6s cd traited. Other classes with that kind of OP skill have them on 40-50s cd - and they will probably do half of what full counter does.


Yes...We are on the same level as condi/aoe spammers that do damage to people they dont even know they were there,great fucking comparison.



Why do some people randomly complain about "This one guy that ran bla bla and no one could kill them !" Ever stop to think that some people might actually know what theyre doing instead of crying on the forum to nerf this and that ?

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> @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > > @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > > Speaking of 1v2, what about the warrior? I saw one swag-jumping in our faces across the tower and nobody managed to kill him (smaller scale fight) just a few days ago

> > Well duh... spellbreaker is on the same level as scourge, if not worse. I have no idea what Anet was thinking putting full counter on 6s cd traited. Other classes with that kind of OP skill have them on 40-50s cd - and they will probably do half of what full counter does.


> Yes...We are on the same level as condi/aoe spammers that do damage to people they dont even know they were there,great kitten comparison.



> Why do some people randomly complain about "This one guy that ran bla bla and no one could kill them !" Ever stop to think that some people might actually know what theyre doing instead of crying on the forum to nerf this and that ?


then why do people complain about scourge that deals aoe damage when that is their role in wvw?

You can't deny that spellbreakers are only getting better and better in 1v1, 1v2, 1v3 fights in wvw. The truth is, he was not only running "bla bla" and nobody could kill him, he could kill people who ran to duel him as well. Spellbreakers are op in wvw roaming and needs nerf.

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