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Target priority


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Always swap target to who is kiting away from the FB the furthest. This puts pressure under the FB's ass to chase the weak link player around and cycle through his CDs faster to keep the player alive. Once you see the FB cycle through his important CDs, swap target to FB and take him down.


And never be stupid enough to engage that comp in a mid fight if you already know your team is going to lose. Rotate around it and play other 2 nodes if that is the case. That comp you mentioned would be slow as all hell and easy to play around.

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Yea I'd also argue you should just play sides (either 2 far 3 close or vice versa - depending on where the 5th enemy is and how fast they are counter react and rotating around), then they are forced to rotate somewhere and like 99% of the time it's like the burn dh then pushes far and 1scourge+fb go back to close but they probably take longer to get there than it takes for your team to get both points so you can probably kill at least the guard in an outnumbered fight, enabling you to snowball in a 3v5 on the map, take full control and bash the fb-carried scourges in a 3v5 as well.


Nobody in your team would want to be in the same place as the double scourge + fb tbh, always outrotate them and stick together really well to help each other escape if someone gets caught. Never commit to such a fight and always pay attention to not get steamrolled when they come out of spam together.

This would also apply to close and far, not just mid. Just take the 2 points where they are not atm since they are probably rotating together as well and you are forced to leave.


As a sidenote: 2 scourges with 1 firebrand often split up and the fb rotates between them (unless the fb only cares for one scourge because they duo Q or the other one isn't worth the effort or something), so also pay attention to how they roam, maybe you can gank the fb while he's solo roaming to the other scourge or something like that.

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