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Making Turrets semi-viable again


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> @"Baltzenger.2467" said:

> To fix turrets:

> - make them have a considerable amount of HP and damage reduction (should never be one shotted)

> - make them have a defiance bar, If broken it takes a while to start functioning again

> - make it so you can only can have 1 active turret at a time, if traited you get a second one.

> - if destroyed, it should have a very long cooldown, making repairing them part of the gameplay. Care for your turret, keep it alive.

> - picking it up should have a longer cast time, should make it only a few seconds to reposition them, and turrets should maintain their current hp when placed again, picking them up should be for repositioning only.

> - Turrets should be oriented towards a "tower defense" style of gameplay, so no detonation, and they shouldn't be used just for the overload (this would severily nerf the best healing skill we current have, but its a good trade off if we get meaningful improvements on turrets that open viable new builds)

> - with only one turret at a time, the effects of turrets should be improved around each style: healing turret should react to the presense of conditions and release a cleansing mist, with an internal cd. Rifle turret should release a barrage with an ICD, flame turret a smoke cloud when the engi is cced within its range with an ICD, and so on, for each turret the "overcharge" should be part of its AI and be triggered by conditions that could be managed by being within the range of the turret.

> - Turret elite should obviously be changed, it could be various things, from dropping a more volatile version of other turrets, an omni turret that explodes after a while, a portal like turret (inspired by TF 2), and the tool belt should be about repairing turrets instead of the player.


Really great ideas. Not a fan of the 1 active turret, but you are spot on with the actual intelligent AI and an omni turret sounds pretty cool.


I dreamt last night about a trait that gave you an inventor's healing turret that gives alacrity instead of vigor for experimental turrets, to let you use your overcharge skills faster if they were ever returned. Utility goggles that use a flat unstoppable precision boost that instead stacks with fury since enemies shouldn't be able to take off your goggles. And an elite laser turret that targets multiple enemies at once or something and shoots out variously colored lasers each applying a different condition, red for bleeding, orange for burning, green for poison, etc.

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Another note - Using the current turrets in HoT or PoF PvE scenarios shows how they are currently only scaled for core tyria maps. They perform significantly worse in new areas and often get one or two shotted by some regular enemies, lol, so say nothing of the damage side of things. Something particularly jarring: the inquest turrets at sandswept isle at anniogel encampment, despite being named after base engineer turrets (rifle, thumper, etc.) can be critically hit, but take no conditions. Your turrets DO take conditions. Is it okay to have a double standard on the philosophy behind decisions like that? Further drives home the idea that these skills are outdated and forgotten.


Edit: this is universally true in tyria as well. For some reason I believed they would've made a comprehensive nerf but it really was just to delete the skills.

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