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NA WvW is in freefall


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I don't see how you can have "11 Million Strong..." Unless that's 10 million 900,000 players in China.....Seriously.....What's the actual physical body count, because that red, orange, yellow and green don't mean squat to me. As actual base server, Jade Quarry was HUGE in population, and I believe they still are. It's just that....there's no North American PRESENCE in WvW anymore.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I don't see how you can have "11 Million Strong..." Unless that's 10 million 900,000 players in China.....Seriously.....What's the actual physical body count, because that red, orange, yellow and green don't mean squat to me. As actual base server, Jade Quarry was HUGE in population, and I believe they still are. It's just that....there's no North American PRESENCE in WvW anymore.


we took our talents to china with the golden god. too much QQ in NA.

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> All this players say they quit game. Those people are just burnout. They will come back again trust me i seen it all. give it a month or 2 or 3. They will come back again


Outside of some outliers like warclaw introduction I can't even remember when we had 4 maps queued at reset. Indisputable fact is that even with world linking, wvw pop is lower than it used it be before links became necessary. Maybe some people come back, but most don't.

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> @"Visiroth.5914" said:

> > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > All this players say they quit game. Those people are just burnout. They will come back again trust me i seen it all. give it a month or 2 or 3. They will come back again


> Outside of some outliers like warclaw introduction I can't even remember when we had 4 maps queued at reset. Indisputable fact is that even with world linking, wvw pop is lower than it used it be before links became necessary. Maybe some people come back, but most don't.


It is hard to come back once you stop playing. You just feel dirty inside for some reason.

That is why I think alliances came too late..people that leave rarely come back for long

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> @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Dinas Dragonbane.2978" said:

> > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > Been playing and commanding since launch of the game. Do you think anyone in their right mind give any kitten about PPT and overall, flipping towers/keeps?

> > > >

> > > > WvW is massive PVP aka large scale player vs player. People who care about the game mode are here to fight enemies, not slap gates all day long and call it a GG if they climb a tier.

> > > So then.... was the game more popular when the majority of the wvw community's focus was on ppt, or nowadays when people say it's all about fights?

> > >

> >

> > it was more popular when it mattered - by having tournaments.


> Tournaments will never be held again because of match manipulation, burnout from overplay, and poor rewards.


> Even now, the lack of reward makes the game mode stale. I understand why they won't make great rewards, but they ought to, since PvE and PVP offer much greater incentives to play.


ANet's given reason for not doing Tournaments is player burnout. That could easily be avoided by having smaller, more intelligently organized Tournaments. For example, A Tournament could consist of seven one-day matches held across seven weeks, Round One on Saturday, Round Two on Sunday etc etc. Or every Saturday or whatever. Or there could be a single week tournament, 7 days. Hard to burn out in a week. Endless possible combinations could be tried. They could vary each time so as to spread any possible burnout.


One person's Match Manipulation is another person's strategic planning. I thought the alliances and team-ups in the Tournaments were one of it's strengths, not one of its problems. This kind of strategic planning, co-operation and potential treachery is inherant in a tripartite competitive format. It should be the norm, not the exception.


As for rewards, harldy anything in GW2 ever gives any rewards worth having so I find that a moot point.

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I've taken a few breaks over the years, each being 1 - 3 months. My most recent break was a little over a month and I came back about... 2 weeks ago, roughly?


After only a month of being away, I noticed a _significant_ difference in activity. And when I left we were in T3, when I came back we were in T1, yet it felt like T4 most hours I was on.


There are still times in the day ( obviously differing depending on where you live ) that there's high activity but, those time frames are getting more and more narrow.


People have been saying WvW is dying and acting like the sky is falling for years. Being one of those people that plays for hours and hours a day, I never felt that way. I knew every server had prime times and times of day where activity was at least moderate. I knew certain guilds and commanders had a significant impact on their respective communities and that discussions within servers could lead to sandbagging giving a false impression of a servers population.

But since I've come back... For the first time I'm feeling like I agree that WvW is in "free fall." I don't know what can be done but, ANet needs to do something like yesterday. You can only say "soon" so many times until people stop believing. I still enjoy the game, and I'm not as bothered by ANet's failure to deliver on their promises as many seem to be, but how will I continue to play if everyone else leaves? GW2 won't even keep players like myself who are easy to please if we don't have anyone to fight.

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A lot of dedicated players moved away from the format/game with the release of mounts.


People can kick and scream about how much they want to ride their cats and the huge surge of people who came into the mode when it launched (due to the free mount skin, not anything relevant to the mode itself), but one of the primary reasons why WvW populations have been in decline has been broken combat dynamics such as the elite specs, and mounts just dialed it to 11.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> > > Time for the population update.

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/tn1fsem.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> > Nothing to see here..

> >

> > Move along..

> >

> >


> Brutal.


> ANET and BG love it though. They think they are winning. Lol.


I know we may disagree on this but that level of pop decline isn’t all on BG.


Look at EU as well: they have 5 tiers, so 15 host servers.. they have only 12 non medium servers there as well.


The part I just can’t fathom is that they have (had) a rabid fan base for this mode.... People love the mode. It doesn’t mean people don’t have issues with it, (population balance being a huge one) but even with that.....


Just give us 5% of the love.., we’d be happy..

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Dunno what you guys are talking about, the population is finally spreading out, we have 15 servers on even terms now, just need the other 9 to get on board.



I suppose they're even in a way, body count wise.

But say, nsp having it's blob logon at 3am while mag and yb both logoff around midnight still makes for an unbalanced match. Less people is exacerbating coverage issues if anything.

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Unfortunately I personally think we've passed the tipping point now, it would take something so radical we'd all think it was actual magic to restore the WvW player base. For Anet to deliver on such a change would require apparently massive shifts in mindset and culture. The only events I can think of that would inspire an action so drastic are a new CEO coming in who actually sees the value in WvW or Anet being sold to a company that similarly sees the value in WvW.


Based on their track record there is a vanishingly small chance that Anet will all of a sudden have a eureka moment regarding WvW and do something about it.


It's sad but the likelihood is that even if they invest a ton of effort into alliances and class balance and rewards (and all the other things we've been asking for, in some cases literally screaming for it until blue in the face) it's too late.


A lack of commitment to the game mode, a lack of understanding (of both the game mode and the players that enjoy it) and a general neglect have all led us to this point. In my mind Anet simply do not understand or know how to run a WvW game. If they announced GW3 tomorrow and it was 100% WvW I wouldn't play it, they can't be trusted to develop and run these kind of games. I guess that's ok, everyone should play to their strengths and have a niche they fit in comfortably - for Anet that niche is not PvP or WvW, it's PvE in the format of a living world with episodic updates.


The only thing that has stopped the game mode hemorrhaging players faster (and the only reason that I personally still play at all) is the fact that there's no good alternatives out there (unless you like spaceships). If another good WvW game was available all of the borderlands would be ghost towns 24/7 and not just 22/6.75. There's another game in development (you all know of that which I speak!) and there must be a 1000+ ex-GW2 WvW nerds sitting on their discord server every day 'actively waiting' for that game to come out and there's nothing to play yet! The market is there.


That's what makes this whole fiasco so frustrating - there was a great initial product (pre-HoT WvW was pretty good), there is a really passionate player base just waiting to throw their money at this kind of product, and Anet basically pooped the bed on it. They could have cornered the market and been "the" WvW game for a decade if anyone sat at the decision making table had even half a clue about WvW. It's difficult to say for sure whether that's an accidental ommission because they never had the knowledge and understanding - or if it was a deliberate choice based on metrics we can't see or personal preferences of their execs or what - I'm choosing to believe it was accidental based on ignorance.


I wish they'd have sacrificed just one episode of living story per year, just one episode, and spent that time and money on WvW instead. It wouldn't have taken much, but investing next to nothing at all was always going to kill it.

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Blackgate recruited heavily from Europe. When they recruit they still recruit Europeans. Even though it's considered North America...the few recorded conversations that Sau gave me, showed a base that couldn't even talk to each other, due to the extreme differences in language barriers. About 1/2 spoke English...the other 1/2 spoke whatever native language they had, and knew very few English words.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Dunno what you guys are talking about, the population is finally spreading out, we have 15 servers on even terms now, just need the other 9 to get on board.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/HemFiOr.jpg "")






The ultimate balance.

Cant complain about unbalance when there is no one playing in the first place.

Well expect BG who will remain full even when everyone else is medium..

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the game will die off sooner than later without those expansion-like features. Too late for wvw regardless of alliances coming or not. I don't think ANET employs anyone that ever really had anything to originally do with wvw anymore...hence the lack of being able to fix a mode they no longer understand.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> BG killed WvW a long time ago.



While there are many things, this is probably one of the biggest items. Not BG itself (as BG is the result of the actual issue being mentioned), however the bandwagoning to BG that was caused by the players. Nothing like having a hockey team with 11 players on one side of the ice (by players choice who moved from the other team) and leaving the 1 goalie on the opposite end by himself. Nothing fun or balanced about that.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> A lot of dedicated players moved away from the format/game with the release of mounts.


> People can kick and scream about how much they want to ride their cats and the huge surge of people who came into the mode when it launched (due to the free mount skin, not anything relevant to the mode itself), but one of the primary reasons why WvW populations have been in decline has been broken combat dynamics such as the elite specs, and mounts just dialed it to 11.


WvW was dying before they added Mounts. If anything Mounts made WvW more populated now

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Mounts killed roaming and raised the ceiling for noobs to enter wvw.


Gliding was added as content but noone wanted it as it did the same thing mounts did.


Instead of people meeting open field and fighting, everyone flees.


Fleeing from fights means no content.


No updates means no content.


And so far everything anet has done has driven the veteran players away because lack of content.


24+ guilds have quit since end of may.


Get the themed word here?


Content. There is none. As soon as the fights die on reset everyone logs off. No fights? Noone logs on. Its simple.

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