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New player frustrated by the UI

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > One of the design goals of gw2 was to remove ui costumisation because they wanted people to play the game not the ui.

> >

> > That's a joke, right? How does customizing a game UI so that it distracts you less and provides you with more comfort _while_ you are playing the game, so that you can focus better _on_ the game, _keep_ you from playing the game? :s Logic?

> >


> Because 99% of the time players don't actually know what's good for them. A properly designed, standardized user interface allows the developers to make certain assumptions about every player's experience which they can design around, instead of trying to accomodate every single niche configuration that someone might have put their UI into. Apple is a pretty good case study on this, specifically the development of iPhone.


Never heard of that case study myself but that sounds more like generic Apple trying to force people designs they think is good but generally isn't because they know their usual consumers will still buy them.


General UI customisation is a common thing in most online games, and even on general games that focus on single player. UI clutter tends to kill the visual experience especially for games that focus on their visual aspects so UI customisation is always considered when making a game.

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > One of the design goals of gw2 was to remove ui costumisation because they wanted people to play the game not the ui.

> >

> > That's a joke, right? How does customizing a game UI so that it distracts you less and provides you with more comfort _while_ you are playing the game, so that you can focus better _on_ the game, _keep_ you from playing the game? :s Logic?

> >


> Because 99% of the time players don't actually know what's good for them. A properly designed, standardized user interface allows the developers to make certain assumptions about every player's experience which they can design around, instead of trying to accomodate every single niche configuration that someone might have put their UI into. Apple is a pretty good case study on this, specifically the development of iPhone.


and why havent anet done this? and the UI is so bad?

hey even the FF XIV on Console has way more and better options.


and you compare a smartphone ui with a MMO game interface? wth

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > One of the design goals of gw2 was to remove ui costumisation because they wanted people to play the game not the ui.

> > >

> > > That's a joke, right? How does customizing a game UI so that it distracts you less and provides you with more comfort _while_ you are playing the game, so that you can focus better _on_ the game, _keep_ you from playing the game? :s Logic?

> > >

> >

> > Because 99% of the time players don't actually know what's good for them. A properly designed, standardized user interface allows the developers to make certain assumptions about every player's experience which they can design around, instead of trying to accomodate every single niche configuration that someone might have put their UI into. Apple is a pretty good case study on this, specifically the development of iPhone.


> So its good for me to not be able to tailor my ui to look how i want it? Weid, the biggest mmos im familiar with all either have built in or support addons that allow you for deep costumisation. Giving one unchangeable preset for everyone instead of offering options and choices to everyone is just bad.


Yes that's what I'm saying. It seems counter intuitive and relies on the design of the UI actually being good. The Apple example is a great scenario - the iPhone demonstrated that a touch screen interface really was the right next step for hand held interaction. They dragged everyone else kicking and screaming into the modern UX era. With GW2, having a standardised interface with few allowable add ons keeps every player more or less in lock step. The developers can make mechanical changes to the game and UI without fear of breaking everybody's third party add ons.

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I get why they have the damage numbers but I have always preferred by damage numbers in a chat window and not on screen (just my preference.) I just want to enjoy the game and make it as immersive as possible and I toggle back and fourth between UI off and UI on. It's just my preference when questing alone. I'm really happy with the game though. I just really wish he had a few more options with the UI, that's all.


P.S- Thanks for the tips about the higher resolution. I'm hoping to get a higher resolution monitor soon so I'll give it a shot. Thanks :)

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  • 11 months later...

The only reason I haven't been playing this game is the ui, the button flash style alongside the hitting a key twice does a different thing ruins it for me. My brain can't figure out if the skill has been pushed or not, I know a cast bar is active as it flashes, but the ui looks so weak because it is trying to be stylish that I just got frustrated. I prefer clean and usable over stylized and not adjustable. I re downloaded because I heard of dynamic hud, thinking that maybe the ui is able to be customized now, was disappointed again. I'll try again if I hear any good news. :(

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > > One of the design goals of gw2 was to remove ui costumisation because they wanted people to play the game not the ui.

> > > >

> > > > That's a joke, right? How does customizing a game UI so that it distracts you less and provides you with more comfort _while_ you are playing the game, so that you can focus better _on_ the game, _keep_ you from playing the game? :s Logic?

> > > >

> > >

> > > Because 99% of the time players don't actually know what's good for them. A properly designed, standardized user interface allows the developers to make certain assumptions about every player's experience which they can design around, instead of trying to accomodate every single niche configuration that someone might have put their UI into. Apple is a pretty good case study on this, specifically the development of iPhone.

> >

> > So its good for me to not be able to tailor my ui to look how i want it? Weid, the biggest mmos im familiar with all either have built in or support addons that allow you for deep costumisation. Giving one unchangeable preset for everyone instead of offering options and choices to everyone is just bad.


> Yes that's what I'm saying. It seems counter intuitive and relies on the design of the UI actually being good. The Apple example is a great scenario - the iPhone demonstrated that a touch screen interface really was the right next step for hand held interaction. They dragged everyone else kicking and screaming into the modern UX era. With GW2, having a standardised interface with few allowable add ons keeps every player more or less in lock step. The developers can make mechanical changes to the game and UI without fear of breaking everybody's third party add ons.


Lmfao why do you keep talking about Apple


It's not on the developer in any game with mods to worry about 3rd party add ons anyway, it this the creator of the add ons who will update their program.


Also what mechanical changes and changes to the UI are you talking about? There are none.


Telling a person that wanting more customisation options so they can enjoy their game experience is serious ????? material.

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> @"Eraser.9860" said:

> I am absolutely loving the game but I'm so frustrated with the inability to edit, disable parts of the UI. It's to distracting that it's close to ruining the game play for me. The huge XP numbers that pop up anytime you kill someone, the damage floaters and many other things just cloud of my screen. This is just my opinion and I get why they are there but come one, give us an option to edit and disable parts of the UI. ** I honestly would love to be able to play the game with "hide UI" enabled but with only health and a few other vital things available. ** Again this is just my preference and I respect everyone's opinion. Thanks!


You do know you can hide parts of the ui right? they even have presets you can choose.

Can't hide numbers, but you can get simple condition floaters, so a little less in the spam I guess.


![](https://i.imgur.com/gbyhE3X.jpg "")


I like how clean and well placed the ui is, I even used a mod of it when I was playing wow lol.


![](https://i.imgur.com/GR7KYfk.jpg "")




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I would pay to be able to customize the UI. That is one thing swtor did amazingly well. I think you can customize EVERYTHING. And it can be different for each character. With all the quickbars I can literally input an entire 42+ rotation. Or keep it simple. Or move it so healing things are grouped in one place by the raid frame, or dps by the target marker which got moved OUT of the way of mechanics I need to see while buffs I care about are enlarged.


I could go on and on. I only log into SWTOR a couple times a week now but each time I think "I wish GW2 had this."

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I Ctrl+Shift+h whenever I do a recording or screenshot whenever I'm beetle riding for full immersion for sure. XenesisII's post is right on the money for this:


> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Eraser.9860" said:

> > I am absolutely loving the game but I'm so frustrated with the inability to edit, disable parts of the UI. It's to distracting that it's close to ruining the game play for me. The huge XP numbers that pop up anytime you kill someone, the damage floaters and many other things just cloud of my screen. This is just my opinion and I get why they are there but come one, give us an option to edit and disable parts of the UI. ** I honestly would love to be able to play the game with "hide UI" enabled but with only health and a few other vital things available. ** Again this is just my preference and I respect everyone's opinion. Thanks!


> You do know you can hide parts of the ui right? they even have presets you can choose.

> Can't hide numbers, but you can get simple condition floaters, so a little less in the spam I guess.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/gbyhE3X.jpg "")


> I like how clean and well placed the ui is, I even used a mod of it when I was playing wow lol.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/GR7KYfk.jpg "")






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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Yeah one of my biggest gripes as well, its especially baffling when you go back to gw1 and you realise every bit of the ui there is costumisable. It makes you wonder if anet wanted to just make a pretty ui and they disregarded all the costumisation for the sake of said "pretty" ui.

> >

> > Having played and seen gw1 and ff14 i can say with certainty that the ui in gw2 is inferior is almost every way.

> >

> > Hopefully in their next game they will realise their fault in this instance and go for costumisation 1st then for looks (or allow addons to do that flor them).


> One of the design goals of gw2 was to remove ui costumisation because they wanted people to play the game not the ui.



Sorry...had to step in. Not "costumisation" it's "customization" (or "customisation" for the non-NA people in the room).



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