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advice for soloing crucible of eternity (story mode)

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i find waiting for LFG groups to take too long, so i've decided to solo them.


i've already soloed CoF (as a ranger), but it took like 45 minutes of me respawning and clearing out all the trash mobs. not until near the end did i realize i could skip some trash mobs, which saved quite a bit of my time


im attacking crucible of eternity next, and i don't want to spend an hour killing unneccessary mobs. which mobs can i skip? which ones do i have to kill? is there any specific mechanic i should be aware of?

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> The laser room might prove to be a problem....

> Or it can be skipped? Can't recall.


> Edit: Sorry, didn't see mentioned story mode. Should have vids of players doing it, but faintly remember the last boss have a 1shot snipe attack.


I just posted this information on the reddit thread, but Ill post it here too. The snipe attack hurts, but isn't one shot. But the boss also doesn't regain health if you wipe. So worse comes to worse you can just keep wiping and running back to kill him.

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CoE story mode is easy for the most part. I did it on a couple classes. However there is a part where you will encounter several elites at the same time before the "toxic room", where you escort zojja and her golem through. These elites will stunlock you continuously, so bring some stab, and aoe with you and watch for corners to kite around. You're going to need it.


Explorable paths puts you on a dead stop when you reach the laser room. Theoretically you can duo the switches here. But for some reason it just doesnt de-active for some reason. Even if you do it within the timer. So you need 4 players here. Rest is solo'able.

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