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Soul beast ...Beastmode with feline skills need some love desperately


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I will flat out say *Imo* the feline skills while in beastmode are completely lackluster and utterly insulting these "Bite and Maul skills" for weak physical damage and even weaker condition damage with no CC or evades is straight up maddening I will acknowledge some of the felines *out of beast mode like lynx or tiger are worth while pets no doubt far as offense goes but when in beastmode their shiny glory fades into the abysmal.... I have tried to look around to see if anyone else made note of this rather then just making a 2nd thread regarding it but I didn't see it right off the bat so I'm going with it. Even In full zerker with 25 might stacks theses attacks aren't giving me much I could arguably get more damage running dual daggers with a smokescale merge. I would personally like to see some of these pets maybe tweaked some or maybe allow us some access to those famed special skills we wanted I would love to actually utilize the new cheetah pet in beast mode ..but naturally its archetype is crap at best 300 radius and ranged pull for minor damage and a short snare. Granted a lot of pet families are suffering from this treatment of general lack luster when it comes to beast mode drakes the boar family, moa family ect ect ...I dare make this exaggeration that the in general best pets for beastmode are still smokescale ...then we got rock gazelle ...not even counting its bugged damage non beastmode ..the jacaranda seems decent has some solid skills heal wise and maybe the devourer family for its CC and evade. The amount of pet families in beast mode that utterly suck vs the few that are actually decent imo is unacceptable I understand not every single pet is gona be great in beastmode but it flat out feels like a spit in the eye of soulbeasts ...my rant is over id like to gauge other peoples opinions on this issue I understand we aren't all going to agree on how to move forward but hopefully we can agree soulbeast needs some beast mode tweaks to move forward

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1) If you play full zerker Soulbeast, and expect to decent damage, you will be disappointed

2) Playing a power build and merging with a lynx, you shouldn't expect a condi pet to pull big damage numbers

3) Our pets didn't do THAT much damage to begin with some atm we are pretty much dealing MORE damage while merged (if you count out the bugged Gazelle), than if we keep our pet out.

4) For the first time since release I've actually used a boar and enjoyed it. I used my devourer for some nice utility. I've been using support pets because I now control their abilities and they scale of my stats. If anything, Soulbeast has actually created more space for build variety.

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The soulbeast traits and a few specific meld pets maybe have opened up some variety yes I wont deny that ..but are most of them viable? to an extent maybe if your cruising a lowbie zone killing off bandits or something that you can auto to death with dual daggers sure but for the number of pets we have now with PoF and when you take into account their pet meld viability with their skills and archetypes ..I dare say less then half are viable in anything other than open world PvE .....I high doubt anyone is getting in any raid dps slots using a boar for their beastmode the CC might be nice but that's literally it and even then it can still be better than what families like felines offer skills that do weak raw and condti damage offer no CC evade or defensive option what so ever but their utilizing a ferocity archetype ...but I can meld with a rock gazelle beast mode bambie get a CC some decent damage on its actual attack skill and still get that ferocity archetype that rock gazelle alone is literally better than both the new cheetah and sand lion in both beast mode and out of it not even counting the damage bug...You know a class is struggling when players are rolling the elite spec specifically to abuse a bug just to be semi worth while lol....And when rock gazelles bug gets fixed or its damage nerfed into the ground because we cant have nice things what pets are you gona pick when that happens lol you might as well use the same 2 pets that HoT crutched ..smokescale and bristleback might as well sit in pvp as a druid with those same pets running a menders amulet kiting around a damn capture point because we have went no where fast ... pls don't get me wrong I like my soulbeast I bought PoF specifically to play it and while the bugs have irritated me and I don't enjoy it as much as some of the other elite specs iv tried but it just doesn't feel like we got enough from it...if this was pvp forum everyone would be crying for their class to get buffs and to be obscenely broken and to nerf everything else that isn't what this is about imo some classes got the short end of the stick soulbeast isn't the only one renegade and weaver maybe firebrand also I'm talking about all game modes not just pvp or pve or wvw if the thing only shines in open world content where half the players afk spamming auto attacks that isn't progress.

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Very true there are countless issues with most of the beast skills via several pet families some being bugs others just being lack luster maybe if we get enough people to make note of this in 1 of these threads anet ...might get bored enough to do something about it ...ermm unlikely but atleast we can still complain to our hearts content

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> @Luciferior.4802 said:

> Very true there are countless issues with most of the beast skills via several pet families some being bugs others just being lack luster maybe if we get enough people to make note of this in 1 of these threads anet ...might get bored enough to do something about it ...ermm unlikely but atleast we can still complain to our hearts content


Like the clunky avatar mechanic or underwhelming spirits? I don't think they will change the pets unless there are 1-2 pets you can use :disappointed:

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> @Ackzar.9156 said:

> 1) If you play full zerker Soulbeast, and expect to decent damage, you will be disappointed


What context are you talking about? With a full stack of might I've hit 25k with Worldly Impact. Maybe Power isn't gonna be raid-meta, but it never really is. I can't think of another place in the game where a full Zerker, Sic 'Em rotation is anything less than "decent".


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> @Syreas.8403 said:

> > @Ackzar.9156 said:

> > 1) If you play full zerker Soulbeast, and expect to decent damage, you will be disappointed


> What context are you talking about? With a full stack of might I've hit 25k with Worldly Impact. Maybe Power isn't gonna be raid-meta, but it never really is. I can't think of another place in the game where a full Zerker, Sic 'Em rotation is anything less than "decent".



Wow, 25k world impact. My guardian does more with a trap. And it doesn't involve a 40 sec cd with a 30 sec cd o top of that other cd.


Plenty of raid meta power builds. Power dragonhunter, power holosmith, power mesmer, power staff daredevil. Power weaver/tempest.

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"Plenty of raid meta power builds. Power dragonhunter, power holosmith, power mesmer, power staff daredevil. Power weaver/tempest" Yes I didn't see power ranger or power soulbeast even though raid metas in general are not why I started this thread I understand not every power spec is going to be raid worthy but some of these pet families and archetypes are barely open world content worthy which imo is the big issue here if someone can roll lynx meld with a condti spec beastmode and be in a raid with it that's fine have at it but personally I'm not dying to roll condition or an alt just progress in the game a bit I realize there are limits to certain effectiveness compared to other class specs but ill use this as an example "Wow, 25k world impact. My guardian does more with a trap. And it doesn't involve a 40 sec cd with a 30 sec cd o top of that other cd." I wont even hold back my honesty in this regard your statement regarding DH while maybe truthful comes off spoiled as shit take into account that elite spec from HoT that was literally released years ago which has been 1 of the most face rolled elite specs in pvp that most would agree requires minimal effort to learn or play note I'm referring to DH not guardian specifically and the fact that Dh a dated elite spec which people feared in the beginning was going to suck and turned out to be decent is still at this time outshining a brand new elite spec soulbeast which was utterly portrayed as an offensive spec unlike rangers previous one druid which seemed to excel at defensive stalling Is the exact proof that soulbeast needs to be looked at in terms of beastmode I understand no magic wand will come to super power soulbeast ..but anet surely can unfuck some of these worthless pet families and their beastmode skills and maybe ..just maybe allow rangers to pick a specific pet and choose which archetype to use on it instead of having it preselected rending true variety unobtainable....

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I like the drake skills though, if you run condition with traps and use Reef drake in beast mode you can set traps, pull enemies in, and then tail swipe for finisher, then get out of beast mode and your drake will tail swipe again. It is a very fun combo. But as far as felines, what makes them good is the vulnerability they stack with auto attacks, just aren't too good in soul beast but that is ok because they are amazing outside of soul beast. I think jaguar and cheetah were just randomly picked to get those "versatile" buffs though, as you need each type per family apparently.

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