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Champion 'none'-scaling destroys effectivness/ fun of Event

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As title says...


Compared to the previoius events, Champion rush is a full let down and frustrating to keep doing because of the terrible scaling. Because of the low HP, keeping the timers is essential to get marks and be there before the champs even spawn.


Old center tyria champs have nearly no scaling to raise their HP. With the "rush", there is no chance to tag/do enough dmg if 20 people are faster than you. Or when your loadingscreen hates you. Especially Fsg champs can be burnt down in 20 seconds with 5 people only.


Also toxicity between 'solo players' and squads are rising. Most Tyrian Champs are not hard to solo and feel more like doing veterans. Exceptions are the bandid champs on lower level maps.

Sidenote: On top, there are serious issues with (semi)-afk-autoattack minion necros, stacking on top of each other and farm Broodmother. And there is nothing you can do about it. I know its prohabited but those who are semi laugh at people saying anet will do nothing about it anyway and keep going on with selfishly killing the champs with autocasting. Most people are annoyed but don't even bother reporting cuz you can hardly target the players in the stack of minions.

example: ![](https://www.dropbox.com/s/gmmtdq27wolw6aa/afkNecro.jpg?dl=0 "")


When you plan/do a champ train with a squad, a few 'solo players' attacking with 2-3 people without telling champ is up/killed. It can destroy the whole 'fun' but i guess that's something that can happen since teamplay is an option. For a "community event" its not helping that people start to argue instead of teaming up.


With the Rush, most champions have already 50% HP down before scaling even can apply for the first 10 people because everyone knows how fast they die and rather just attack than wait, it doesn't help extending the killing at all for others to do catch up, leaving like 40 of 50 player without a mark. The irritating thing is, that champs on lower level maps like Kessex scale better, yet I feel they still die too fast.


The major issue with the squads is the fail scaling of events. A full squad doing coil event on Fgs spawns once a handfull of champs while the whole event goes on. The next time doing the event with the same squad will only spawn elites and veterans. (I remember anet has done some adjustment to the scaling, hence why the old champ trains kinda died out)

There are lots of rumors like do you need 70+ or 100 people for champ scaling the events OR that it only works once for every player on the map (with a long CD?) Others say its best to jump maps, every time doing the event to repeat spawning champs with a squad.


Right now people try figure out, how to get an effective farming going because 5 champmarks are a lot for 1 box, if you need like aprox. 20-30 minutes to kill a full champ map rotation. (all other events rewarded you with more boxes in less time). Also not everyone gets a mark from the scaled event champions either, regardless if you done enough dmg. I'd say its 1 out of 3 will leave you empty handed. Even if you still get "gold" in participation of a champ, it doesn't means you get a mark.


Anyway, this champ farm event would be more enjoyable, if the scaling issue for old champs and event scaling would be adressed.

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yup not fun i tried fgs and trying to follow tag just wp continuously to get nothing is really tedious i got 20 marks yesterday in all going to other maps and looking for champs and that was it for me, the trouble i find is where are the champions when do they spawn and some champs dont even count, just awful and frustrating and if u join a train u may not get a mark either, i find it very hard to justify even doing it doesn't feel fun and it feels far from rewarding, i don't believe there is any effective way to do this as who knows when and where the champions spawn and if they will spawn. Nothing in lfg champion farm suppose to be community based but where's the community on this and doing this cause i'm not seeing it. I can understand the few that solo champs because with the train ur lucky if u get a touch that's frustrating and annoying in fact the whole event is frustrating and annoying i cant state it enough, i'm not rushing to a champ spending silver to wp endless times to not even touch it and get no mark anyways, awful, just a waste of time. so ye i totally agree about the scaling, it encourages ppl to solo as well so the train can't complain just the way it is.


i will go kessex hills again but pretty boring, this should be trains of ppl multiple maps like an adventure but its not :(


i prefer champ spawns as in stampede as an example least u know which map and where ur going, ye we got a list of champs but who knows.



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Even farming champs before this event, if there were enough people the champ would be dead before you got there, even if it's just a quick tele to wp. Except now more people are incentivized to farm easier targets and it's getting frustrating - but it still isn't that much worse than normal. Try checking for champs yourself instead of just waiting for a WP called out, you'll get in on a lot more that way.


Be glad it's not the other way around. I was in Kessex right after the event started and the scaling was off the charts. Executioners took forever to die and spammed so much AOE almost the whole screen was lit red. The chaos was kinda fun tbh, but there were so many people at one point we even scaled the toxic spider to invulnerability.

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