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I feel particularly bad for Guild Wars 2 Devs / ArenaNet

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > > Anet was always under company rule since the day ncsoft bought them.

> > >

> > > Which is literally before GW1 even came out.

> > >

> > > NCsoft is a boogieman people invoke to absolve Anet of poor decision making

> > >

> > > Guild Wars is not City of Heroes

> >

> > ANet didn't decide to sack and move people around mid development of certain things to start failed projects. It was NCSoft, who were trying to be Blizzard with stuff like MxM when they know they can't compete.

> >

> > Calling NCSoft a boogieman is far too much of a compliment when they themselves killed off GW2's development by killing their resources.


> No, but as many above have stated before and as Anet will tell you over and over that while being a subsidiary of NC they are/were autonomous. Instead of using that power and their resources to iron out the flaws and imbalances in gw2, instead of revitalising all modes(dungeons included) and by extension making gw2 an experience that encouraged current players to bring their friends to come and play and in turn keeps the new blood hooked and playing too - the sort of thing that gives you the creative and financial security to THEN pursue new ventures, they did none of that and wasted what trust and leeway they had with NC.


> As the person quoted above said NC soft is portrayed as a bogeyman. It's not true though. They're a holding company. They're truly in it to make money. They're more than willing to help you help them make more money- to a point. Again, as per ANet's insistance, they didn't come in and change the company culture at all. All they've ever done is give ANet(or any other studio) the freedom to fly or to hang themselves. When the latter turned out to be the case for ANet that's when the letters stating that layoffs would have to be made came in.


> Nobody's pretending NC soft has ever been a touchy-feely company. And yes, we all know what happened with City of Heroes. Or we should. So knowing this history and continuing to allow their flagship product to wither on the vine, setting there with their thumbs well-placed, pretending the money would never run out until their staff had to be gutted? Whose fault was that again?


> Why do people continue to treat ANet as victims here when they're living in a hell of their own making?


Because ANet never had this much of an issue in the early stages of their company until NCSoft had full control of their overall production and funding. Yes, ANet themselves are not perfect, no one is claiming they are perfect, but ever since NCSoft had full control over production and resource with different studios such as Cryptic Studios and E & G and so on, a lot of the games that were published under NCSoft failed because NCSoft themselves terribly managed the studios under their banner.


Tabula Rasa alone literally lasted only 2 years because of the terrible management which was all done by NCSoft to the point that Richard Garriott was terminated without much of his knowledge and actually won his case against NCSoft for $28mil. And of course, the terrible handling of City of Heroes further showed NCSoft's lack of management behind the scenes which led to both Cryptic Studios being taken in by Marvel (a good move by Cryptic) and their Paragon Studio being litigated because they knew they handled the situation terribly despite the game's genuine popularity and large community.


Arena Net have made a number of mistakes in the past which we can understand as being their own genuine mistakes, but overlooking the fact that NCSoft are the ones who hold reigns over production cost, resources and management means people would be ignoring the fact that this situation that we are seeing with GW2 as of right now is something very similar to that of the other games that were under NCSoft, and we know that certain games that are in the same situation as GW2 right now ultimately closed down due to NCSoft, not because of the development studio behind them. Guild Wars 2 is lucky enough as the game is currently well established and the game has very small chance of closing down especially since the prequel game is still running to this date (even if it's just maintenance mode), however, other games under NCSoft were not so lucky as they ultimately met closure, with some games not even lasting long enough due to NCSoft's terrible handling.


> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > > Anet was always under company rule since the day ncsoft bought them.

> > >

> > > Which is literally before GW1 even came out.

> > >

> > > NCsoft is a boogieman people invoke to absolve Anet of poor decision making

> > >

> > > Guild Wars is not City of Heroes

> >

> > ANet didn't decide to sack and move people around mid development of certain things to start failed projects. It was NCSoft, who were trying to be Blizzard with stuff like MxM when they know they can't compete.


> Do you have a single fact to back that up?



Same as above, maybe not MxM, but games like Tabula Rasa is proof enough that NCSoft holds most of the control. They literally sacked the creator of Tabula Rasa without his prior knowledge and Richard won his case against NCSoft because of this.

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