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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > I like being thrilled and wait for the new features that are yet to come. Not just log in and "_Oh, cooking 500, cool_". I hope you get what I mean,

> > While you personally may like the wait and the hype for a big content drop(so do I), I think we saw yesterday that this community on the whole is simply not mature enough to deal with the difference between their personal fantasy of the future and reality.


> What did we find yesterday is that for next 6 months or so we will have 10 hours of new content, this is our future and reality. Its not personal fantasy but personal nightmare.

> At the end is not about new content and how much it is, but Anet was dishonest with us paying customers with words like "refocused on GW2" or "expansion like content".

> Anet, tell us frankly, GW2 is in maintenance mode, we will release some content whenever we feel so, we have better things to do.


It's funny because I get far more than 10 hours of content for each and every living world release. Quite a bit more actually.

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