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What are people doing in PoF?

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What is taking up your time in the expansion? It's only been about 3 weeks and I already find myself just doing the same monotonous stuff I did in HoT.

Everything leading up to this point was great but there's no real reason to continue doing bounties or events after you get the rewards from them.

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Still exploring and working on getting alts through the story. Usually mission or two per day, since dailies take up most of my limited gaming time. Ran around with a couple of bounty trains, but other than that I've left bounties untouched since I can't solo them.


Haven't even started on collections or achievements.

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Even my main is still on Act 2 (just starting). Have all the maps done except 6 hearts in Vabbi. All my toons have at least been as far as Vabbi (mostly for the ascended weapon collections). All I ever really see people doing are bounty trains and collections.

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I finished that content in less then a week. We decided to go for the new guildhall: Windswept Haven. So we claimed that as a 4 man squad. That's where my focus is atm. A brand new hall building it from the ground up with just 4 people. Looking forward to our finished form of our kingdom <3

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I've played through the story on one character, and now bringing alts through, and trying to work on story achievements as I go. Also doing map completions on main, and some on alts (compulsive mapper here). Working on achievements, which I think will take a while given the large number. I find achievements fun and frustrating, but I like doing them since it gives me some goals to chase. (compulsive achiever as well) Our guild claimed the new guild hall, and some are now working on redecorating.


I've just started joining in the bounty groups. Thanks to folks for tagging up and leading the way!


I've mostly been trying to find the little stories in the maps. I like the way item drops can lead you to an NPC who isn't marked as a mission, but then offers a task. It feels like finding little secrets in the maps. There's plenty to explore, though it's been hard just to stop and look around without getting attacked - the critters and monsters definitely keep everyone busy.


Overall, i've very much enjoyed this expansion. The maps are as beautiful as ever, maybe the best in my opinion, and the story was fun to play. As a GW player, I have really liked seeing some lore from that time.

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I'm doing what I've always been doing in this game: explore maps, play story on whichever character I feel like (got the first 2 through to the end of the story this weekend, and have a few more at various places of act 1), or just aimlessly walk around and see what I can find. My main druid has completed story as well as 3/5 maps and is currently getting lost in Desolation. I expect to keep having fun with these maps for a long time.

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For me, there are loads of things to do ahead!

When I got the expansion, I had a deal with myself: "Do NOT hurry at things. Keep stuff to do for long enough". I had the bad experience with one of the living stories, to have all done after 2 days only. And then I was left alone with nothing. I hated that and it was a clear "Never again" agreed with myself.

So, since then, I take it easy and slowly at new stuff.

Elona is a good example: As of today (not limited to), I have no Griffon, I have not finished storyline (at step Enemy of my enemy), I have completed only one area (Crystal Desert). I have not yet explored everywhere, I have not yet checked on all the existing achievements in storyline and in each of the areas, and so on... The only thing I have progressed is that all my mounts have rank 3 and the raptor rank 4, with still two mastery points reserve. But all in all, for me, there are still a tons of things to come/do and I am very happy about it.

At the top of it, to do things later than others allow to have most bugs fixed and benefit from other player's experience. That's very pleasant. That's great.


To be honest, I have zero instinct for competition and don't care at all that others go faster. All in all, my slow way does match with my laziness and have the big advantage to keep me busy a long long time. :3

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The only thing I've been returning to PoF for is to do the Casino Blitz for the Pinata if I happen to see it's up in the LFG. The event itself is quite boring, and the fps with a squad doing it is worse than at any world boss, but it's a apparently a slim slim chance of dropping an insanely high value infusion (hence the sudden popularity of that event). Normally I wouldn't do a boring event just to try and get a reward, but apparently this thing is worth thousands, so I'm making an exception for a bit lol.


Other than that I haven't gone back to anywhere in PoF for over a week. Got griffon, done story, maxed masteries, got most spare masteries from achieves, and that's about it. I don't really play alts enough to need to take them to PoF, so have no desire to redo it on alts.


I'm not bothered about the rest of the achievements or collections, and after doing all bounties in all maps at least once the novelty of them has worn off.


So I've been back doing stuff I enjoyed pre PoF. Which is mainly the HoT map metas, occasional world bosses like TT etc, LS maps and Silverwastes (for the metas/event chains, not farming). The PoF maps for me still don't have any fun events to draw me back to them. The "meta" at the end of Vabbi I've done a few times, as with the thing in The Desolation, but neither seemed that great to me.


Don't get me wrong, I still think PoF was great value for money in terms of what we got. I'm just saying for me personally I've no longer got a reason to go back to them till (hopefully) more events/bosses/metas are added that I might enjoy.

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I completed each map and the story in progression. Took my time and had a great time with it. Took about 1.5 weeks as I didn't want to rush through it like I did with HoT. Now I am working on the Griffon mount as well as other types of play to get more masteries. I have seen some people comment here and there "now what" or "bored". I haven't reached a point in boredom at all in this game. I started story on another toon and just work on other achievements here and there. I find it hard to believe that this soon into the release that somee has done EVERYTHING but then again, I could be wrong.

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What I did in HoT maps: wait for a meta map timer to reset, put up an LFG for it, steamroll the map with 50 people for ~1.5h. Do some boss event.


Yes I probably "rushed" PoF and I really enjoyed the madness! :) Finished all maps and the story. What I now do in PoF maps is not very different: go to a map and either form a ~10 player bounty squad for ~1h or go to Desolation/Vabbi and try to get the events there going. The only difference from HoT is that they are not connected and don't involve the whole map. Yes, they feel less epic but at the same time you are not bound to a map reset timer where you need to finish stuff IRL before or after certain times in the evening.


And I honestly don't understand the loot craze you hear in almost every discussion after in-game events or elsewhere. It's also only ~2 weeks, so nobody really knows 100% what loot there is. The choya pinata madness started only days ago, before that nobody even bothered to put the casino blitz on LFG.


I also do the events just for fun. I don't really care for the loot. Apart from the immediate loot you can make a lot of gold with the unidentified stuff on the new maps and the trade chests and to some point with crafting. I feel even a lot more than HoT maps.


I'm probably crazy, but I also kinda love the Highlands treasure hunt. Yes, speeding around with the griffon digging up "crap loot".


Most also seem to forget they are not meant to completely replace everything. There are loads of other lvl 80 maps. No need to stay in the crystal desert every evening.

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DYING! Mobs are way to close together and there is no need for a vet every 2 ft!! Its nuts. Cant enjoy the effort they put into the maps as you aggro from like 12 inches and then there are 4 thousand mobs, just silly. I get making it a bit tougher but this is silly.


yea, gotta add. you SHOULD NOT IN ANY WAY be aggroing mobs from half way across the map. just sad.


And ANET.....my ranged weapon (SB,renegade) should be powerful enough to kill mobs but instead it just pisses em off, like the harpy spellbreakers...really?!)

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I got my Jackal within the first 24 hours, completed the story mode within a few more days, started and then fully unlocked the griffon about half a week ago, and then I set out to fully max the elite specs on my alts. Right now I'm at about 5.5 out of 9? After that's done, I've still got some collections/sidequests to clear up, and might run the story a few more times. Now, once I've done all the "one time" things? I don't know. Bounties don't interest me. I think I'll be fine through LWs4 though.

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I take my time (not like in HoT). So I am now in Vabbi with story, did some map completion and working on the mounts and some mastery points. Not really much else. When I am done I take a second character through it etc. There isn't really much to do nor any endgame unfortunately. The maps look and feel great though. I am happy there are so many other games be cause without them I would have been finished with most things within two weeks. The expansion really feels a bit on the lower end and I wonder where 'it's everything about content' remains.

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To be honest, the biggest lure for me was to unlock the raptor and gather enough hero points so i can play the new elite specs. I find the PoF maps, although gorgeous and very interesting to look at, to be full of trash mobs with huge agro ranges that kind of ruin exploring the area for me. I have been spending more and more time in Tyria knocking out world completion there.

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I am mapping with my other characters now. I have act 1 and mastery level 3 on the first 4 mounts. If I do acts 2 and 3 I would feel I would have to go for a fully mastered griffon. I also do not want to go for mastery level 4 because I leaned in LS3 that I should save some points for the season masteries.


I do not even rush through content but I am pretty much done to what I call done. I wish POF had been more replayable so it is not a matter of small stuff like 'get map completion' and such.


edit: I also did not do any elites. I am waiting for the balance patch to see if any are worth investing time into.

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Nothing. I went back to HoT, SW and CS a week ago and never looked back. :D The mounts are nice, the story was great and the maps were fun to explore (once). I'm not an achievement hunter type so I maxed my PoF masteries then left because Bounties are underwhelming and there are no fun/rewarding events to do. Still worth the $30 price for the mounts & story so whatever. Add a few fun map-wide metas with rewards similar to AB, then I'll go back to the desert.

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