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Solo PVE = No Raids, No Dungeons and No Fractals???

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Hey everyone. I've been playing since the initial release of GW1 and I absolutely love all the GW releases... but I do wonder if I'm alone in something??


I only play a couple of nights a week (yeah, I have a Job, a family and a Life - yeah, I'm old too!) so I tend to find myself in PVE on my own pretty much all the time despite being a member of 4 Guilds.


GW1 allowed me to build a party of 8 characters which meant I could get access to all areas of the game, including UW, FoW and DoA.

In Gw2, to get into a Raid you need a party of 10, 8 for a dungeon and 5 for Fractals. In 7 years of playing GW2 I've never been in a Raid because the Groups want very specific builds and definitely don't want 'Raid Noobs'. I've only been in 2 Dungeons because they're generally dead areas now and Fractals - people only want the dailies.


Can we do something to fix this? These are massive areas of the game which I just cannot get in to because I basically don't play enough! I've completed all the maps and done all the stories but feel I'm missing out on a huge amount of inaccessible content.


Maybe add random NPC's if you're going in solo? Scale the difficulty/rewards? ..or maybe ArenaNet could have a training squad to help out players who want to 'not be Noobs'??


I'll stop rambling now. lol

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> @"Garathorn the Brave.3162" said:

> @"Mewcifer.5198" - In GW1 there was a Guild search function too! lol Would love to join a guild to learn but never found one that wasn't restricted to experienced Raid'ers


Have you tried posting in the Fractals, Dungeons, and Raids category on the forum looking for a training guild/discord?

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> @"Garathorn the Brave.3162" said:

> get stuck at the first Boss as it's not possible to do enough DPS on your own to get past it.

The dungeons don't have time limit to kill boss. No matter that dps you have if you solo it. You can do it in any time long. Also if oyou want do it faster try learn new rotations, and take new biulds.


> but it's also very empty as people tend to congregate either at new content areas or RIBA these days.

for example we try go dungeons ONLY whit guild members. I think we not only one who do like this. Find guild.



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Hahahaha... Just had a dig around the DFR forum group on here and it would seem I am not alone by a long shot. Some posts on there have been LFG for months without success for exactly the same reasons. Lots of Guilds looking for Raid team members but they all want experienced Raid players with very specific builds.


Maybe I'll have to create my own Guild for Noob DFR runs. Lol

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Raids are difficult to get into when you don't want to join guilds. But you pretty easy find a dungeongrousp- most ppl don't care about your level/experience(as long they don't request it) since it doesn't really matter. Fractals are easy to get into too, but outside of achievements and dailies this is even less frequented than dungeons- so just join a T1 dailygroup(or when you've got enough agonyrestistance a rec-group listed on t4) to get started. You don't need to have the levels unlocked to play with them in higher fractals as long a teammember has done it.

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> @"Garathorn the Brave.3162" said:

> In Gw2, to get into a Raid you need a party of 10, 8 for a dungeon and 5 for Fractals. In 7 years of playing GW2 I've never been in a Raid because the Groups want very specific builds and definitely don't want 'Raid Noobs'. I've only been in 2 Dungeons because they're generally dead areas now and Fractals - people only want the dailies.

Both Dungeons and Fractals only require a party of 5 players. And even that is just a recommendation. Most of the story dungeons can be done with 3+ players, same goes for Fractals of T1 & T2.


Raids are not a huge part of the game. You can easily run dungeons and low-tier fractals (T1 & T2) with regular PVE builds, even if they under-perform compared to the meta. Just make sure you are running them with like-minded people, preferably guildmembers who rather enjoy relaxed & fun runs instead of speed-runs. There are several guilds with such a point of view and their number keeps rising. Our community is aging, a lot of players have a busy real life, a demanding job. That does not mean we are all old people now, but there is a market for stress-less gameplay, which many guilds support today.


Those guilds are usually the ones which advertise with: social, family, home-time, chilled, relaxed. They are not lazy, but they understood that there are more important things in life than finishing Fractal Dailies in record time. Many of them also advertise with RL > all. Been in a couple of those over the years. It works, you get your dungeons and fractal runs and maybe even find some company for other PVE activities such as mapping, gathering or those Jumping Puzzles. Some of them manage to get even teams for T4 fractals. The only thing those guilds usually skip, raiding. Too restrictive, too stressful.


Good places to find such guilds:

- Looking for Guild (forums)

- Looking for Guild (Reddit)

- Mapchat of Cities and active maps (e. g. maps with dungeons or the maps with daily events/bounties)



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> @"Garathorn the Brave.3162" said:

> Hahahaha... Just had a dig around the DFR forum group on here and it would seem I am not alone by a long shot. Some posts on there have been LFG for months without success for exactly the same reasons. Lots of Guilds looking for Raid team members but they all want experienced Raid players with very specific builds.


> Maybe I'll have to create my own Guild for Noob DFR runs. Lol


Because there is no reason to LFG/LFM for inexperienced players. It's simple really:


- the **competent inexperienced** players will find their ways to trainind discords and training guilds via basic knowledge of how to gather information

- the **incompetent inexperienced** players will not, but you don't want those to begin with


It's almost like natural selection at the very initial stage before you even enter the content.


As far as dungeons, the LFG is emptier than before, but they are still being run. It's a lot easier to run with guild mates and fill up (which almost always happens within maximum 5 minutes). It's just not the primary run content. Sometimes it takes some self innitiative to start a group, which many people are unwilling to do, hence why the LFG is often empty but groups fill up fast.

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