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Idea for content.. Lore/ how to add new items to store


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Im 2-3 months in the game and have to say i love it, not sure how i missed it or overlooked it. One thing i have noticed is lack of lore. What I mean is that I see a Charr using a hammer on a submarine, but i have no clue about the Charr, or the submarine, or when and how they discovered it, or if they did, etc.... So let me try to break this down Barney style and hopefully i make some sense.


The content idea isnt necessarily about large scale things such as the overall history, it would be more about the small things. So for example, a story or side story could be added to show the Charr, represented in a different time. It would show the discovery of the submarine, why they needed it, or how they discovered it. How gunpowder came to fit in the GW realm, or how tanks and special metals discovered to build them. I realize this could potentially put them in a time that is not conducive with the main story line, so would likely just be quick short stories or flashbacks.


Heres an example of a handful of chapters:

1) 1st submarine built

2) 1st airship built

3) 1st contact with another race

4) 1st human settlement

5) 1st Sylvari sniper regiment

1) 1st Norn belching contest


It wouldn't necessarily be those, but along those lines. I think they should cost maybe 50-100 gems each, something like that. So you go up to the Charr historian vendor, you pick what you want, and blamo... If you do all the history lessons, you get a cool skin set, and it would be from the time you visited.


I honestly think this could be a good model for introducing many new items to the game, rather than just add them to the store. It gets stale sometimes when you browse the store. So you could see the first beer made from the Norn, and you get a beer node added to your home instance, or a belching emote.


Anyway, its an idea, would or could be something different. It could also cheapen the game if they do it wrong, just way too much going on wouldnt necessarily be good. But I think if they added a segment, something small, it would work.



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This relates one of the most beautiful things about Guild Wars 2, in my opinion: It's ability to tell you stories through the world, as long as you're paying attention.


Most of the questions can be answered in four words: "war with the Charr". See, Charr technology, particularly in metallurgy, production, mechanical weaponry, and clockwork gearing systems, has advanced dramatically in their efforts to overpower Human magics, defenses, and construction (taught in part by the Dwarves, and supported and reinforced by their new Asura allies, after the events of Guild Wars 1) without reliance on Flame Legion "tricks". A good amount of that is actually explored in Ebonhawke and the Fields of Ruin (again, particularly if you are a Charr), as well as wandering around the Black Citadel. The First Sylvari Sniper regiment is in fact the Pale Reavers, who form during the events of All or Nothing (due to Sylvari resistances to Zhaitan's corruption), but the idea of sniper rifles and dedicated units wielding them offensively, are explored throughout the Fields of Ruin and other Charr territories, particularly related to Ash Legion events and missions regarding the neighboring Ogres. The "First Contact" scenario has many different perspectives, but if we're going by the Humans... their first contact with native species was to drive the Charr out of (some of) their hunting grounds; and until then the Charr didn't consider any species to be intelligent, so no diplomatic contact was ever made. Regards to the "first submarine", we can see it. Up in Charr territory, if you hang around it long enough, a series of Events will spawn around it, filling in much of its story and inspiration, as you listen to its creator talk about it. As for the "why", that comes up in the Personal Story, if you play as a Charr of the Iron Legion. In short: because nobody else built one.


Orr answers several other questions here. We see for ourselves the first airships being built in the lead-ups to Fort Trinity under Trahearne, inspired by the Battle of Claw Island and the Risen air superiority (though the first inklings we hear of that are, once again, from the Charr, in their constant battles against encroaching Harpies). Likewise, we know that Arah was indeed the "first Human settlement" (on Tyria), just as Orr was the "first country". We have visited the specific place where the Gods were said to have touched down, bringing the Humans with them to Tyria.


I have no idea when the first Norn belching contest occurred, but I'm certain it was extremely early in Norn history... possibly immediately after their discovery of alcohol and brewing.


Not to say this isn't a good idea, it very much is. Deeper explorations into these stories could be very interesting indeed!

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Main living story should be for everyone but stories or comics based around extra lore regarding it could be a good gem store idea. Not sure how many people would buy into it but it wouldn't be a bad idea for Anet to test the idea out. That could in turn make the LS episodes more about content and less about story as well which I think is something a lot of people would enjoy given how the past weekend has gone.

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Appreciate the tale, im almost done with the main story at this point, playing as human. the leveling process, i tried to move slow, and the pace is pretty good though to pick up most of it. However i think that with so much information being thrown your way, breaking it down would help a bit.


I would like to see the Norn story about the "Great Avalanche" caused....


I think 5-10 bucks per race to tell a series of stories and get some "souvenirs" would be a nice addition.

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