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Guessing scourge nerf of cast times on shroud skills


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After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.


Idk just my thoughts on it.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.


> Idk just my thoughts on it.




Are u crazy man?????????????


Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!


All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!


The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O

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> @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.

> >

> > Idk just my thoughts on it.


> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


> Are u crazy man?????????????


> Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!


> All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!


> The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O


I hope you are trolling but past experience on the forums have me worried.

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Well that would be a nerf that is a bit to proper to happen at this point of PoF. Don't get me wrong, I thik that would be an excellent start as a nerf but history say that Anet like to tune done things that are not directly related to the issue before doing the right thing.


So I'd guess the really bad changes:

- Putting an ICD on effect that proc on shroud 1 use. A change à la _chilling darkness_, a good way to gutt things.


- Change the way traits that apply to shroud 1 apply so that they only apply once par cast not each time the shades are "stimulated".


- Longer CD on _nefarious favor_ (8 seconds) and _sand cascade_ (10 seconds) alongside with a more expensive cost in LF. Feel like something they will do.


- _Path of corruption_, reduce number of boon corrupted to 1. (This one feel to be a given)


- Reduce dagger auto LF gain (They will certainly feel like we got to much LF to spend and this nerf would solve nothing, that's why it's a great possibility)


- Oh! someone said that power scourge was better than power reaper, _death perception_ now only affect shroud skills.


Now to balance things with some meaningless buff and give some hope to power reapers:

- reduce _chilling nova_ ICD to 6 seconds.


- _Reaper onslaught_ now improve attack speed by 20% instead of 15%


- _spitful talisman_ now improve damage by 7% instead of 5%


- Improve all shouts base damages by 5%

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> @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.

> >

> > Idk just my thoughts on it.


> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


> Are u crazy man?????????????


> Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!


> All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!


> The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O


I'm going to assume that you are not trolling, but in case you were not aware, there are incoming nerfs for the Scourge. One of the Devs said in the most recent AMA that the Scourge was currently over performing both offensively and defensively, and that they would be taking a look at it.

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:


> I'm going to assume that you are not trolling, but in case you were not aware, there are incoming nerfs for the Scourge. One of the Devs said in the most recent AMA that the Scourge was currently over performing both offensively and defensively, and that they would be taking a look at it.


So delete the Scourge of the game that the work they had, highlight here and I have to say to ANet that it was exceptional, but it will serve for nothing in his case since no one else will play, and I have countless better classes and more defined functions, pity that wanted to play with the necro!

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> @Justine.6351 said:


> I hope you are trolling but past experience on the forums have me worried.


Now excuse me, but troll for me is to play 5h just with a class and already come to a nerf conclusion !!


Please comment on your main class and let anyone who plays necro comment on it please!!

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Scourge is completely fine from where I stand.


The only thing that actually needs a nerf is the burst-capability of fire condi. This affects people's perceptions of Scourge whereas the issue itself is not even really related to scourge in particular, but just one of the things it does. Scourge itself could actually stand to get a slight buff, maybe in taking the number of targets back to where it was during the beta. Seeing as they have already confirmed that they'll be nerfing fire condi: nerfing scourge directly as well will result in it going from near the top of the strength curve to near the bottom.


This is coming from an ashes-spam firebrand.

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> @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > @Fatalyz.7168 said:


> > I'm going to assume that you are not trolling, but in case you were not aware, there are incoming nerfs for the Scourge. One of the Devs said in the most recent AMA that the Scourge was currently over performing both offensively and defensively, and that they would be taking a look at it.


> So delete the Scourge of the game that the work they had, highlight here and I have to say to ANet that it was exceptional, but it will serve for nothing in his case since no one else will play, and I have countless better classes and more defined functions, pity that wanted to play with the necro!


Scourge is currently bugged and doing more damage than it should, due to said bug. That bug is going to be fixed, which will nerf Scourge. There will most likely be other nerfs to it as well, because it is over performing, in all areas.

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:


> Scourge is currently bugged and doing more damage than it should, due to said bug. That bug is going to be fixed, which will nerf Scourge. There will most likely be other nerfs to it as well, because it is over performing, in all areas.


Okay, so let's change class.

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> @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > @Fatalyz.7168 said:


> > Scourge is currently bugged and doing more damage than it should, due to said bug. That bug is going to be fixed, which will nerf Scourge. There will most likely be other nerfs to it as well, because it is over performing, in all areas.


> Okay, so let's change class.


You go right ahead. I will keep on playing necro as I have since launch. Even with the bug-fixing and incoming nerfs, Scourge is still going to be a great spec and in a really good spot. If being in a good spot isn't good enough for you, then you are on your own.

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> @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.

> >

> > Idk just my thoughts on it.


> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


> Are u crazy man?????????????


> Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!


> All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!


> The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O


Literally everyone says Scourge is as op as it gets. pvp is not fun anymore cause Scourges and Spellbreakers can 1v3. People literally ask for Scourges or Spellbreakers in lobby(no matter the tier) cause they are just so op. But yeah Scourge needs a buff... nice one mate.

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I only have one thing to say ... I spent unnecessary gold building my scourge full Trail !! It would have been a thousand times better to build any other class !! The current Necro is so slow that sleep play with it and with the likely nerfs that will come being "quoted" on reddit, I threw gold off !!

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> @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> I only have one thing to say ... I spent unnecessary gold building my scourge full Trail !! It would have been a thousand times better to build any other class !! The current Necro is so slow that sleep play with it and with the likely nerfs that will come being "quoted" on reddit, I threw gold off !!


And? What does that have to do with the OP's speculation that the nerf could be in the form of cast times on Shade skills? Nothing. If you need/want to vent about wasting gold because a build you wanted to play gets nerfed, please start a thread for that. Otherwise, this thread is about discussing a potential incoming nerf, that the OP believes could be in the form of cast times for the Shade skills.

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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> Scourge's only defense (which is rock bottom) is the ability to use his shade skills when cc'd due to instant cast times.

> Changing that is not a nerf, it's breaking the class.


Then they should make an effort to separate the offensive from the defensive on f2 and f5.


Does anyone actually believe it's legit balanced to be able to instant cast a 4sec cd both a pbaoe 180/300 radius 3/5 target AND a 180/300 radius 900 range 3/5 target skill that corrupts 2 boons (path of corruption) and converts 2 condi (rune of leadership cries) while also being capable of weaving in fear that causes torment that will probably interupt those foes allowing you to steal boons and health through sigil of absorbtion and draining? The scary part is you can still be casting other stuff.


If anyone wasn't aware, mesmer shatters do indeed have a global CD, if I had to guess it looks like 1/4 sec.

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One thing that came to mind after reading some of the comments was that maybe instead of cast times there would instead be a delay of 1 second after the animation starts, something like mesmer's temporal curtain. It would give people a chance to actually dodge and scourge could still cast while cc.


~~F2, 1/4 delay

F3, no delay

F4, 1sec delay

F5, no delay~~


Even trying to do that is hard,

F3 is fine as is

F5 has a barrier tied to it but also offensive Condi... How do you choose a delay for balance on that even...

F4 is actually one that can have a delay of maybe 3/4 to 1sec

F2 like F5 is mixed in important defense and offense. It should be dodgeable but also should be instant cast? Add 3/4sec delay to path of corruption trait?

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.

> > >

> > > Idk just my thoughts on it.

> >

> > hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

> >

> > Are u crazy man?????????????

> >

> > Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!

> >

> > All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!

> >

> > The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O


> Literally everyone says Scourge is as op as it gets. pvp is not fun anymore cause Scourges and Spellbreakers can 1v3. People literally ask for Scourges or Spellbreakers in lobby(no matter the tier) cause they are just so op. But yeah Scourge needs a buff... nice one mate.


This is why PvP (and WvW) and PvE balance needs to be handled separately. What's broken in one may be lackluster in the other. Also nerfing one to make it balanced there can trash the other. Also people should stop standing in red circles and expecting nothing to happen. That might also help.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.


> Idk just my thoughts on it.


Shades already have a 1/2 cast time to put out. It's idiots saying the shroud effects are instant without taking into account it takes 1/2 secs to set them up by spawning a shade.

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We know that shades are bugged and will be fixed

Anet stated in their ama they will be looking to change condition to be less bursty and more sustain

I see this as reducing the number of stacks and increasing the duration on conditions

however the condition burst from shades which i think is the big offender here already has 1 stack and a low duration.

I think the best way to change this would be to change the way the shades function a little

F1 the shades will now pulse their current effect once every 2 seconds (effected from dhumfire ect)

F2-F5 no longer cause shades to strike around their target instead just use the skill listed effect (no dhuumfire ect)

This change i think will make the burst of conditions much less while keeping the defensive effectiveness of the F2-5 still there.

think of this change like removing the torment cripple and traited burn from the F2-5 and shifting it to a pulsing field

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