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Can we get official Anet sponsored PvP again?


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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> Anyone saying balance is a show-stopper for eSports, frankly, doesn't have the capacity to think coherently.


> All the major eSports games, or games with active competitive scenes, have character/build choices that are considered "S" tier and others that are considered totally unusable. It doesn't prevent them from having thriving competitive scenes.


> "Balance" doesn't have to mean that literally every choice is 100% equal. It just has to mean that there is at least a selection of viable choices, so that not every game is a mirror. GW2 has that: Herald, FB/CoreG, SpB, SoulB, Holo/Scrapper, Thief/DD/DE, Scourge/Reaper, Mirage, Weaver, are all viable picks. Even Renegade can be played in Plat. Really the only specs that are totally unplayable are core Ele and Engi.


> Of course current balance is far from perfect, but its still way better in terms of options than the days of Hambows, CEle's, and bunker Druids and Chronos.


What are you talking about ? When people address the balance issue in the game, they don't demend equality for both teams , no matter the class, what they regard as imbalance is the issue with cheesy builds that get you massive kills and don't require you to think before pressing the button. That's bad by dafault. If you think otherwise, which is of course fine, means you lack knowledge of the current pvp scene . Many top-tier players complain about it. It useless to keep track of your buttons and the enemy's condition, becuase of the current situation where spamming wins.


And sorry , but I won't play those dumb builds just because they carry games, they are not fun for me. I'd like to build my style , and still be able to enjoy pvp without being smashed by 15 poisen or 33 bleed.


They need to address the current meta, and create a meta where games are not fought over who brings more cheesy builds, but who strategizes better.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> What? The meta hasnt been less complex/lowskill than this ever since bunker mes. Zero thinking is needed behind any rotation


I meant it more in the way that you can play every class right now and still be useful with it. There isnt a class that is insanely broken atm. But indeed, the current meta comp is lasting for ages and is boring as hell.

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> @"Ninestrings.2815" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > Anyone saying balance is a show-stopper for eSports, frankly, doesn't have the capacity to think coherently.

> >

> > All the major eSports games, or games with active competitive scenes, have character/build choices that are considered "S" tier and others that are considered totally unusable. It doesn't prevent them from having thriving competitive scenes.

> >

> > "Balance" doesn't have to mean that literally every choice is 100% equal. It just has to mean that there is at least a selection of viable choices, so that not every game is a mirror. GW2 has that: Herald, FB/CoreG, SpB, SoulB, Holo/Scrapper, Thief/DD/DE, Scourge/Reaper, Mirage, Weaver, are all viable picks. Even Renegade can be played in Plat. Really the only specs that are totally unplayable are core Ele and Engi.

> >

> > Of course current balance is far from perfect, but its still way better in terms of options than the days of Hambows, CEle's, and bunker Druids and Chronos.


> What are you talking about ? When people address the balance issue in the game, they don't demend equality for both teams , no matter the class, what they regard as imbalance is the issue with cheesy builds that get you massive kills and don't require you to think before pressing the button. That's bad by dafault. If you think otherwise, which is of course fine, means you lack knowledge of the current pvp scene . Many top-tier players complain about it. It useless to keep track of your buttons and the enemy's condition, becuase of the current situation where spamming wins.


> And sorry , but I won't play those dumb builds just because they carry games, they are not fun for me. I'd like to build my style , and still be able to enjoy pvp without being smashed by 15 poisen or 33 bleed.


> They need to address the current meta, and create a meta where games are not fought over who brings more cheesy builds, but who strategizes better.


What you're talking about is not "Balance"..... it is the "Meta". A bunker meta, a DPS meta, a condi meta, a power meta, a spam meta, a 1-shot meta, an attrition meta, all of them play and feel very differently, but regardless they can all be balanced (or imbalanced) in the sense that all classes can participate.


If when you use a word, and then when called out on it say "oh, I actually meant a different word" ....... then why did you open your mouth in the first place?

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Pcgamer voted GW2 as one of the best mmorpgs of 2019 for pvp. That site might not be the end all - be all. But if there's recognition like that, then obviously GW2 is doing something right.


Balance is still an issue... Even the article said that; but the game's combat system is fun and balance patches are toning down powercreep, which keeps things interesting

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+1 man, we've seen people taking it into their own hands to host tournaments daily on NA - even if someone like that could get sponsored and given gem codes to hand out for tournaments, much like how the old academy gaming tournaments were run - I think it would breath some life into PvP.


Shoutout to Ben I 100% agree with the OP

I'm pretty sure he had something to do with the new 2v2 map becoming more balanced for both teams.

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We can go on about "oh no true 100% balance", but no other game has had a clown show comparable to any of our past metas.

Even if we are slightly better now it's not consistent and could fall back into a terrabad clown show just from one patch to the next.

5v5 conquest fails to pull in new eyes with the visual noise no matter how good it's casted, making only smaller skirmisher games even slightly feasible for E-sports and A-net is only MAYBE going to give us a queue now off season? lol.

Top that off just a sample of our quality of players, last time there was real effort put in we had top players afk in spawn when losing; cuz that's fun to watch.


We have the combat system, but we lack the balance and the game type, and it's all stuff we've been saying for years and A-net either did nothing, or is just so incredibly slow while also being uncommunicative.

Our balance is a joke, and our players are worse when they mislead a-net complaining about things that don't actually cause high rated problems, under performing builds getting nerfed more and more.


No one is expecting true 100% balance, but there are basic standards that have to be met, and we have not met them.

when we were back around season 9? 10? 11? All we had to do was fix Condi mirage passive condi ramp, and holo, maybe touch up war, rev, and ranger then buff ele, and we'd have had really solid balance... But here we are now swinging in a different direction with some of the same problems not getting addressed.


I will always hold out hope, but frankly; All is vain.

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