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The Cataclysm and Orr


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When Zhaitan rose he brought the landmass of Orr back from under the sea. If you look at the Guild Wars 1 map, most of Orr was shards of land with sea in between. We do not know the borders between nations persay, aside from the Shiverpeaks separating Ascalon and Kryta. We know there are some ruins in sparkly swamp and blood tide, but I do not think we know if they are Krytan or Orrian. I would say that it is likely that the crystal desert and the Blazeridge Mountains separated Ascalon and Orr, as the Crystal Desert was far more tied to the Primeval Dynasty of Elona.

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The Cataclysm sunk most of Orr, focusing on the center. This is why there is coral all over Orr as, as said, Zhaitan rose Orr when it woke.


We don't know national borders but there are Orrian ruins on the coastline of the Tarnished Coast (Shards of Orr, now covered by The Grove) and Sparkfly Swamp (which also has Krytan ruins). So you can say that the border of the two nations reached and met in Sparkfly Swamp.


> @"Narcemus.1348" said:

> We know there are some ruins in sparkly swamp and blood tide, but I do not think we know if they are Krytan or Orrian.


Fort Cadence is Krytan as proven by Halloween quests. While there is an Orrian pillar about center Sparkfly.


> I would say that it is likely that the crystal desert and the Blazeridge Mountains separated Ascalon and Orr, as the Crystal Desert was far more tied to the Primeval Dynasty of Elona.


There are implied Ascalonian ruins in the Crystal Desert (the giant statues). But no implication of Orrian work.

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