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Best Ascended Power reaper food?

Julischka Bean.7491

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In zerg setting, you're gonna want the damage reduction food.


For solo reaper however? That all depends on the facets of your build. Personally i go for a -20% condition duration (because i use other -% condition duration traits which puts me at -100+% on certain conditions)


Some solo reapers i know use the -10% damage reduction food. And other other reapers i know for "Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew" Which provides you 40% endurance regen for more dodges.


There isn't much good documentation yet on all the different ascended foods. But more or less all the ascended foods have

1) A defensive mitigation based property

2) A major stat property

3) a minor stat property


so an ascended food would have


-10% damage reduction

100 Power

70 Precision


So if you want something that benefits you solo? Go for stats that you would need like Power+Ferocity+damage reduction ascended food...(Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak)

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The best foods for necromancer are pretty much the best foods for everyone. This is done irrespective of cost.




Organized Raids/Fractals: Cilantro lime Sous-Vide Steak

66% Life Steal

100 Power

70 Ferocity


For PVE purposes, you'll want anything with Cilantro, since that adds on the lifesteal. It's only about 325 damage + health per second, but it's better than all of the rest. In an organized group with frost spotter or fractal potions, you'll be nearing the crit cap, so go for the extra ferocity. If you're solo and are hitting the crit cap, also go for this food.


Unorganized PVE: Plate of Coq Au Vin with Salsa

66% Life Steal

100 Power

70 Precision


Go with this food if you aren't crit capped.


Condi Builds: Salsa-Topped Veggie Flatbread

66% Life Steal

100 Expertise

70 Condition Damage


This one follows the same logic as above, except for Condi builds.




This gets a bit more tricky, since the meta shifts. Some foods are chosen for specific build purposes, which changes their function. However, there are a few general notes: The type of herbs you use change the first effect of each food. It goes like this:


Cilantro: Lifesteal

Peppercorn: -10% incoming direct damage

Clove: -20% incoming condi duration

Sesame: Health Regen

Mint: Outgoing Healing


Which one you pick depends on your build:


If you have high precision and crit chance, go with Cilantro. That 325 life leech completely dwarfs Sesame's 85 health regen, and for any fight lasting longer than 6 seconds it beats out any reduction you'd gain from peppercorn. I'd recommend Coq Au Vin with Salsa again for power, and Salsa-Topped Veggie Flatbread for Condi.


If you don't have high precision, or have problems being beat ambushed/beat down, Peppercorn is a strong second. Particularly, Peppercorn-Spiced Coq Au Vin for power builds, and Peppercorn and Veggie Flatbread for Condi Builds.


If the meta is a condi meta and you don't have high precision, go with Clove. Particularly, Clove-spiced Coq Au Vin for power builds, and Clove and Veggie Flatbread for condi builds.


If you're running a healer, go with Mint. Now, mint is really complicated, since it depends on builds again. Personally, there are two really good options with Mint:


Plate of Clear Truffle and Mint Ravioli

+10% Healing

100 Vitality

70 Toughness


Mint Creme Brulee

+10% Healing

+100 Concentration

+70 Healing Power


Either full tank or full boons. Both are good.


Finally, there are two last plates that I would go with. These aren't for _me_ but for the zerg. Now, normally, the zerg should be grateful for whatever you put on their table. BUT, if you're running an unorganized zerg, there's a few options you can go with.


Plate of Clear Truffle and Sesame Ravioli

Health Regen

+100 Vitality

+70 Toughness


Spherified Sesame Oyster Soup:

Health Regen

+45 to All Attributes


I'm going to call these the Helmet foods. See, all of the other foods I mentioned above are conditional on competence. Those are what I would recommend to a decent player who roughly knows what they are doing. They all boost damage output, and they assume that you'll be doing damage. However, this isn't always the case. A lot of zerg combat is attrition, with waves of engagement then disengagement. Also, there are a lot of players in zergs who really don't know what they're doing, and can't be counted on to reliably do damage. This is where the Sesame Ravioli comes in. The regen is good for players who spend most of their time running away, standing out of range, or on siege. The extra health and toughness is always useful no matter the build. In a similar vein, the Oyster Soup boosting everything means it is at least somewhat helpful.




The best food for power reaper is Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak for fractals/raids, and Plate of Coq Au Vin with Salsa for overworld and WvW.



EDIT: Well, this is awkward. Apparently I've made a mistake. The life leeching foods don't leech every second, but every 2 seconds. PVE wise this changes nothing. But... in WvW this is quite significant.


I made the remark that cilantro would outpace peppercorn after 6 seconds. I didn't just pull this number from thin air. It is basically Health X 0.1 / 325. For a 19,000 health class, this comes to 5.8 seconds. This means that, while a 10% food gives you an effective health 10% higher (1900 more health) after 6 seconds of life leach you will have gained more than 1900 health. The 66% chance didn't factor in as much as the cooldown, since all of the multi-hitting attacks and pulsing fields means it'll proc pretty fast regardless.


This needs to be amended. Now, Cilantro will outpace peppercorn only after 12 seconds of combat. This... is quite a lot for a WvW engagement. While a lot of fights last longer than 6 seconds, there's a lot more that don't last longer than 12. This makes Peppercorn a much better option for WvW, no matter the build. This also makes Sesame less terrible by comparison.

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OMG....Blood Red Arachnid...you put so much work into this. It should be stickied somewhere.


Believe it or not, I have never tried to use Lifesteal. I will try this Coq Au Vin with Salsa ...can it be used by a Warrior or is just better with Necro/Reapers?


So very sorry I did not respond earlier...I was looking after my mom, and when I wasn't doing that I was playing the game.


JusticeRetroHunter..My warrior does like Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak :)


LucianDK-I always announce when and where I am putting down food. People swarm to it and it makes me happy I could help others. Yesterday in Rata Sum I had been discovering ascended recipes. When I was done for that session, I put them all out and watched as people came from everywhere.


Nimon-0I will do that. I watched Wooden Potato's video on quilt making and discovered there a couple of Sigils I did not know were in the game...so, yes, I will take a look at Nike's creation.


I will probably come away with more questions. I am not mathematical, so the math behind things elude me.


Thank you everyone!!!!!!




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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> OMG....Blood Red Arachnid...you put so much work into this. It should be stickied somewhere.


> Believe it or not, I have never tried to use Lifesteal. I will try this Coq Au Vin with Salsa ...can it be used by a Warrior or is just better with Necro/Reapers?


> So very sorry I did not respond earlier...I was looking after my mom, and when I wasn't doing that I was playing the game.


> JusticeRetroHunter..My warrior does like Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak :)


> LucianDK-I always announce when and where I am putting down food. People swarm to it and it makes me happy I could help others. Yesterday in Rata Sum I had been discovering ascended recipes. When I was done for that session, I put them all out and watched as people came from everywhere.


> Nimon-0I will do that. I watched Wooden Potato's video on quilt making and discovered there a couple of Sigils I did not know were in the game...so, yes, I will take a look at Nike's creation.


> I will probably come away with more questions. I am not mathematical, so the math behind things elude me.


> Thank you everyone!!!!!!





My advice is for every profession:


Coq Au Vin with Salsa should be used on any power build that does not have 100% chance to crit.

For builds and in places with 100% chance to crit (such as pre-made raid and fractal groups), go with the Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak.

Salsa-Topped Veggie Flatbread for all condi builds that do not have 100% condi duration. Which, to my knowledge, is all of them.

WvW is the only place where you'll have to start tailor-making the food for what you want to do.


I got all of this info for myself, actually. Sitting in my bank right now are rows of different kinds of ascended food, crafted so I won't have to google their effects later. After I grew my initial run of herbs, I went into a deep research spree to try and figure out what they do. More importantly, I went looking for what they could be good for. The above list is my conclusions.


The only arguing point from here is the price. For example, while Sesame is arguably the worst herb to go with, it is also the cheapest. At the time of writing this, a Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup is 43 silver, and the Soy-Sesame Sou-Vide Steak is 40 silver. That is a bargain deal, considering that the Sou-Vide Steak lasts twice as long, adds a several additional effects on top of doing the exact same thing, and feeds an entire crew. Sesame is found in the same places as Cilantro, so expect it to always be a cheap herb. The price is subject to change as time goes on, but for now expect to see plenty of Sesame plates floating on the ground.



EDIT: Well, this is awkward. Apparently I've made a mistake. The life leeching foods don't leech every second, but every 2 seconds. PVE wise this changes nothing. But... in WvW this is quite significant.


I made the remark that cilantro would outpace peppercorn after 6 seconds. I didn't just pull this number from thin air. It is basically Health X 0.1 / 325. For a 19,000 health class, this comes to 5.8 seconds. This means that, while a 10% food gives you an effective health 10% higher (1900 more health) after 6 seconds of life leach you will have gained more than 1900 health. The 66% chance didn't factor in as much as the cooldown, since all of the multi-hitting attacks and pulsing fields means it'll proc pretty fast regardless.


This needs to be amended. Now, Cilantro will outpace peppercorn only after 12 seconds of combat. This... is quite a lot for a WvW engagement. While a lot of fights last longer than 6 seconds, there's a lot more that don't last longer than 12. This makes Peppercorn a much better option for WvW, no matter the build. This also makes Sesame less terrible by comparison.

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