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Spoiler tagged this just to be safe, because I'm not sure if this has been discussed anywhere yet, OR if this means something at all. I ran a good handful of searches, but nothing really came up, so I apologize if this is beating a dead horse in any way! Not my intention, just curious and thought maybe other people would be interested. It's been a while since I was in Eir's home, and I don't recall having noticed this in the past, so maybe it's just a little tidbit I didn't know about for Season 4. ANYWAY--


I rolled a Guardian and was wandering up the hill towards Eir's house in Hoelbrak, and something white caught my eye on the edge of the camera. When I looked up, I was pretty shocked to find this:


![](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48716947201_c480db65e4_h.jpg "")



I was pretty surprised, and as I said before, came up with nothing on Google. Thought it was neat regardless. Anyone else seen this before?


Note: I did record a clip of what he was doing in the sky. He would continuously do this regardless of how long I stood there.



EDIT: Just finally found something after some backwards-arse sifting. Wasn't aware of Dragon Bash 2019, and from the one image I've found, that seems to be what it's related to. Thanks anyway!

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